Chapter 613 Messy steps!
If Ying Changge could not be killed, the assassin would be injured, and he might die here.
Therefore, he still had to attack hard, he came in stride, and counter-killed Ying Changge vigorously.
From far to near, he quickly raised his sword. Ying Changge was not interested in this assassin.
Ying Changge’s target is only the sheriff of Anyang County, and the others are just soldiers and crab generals in front of him.
Because of the death of these soldiers, Ying Changge became even more angry, he was full of fierceness.
This is a blood feud! With so many blood debts, Ying Changge wanted this assassin to repay them.
The assassin in front of him is only the first one, and Ying Changge will leave the rest to Zhao Xingzhi, the sheriff.
He didn’t understand why the governor of Anyang County had the guts to act so rampantly, and even looked confident.
The world is so big that it is not for a guy like Zhao Xingzhi to be domineering and arbitrarily arbitrary.
Holding his own sword, Ying Changge continued to entangle with the assassin. 05, his arms kept waving.
A continuous stream of attacks came up, and the blade stabbed hard at his body, resulting in a very brave attack.
Although it is not said that Ying Changge is infinitely powerful, he also has a dark spirit and a broad mind.
In such a frontal blow, the assassin couldn’t stand his own figure at all, he was staggering.
Staggering backwards, he suddenly came to the side and hit the wall.
Grinning his teeth in pain, the assassin refused to admit defeat at all, he raised his sword edge, shining light.
Under such entanglement, he still continued to step forward, just to kill this kid.
The assassin has killed many people, and any target will die easily in his hands.
This is a matter of obvious opinion, otherwise, Ying Changge wouldn’t have gotten to this point!
He is a very obedient guy, any target in the hands of the assassin will just die.
But Ying Changge could tell that the assassin in front of him was not a wild dog, but was protected by someone.
It seems that there is a special person who has trained so many guys and made them all act in groups.
These fallen soldiers are also well-trained people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to kill them.
On the contrary, these soldiers didn’t have any backhand power at all, so they died here like this.
It is enough to show that the people who killed these soldiers are very superb guys, and their skills are very strong.
The same was true for the assassins who fought Ying Changge, at least they were also in groups and united.
It’s just that Ying Changge is dealing with a guy who is alone now, so he can break him.
He was in a hurry and counterattacked quickly, but he couldn’t seize the right opportunity to strike at all for a while.
Panicked and in a hurry, the assassin raised his weapon and fought with him reluctantly.
Under such a brazen fight, Ying Changge went on a rampage, and no one could stop him.
Accompanied by the unbridled strength, the brave fell, all flamboyantly landed around, and the flames flew.
The quick attack and messy steps were all around Ying Changge, and the assassins were in a class of their own.
The assassin who attacked the slack was not afraid of Ying Changge’s power, at least, his fighting was useless.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s ability to overwhelm all the heroes, the assassin would have killed him already.
The reason why the assassin came back was to finish things hastily, and the sword in his own hand was also here to kill people.
Ying Changge had known the strength of the assassin for a long time, but he didn’t shoot casually.
Attacking quickly and acting recklessly, the assassin tried his best to kill Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s ability is so strong that he can’t be killed casually, he is very fast.
Swinging his sword, Ying Changge was entangled with the figure of the assassin, and he wanted to continue fighting.
After all, each and every one of them had their hands stained with blood, and they wiped out all the fallen soldiers.
This is a very excessive thing, ruthless and ruthless, and carelessly ignores human life, Ying Changge will never allow it.
As he continued to attack, the sword’s edge pierced his body, resulting in a fierce fight.
Ping-pong-pong, the blades criss-crossed and intertwined, launching this vigorous offensive.
For a while, the assassin didn’t have any chance to take precautions in front of Ying Changge, and he was very embarrassed.
At a loss, he quickly raised his sword to fight back, but he was still blocked by the sword’s edge.
The sword in Ying Chang Singer was very powerful, easily blocked all the assassin’s attacks, and dismantled the sword moves.
Even if he continued to rush forward with strides, he couldn’t kill Ying Changge.
The standing Ying Changge stood here easily, and the sword in his hand also went away bravely.
Quickly and swiftly struck up, the sword edge fell around, forming afterimages one after another.
Under such a fast offensive, the assassins were a little overwhelmed, and he was even more at a loss.
Chapter 614: An Informed Soldier!
