Since Ying Changge had already asked the question sincerely, the assassin shook his head and sneered contemptuously, “Don’t even think about it!”
“No matter what you say! I will not let you succeed! You must die!” The assassin still resisted Leng.
He raised the sword in his hand, and stabbed at Ying Changge aggressively, intending to kill Ying Changge back.
Chapter 615 Standing Steadily!
It’s a pity that such an attack is useless. Ying Changge was on the defensive and resisted it all at once.
Ping-pong, the blades collided together, and Ying Changge, who was motionless, was still standing very firmly on the ground.
Immediately and swiftly thrust out a sword, the blade was so light, it directly seriously injured the opponent, and blood flowed.
Pa, the sword edge pierced the assassin’s chest, causing the opponent to scream in pain, very embarrassed.
Raising the sword in his hand, the assassin still planned to continue to resist, he held the hilt tightly.
Raising his arm with difficulty, the assassin held the sword and was about to stab hard at Ying Changge’s heart.
However, Ying Changge would not let him succeed, he calmly blocked the assassin’s sword.
The sword edge fell with force, cutting off the sword in the assassin’s hand, split it in two, and fell to the ground.
Such a sword is useless, it is impossible to kill Ying Changge, he is very cautious. 723
The assassin’s every move is under Ying Changge’s nose, how can he defeat Ying Changge’s Jianfeng!
After cutting off the assassin’s sword edge, he became empty-handed, unarmed, and without any offensive.
Staring at Ying Changge helplessly, a terrified look appeared on the assassin’s face.
“What else are you going to do! If you dare to disrespect me, I will kill you!”
“The backer behind me is very powerful, and you will be shocked if you say it!” The assassin pretended to be powerful.
He was just bluffing, because who was Ying Changge afraid of! No one has ever been afraid!
Standing in front of the assassin, Ying Changge put Jianfeng on his neck, “Oh? I’m curious!”
“Tell me! Who is the backer behind you!” Ying Changge snorted coldly, “Let me be curious!”
Seeing Ying Changge (afej)’s reckless appearance, the assassin’s face was also full of calmness.
“Really! Do you really think that you are invincible and invincible! You must know that there is a sky beyond the sky!”
“Although you are good at swordsmanship, it is even easier for someone to crush you to death!”
He attacked without hesitation before, and he didn’t expect Ying Changge’s ability, and he didn’t know that his swordsmanship was outstanding.
Step up stupidly and start a fierce battle with Ying Changge, assassinBut he still lost to his own recklessness.
Ying Changge cut off the sword in the assassin’s hand vigorously, so that the assassin had no power to fight back.
Under such a fierce confrontation, Ying Changge launched a powerful offensive, which has already deterred the assassin.
In front of Ying Changge, the assassin was so frightened that he dared not speak! He was in a hurry.
The chatter continued, and he quickly attacked, releasing his sword edge.
Every sword of Ying Changge’s is so precise, and even has a little bit of strength.
He raised the knife in his hand and drew scars on the assassin’s body, full of blood stains.
The assassin’s painful body was twitching, but he was very safe, still standing here steadily.
Gritting his teeth, the assassin quickly grabbed Ying Changge’s thigh, and he wanted to fight back.
Even if he has been suppressed like this, since he has no chance of escape, he will fight to the death.
Fighting persistently to the end, he grabbed Ying Changge’s thigh and pulled it hard.
This is a long-lost secret in the world, the monkey steals the peach, and the assassin quickly raises his arm to fight back.
But this kind of offensive is also unremarkable, because Ying Changge naturally has a way to crack it.
With a clamp between his legs, he firmly blocked the assassin’s fist, and then Ying Changge kicked hard.
The foot hit the assassin’s chest heavily, making his injury even more serious and bleeding profusely.
The situation is already established.
The assassin spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, and then lay on the ground, already dying.
The merciless Ying Changge continued to question, “How! You have no way to back down!”
“You are already doomed. Now, if you tell who ordered you, it will be regarded as a remedy.”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, the assassin grinned, “Impossible! I won’t say it!”
“I have committed many crimes, and I will wait for you on Huangquan Road!” The assassin immediately bit his tongue and killed himself, spraying blood.
Unable to rest in peace, the assassin fell in front of Ying Changge, and died helplessly without any convulsions.
After watching him die, Ying Changge also shook his head helplessly, he was very disappointed.
Why is such a mere nameless assassin so stupid and refuses to tell himself the truth!
In this way, Ying Changge understood that he could not find any fresh clues in Anyang County.
Ying Changge needs to deal with it head-on before he can search for any evidence about this Anyang county sheriff.
Both criminal and witness evidence are needed for Ying Changge, otherwise, how could Ying Changge try Zhao Xingzhi!
The arrival of Ying Changge was a surprise to Zhao Xingzhi, he was only concerned about Ying Changge.
As long as there is any trouble, the assassin will pay full attention to stop him.
Chapter 616: The Sheriff’s Mansion!
Otherwise, if such a kid really wants to be hostile to himself, Zhao Xingzhi really has no power to fight back.
Meeting with Meng Tian again, sure enough, neither Ying Changge nor Meng Tian found much evidence.
Regarding everything about Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge needs to urgently find evidence of his crimes before he can be arrested and imprisoned.
It’s just a pity that Meng Tian and Ying Changge are divided into two groups, and there is no good opportunity to seize it.
Walking and stopping, coming in and out, Ying Changge had no good place to go in such a situation.
In Anyang County, the county guard is a very important existence, which gives Zhao Xingzhi enough power.
The soldiers were killed, and one was missing. This also caused Ying Changge to be severely injured as if he had lost his right hand and right arm.
In private, Ying Changge took care of the soldiers, so that so many soldiers who had fallen into bandits were protected.
But what happened in the end! All these soldiers died one by one! This leaves him ~already helpless.
The ending is useless, what Ying Changge pays most attention to is the result! Especially the death-death of these soldiers.
Therefore, he is going to question Zhao Xingzhi to see what ability this guy has against the enemy – himself.
It is useless to investigate unannounced visits. Ying Changge has seen through Zhao Xingzhi’s tricks, and he will not condone the sheriff.
If the governor of Anyang County is an incompetent person, he must completely abdicate so that the people can be sheltered.
Judgment and justice for the sky are also very important things for Ying Changge, and he is very good at it.
A mere Zhao Xingzhi, Ying Changge is still very confident that he can deal with him.
So, after revealing their identities with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge strode to Zhao Xingzhi’s mansion.
The sheriff seemed to do whatever he wanted, always triumphant, and made the surroundings empty.
Ying Changge could tell that this was a self-righteous guy, even monopolizing power, which was a bit serious.
This spacious mansion is very grand and magnificent, but there are no visible guards around it.
It was empty, and there was a sound of a needle falling.
Unmoved and honest, Ying Changge immediately walked up and knocked on the door vigorously.
bang bang bang! The door was knocked full of noise, echoing with a different kind of movement, which was very ear-piercing.
Soon, a servant came out from inside, and he looked very angry, “Who is here!”
“Why are you making such a noise, do you know where this place is!”
Ying Changge laughed when he saw that Zhao Xingzhi’s servants were so arrogant and domineering.
So, walking up quickly, he swung quickly, trying to drive away both Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
Meng Tian and Ying Changge are not embarrassed people, they are still calm after being pushed and shoved like this.
Especially Ying Changge, who walked up quickly and immediately grabbed the servant’s arm, “Stop!”
“A servant, in myThe front is also so arrogant and domineering, do you think I will accept it! impossible! ”
While speaking, Ying Changge immediately stepped up, grabbed the servant, and threw him viciously to the ground.
Falling to the ground in embarrassment and pain, the servant gritted his teeth, his eyes were filled with resentment, “How unreasonable!”
“Do you know that this is the sheriff’s mansion, are you here to make trouble to bully the sheriff!”
Jia Ding got up from the ground, and immediately shot, trying to catch Ying Changge and give him a heavy punch.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
At a loss and defenseless, the servant was hit and immediately retreated, staggering and falling to the ground.
In such a struggle, the servant would not give in. He quickly got up and grabbed Ying Changge.
If he knew that Ying Changge had such an ability, the servant would not attack rashly, but would call someone.
It’s a pity that at this door, Ying Changge will not show mercy, and he immediately hit him to the ground.
boom! Jia Ding was directly beaten by Ying Changge and passed out, and just fell to the ground unconscious.
Ignoring the servants on the ground at all, Ying Changge stepped over the servants and entered Zhao Xingzhi’s mansion.
………. .. …

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