He staggered back, and finally fell staggeringly, just lying on the ground like this.
With an angry look on his face, he got up quickly, and even more quickly stabbed the enemy with his sword.
Accompanied by the excitement of ping-pong-pong, Ying Changge and the assassin’s weapons rubbed off sparks one after another.
Ying Changge’s sword is very fast, and it doesn’t take much effort to deal with assassins, he goes straight.
The sword edge swept across, came quickly, and then stabbed the assassin’s body non-stop.
Injuries were everywhere on the body, and the assassin was covered with scars all of a sudden, and he was covered in blood.
Looking down at his wound, he showed a cold and stern expression, full of anger and gloom.
OK! This kid’s swordsmanship is so superb, the assassin is afraid, he is afraid of getting into trouble, afraid of death.
So he got up in a big stride, and he immediately turned around, and then turned around, ready to leave swiftly.
However, for Ying Changge, it is impossible for a mere assassin to escape from his palm.
He quickly caught up, and then stabbed out with a sword, the sword edge filled the assassin’s chest, and the cold light flickered.
An unremarkable sword was just a straight move, but among Ying Chang’s singers, it was so fast.
Whoosh! The sword’s edge struck fiercely, making it impossible to defend against, and completely unable to receive the move.
Watching this sword coming fiercely, everything around him became more dangerous.
Backing back in a panic and counterattacking quickly, the sword in the assassin’s hand hit him hard.
Although the sword’s edge is staggered, for him, it is to fight the enemy with all his strength!
Although he is a murderer, the assassin is just an ordinary guy, he will be injured and die.
Especially against YingAfter a master like Changge, there was nothing he could do, so he ran away.
Hastily dodged, raised his sword and continued to confront Ying Changge.
After fighting for several rounds, the assassin became more and more embarrassed, and it was difficult to block Ying Changge’s sword move.
Because it was difficult for him to resist any sword stabbed by Ying Changge, even very embarrassing.
In the back-and-forth attack, the assassin couldn’t deal with Ying Changge, he was already covered in bruises.
There were these open wounds all over his body, and sword marks spread all over his body, which was full of damage.
With an angry snort, he quickly caught up, trying to restrain Ying Changge directly.
However, this is just the wishful thinking of the passionate young man. The assassin knows that he cannot kill him.
Their goal was to kill these informed soldiers, and Ying Changge didn’t look like a soldier at first glance.
Retiring in spite of the difficulties, the assassin no longer intends to continue fighting with him, but turns around and runs away directly.
Whoosh! The figure left quickly, and the assassin crossed the gate and the courtyard, planning to run away.
However, Ying Changge behind him didn’t intend to let the assassin go, he continued to catch up and fought.
The sword’s edge was so fast that even a group of people couldn’t rely on Ying Changge’s sword, which was swift and resolute.
It came swiftly, and hit the surrounding ground with a snap. The blade was very brave, as fast as a gust of wind.
With a crackling slam, and a quick attack, the sword directly rubbed against the assassin’s chest and shoulders.
Blood spattered for five steps, and the assassin frowned in pain. He didn’t dare to continue to confront Ying Changge for fear of losing his life.
So, turning around and fleeing, holding the sword, the assassin quickly left towards the streets outside, ready to flee.
Ying Changge, who was behind him, strode up to catch up, and then quickly handed out his sword, so sharp.
Whoosh! The sword edge hit his body heavily, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.
There was a sword mark on his back, full of scars, which made him get up angrily, and the assassin became angry from embarrassment.
It’s just an unknown person, it’s too much for the assassin to be defeated by his subordinates.
So, he immediately got up, swung his arms to fight back, and the sword edge left a sword mark in front of Ying Changge.
In the midst of swords and swords, the assassin’s quick confrontation was still buying a little time for himself.
But to Ying Changge, this was just a useless attack, and it was impossible to block his pace.
Come quickly, continue to walk, he has come to the back of the assassin, “‘〃Where to run~‖!”
Raising the knife in his hand, he raised his sword edge, and he (Zhao De’s) stabbed hard at the side of the assassin’s head, “Say!”
“Who sent you here? Why do you want to kill these soldiers who have fallen into bandits!”
Facing this crazy guy, Ying Changge couldn’t just stop there, he wanted to investigate to the end.
However, the assassin is also a person with both loyalty and integrity, he will not speak casually.

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