The fist was so hard that hitting Ying Changge’s arm gradually eased his attack.
Ying Changge would not kill Gai Nie, but he would not let him be so presumptuous in the hall.
He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze blows the hills. The attack of the two will not stop, especially Ying Changge.
In the main hall, Gai Nie attacked fiercely with murderous intent, and also attacked bravely.
He didn’t have any weapons in his body, so he faced Ying Changge calmly and killed him.
Chapter 583 Don’t cry without seeing the coffin!
As he continued to circle around, the fists in his hands kept attacking his head and neck endlessly.
This is the key point, but Ying Changge just raised his hand, defending and resisting vigorously.
Snapped! Another punch from Gai Nie came solemnly, hitting Ying Changge’s throat, trying to kill him.
This punch was so fast, but in Ying Changge’s view, it was just an ordinary move.
Ying Changge just blocked it with his arms, and then blocked Gai Nie’s blow, mighty and mighty.
Such a powerful strength comes from Ying Changge’s superb cultivation and his martial arts skills.
Fighting alone with Gai Nie, he is so calm, always fighting back hard, fighting to his heart’s content.
Approaching him quickly, Ying Changge’s figure was unpredictable for a moment, as fast as the wind.
Even though it was Ge Nie who came to attack, but his ability has no advantage, it is difficult to be hostile.
Ying Changge was always chattering to block his attacks again and again, he was calm and unhurried.
Gathering all the strength in his hands on his arms, he quickly struck down with his fist.
With a fierce offensive, Ying Changge punched Gai Nie back into the distance with a straight punch.
Obviously he has already raised his arms to defend, but it is a pity that Gai Nie is still difficult to be hostile and unable to turn over.
As long as Ying Changge stood in front of Gai Nie, Gai Nie would have no chance of leaving.
He snorted coldly, clenched his fists tightly, not to be outdone, but continued to rush forward.
Above the main hall, he had to attack continuously until he captured Ying Changge or Ying Zheng.
Gai Nie just wanted to live. If he was injured by Ying Changge’s onslaught, he would die completely.
He was very clear in his heart and knew the way out.
Ying Changge is a very capable guy, his swordsmanship is outstanding.
In such a struggle with Ying Changge, Gai Nie discovered that Ying Changge’s fist and kick skills are also amazing.
After such a fight with him in the main hall, Ge Nie gradually slowed down and his offensive weakened.
If he continued to confront Ying Changge, he would easily die in the hall.
This is a very dangerous thing, Gai Nie wants to live, wants to survive with difficulty, he fights to the death.
Raising his fist endlessly, Gai Nie kept approaching, and continued to make things difficult for Ying Changge.
Encountered Gai Nie’s resistance, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he was not afraid of anything, not afraid of anything.
With his punches and kicks, he quickly counterattacked, grabbed Ge Nie’s arm, and pressed him to the ground.
boom! Staggering, Ge Nie fell helplessly, he wanted to continue to fight back and kill the opponent.
However, with such a disparity in martial arts between the two, no matter how much they fought, it would be impossible to kill Ying Changge.
On the contrary, it was Gai Nie, who continued to chase up from the ground, and he flew forward like a carp.
With flexible steps, he punched hard, and his punch aimed at Ying Changge’s chin, fast and hateful.
which isEven for Ying Changge, Ge Nie is also an obstacle! He resisted not to be outdone.
They are already above the main hall, so why not be respectful in front of Ying Zheng!
Ying Changge shook his head contemptuously, then turned his head and kicked, and his foot hit Gai Nie hard.
Being kicked all of a sudden, Gai Nie staggered and fell down in the hall.
He is only one person, but there are many guards outside the hall! It’s all human.
So no matter what, Gai Nie couldn’t escape Ying Changge’s pursuit, he was in a dead end.
Standing on the ground, he looked down at the back of his hand, and there were marks on it from the bombardment.
Each and every fist imprint is so clear that Ge Nie’s face is very ugly.
Turning from embarrassment to anger, Gai Nie couldn’t wait to catch up, just to continue killing Ying Changge.
Otherwise, in the main hall, how could he leave, how could he escape from Xianyang!
He concentrated all his energy and continued to fight back in a serious manner, just to kill everyone one by one.
It’s a pity that he won’t stay 677. Gai Nie seems to be determined to go his own way because he doesn’t cry when he sees the coffin.
Arriving vigorously, Ge Nie was like a wolf like a tiger, approaching like a tiger descending the mountain, and fought.
His fists were very brave, but he couldn’t kill Ying Changge, because Ying Changge was so skilled.
Ying Changge is invincible all over the world. In front of him, there are few opponents, and no one can suppress him.
Even Gai Nie looked so embarrassed in front of Ying Changge, he was out of breath.
Sweating profusely, the helpless Gai Nie straightened his spine and walked upright.
Seeing that Gai Nie still wanted to fight back, Ying Changge was very tireless, he had had enough.
A mere Gai Nie continued to fight back in front of him, baring his teeth and claws, doves occupying the magpie’s nest.
Therefore, Ying Changge came quickly, approaching with one step, and slammed his elbow hard on Gai Nie’s chest.
Unexpectedly, there would be such a blow. Gai Nie was very defenseless and could not block it at all.
No parry, no way to dodge.
Chapter 584 In the mansion, make some preparations!
Ge Nie’s chest was heavy, and he was sent flying into the distance.
Jumping in the air, Ge Nie coughed, and then staggered and lay on the ground, unable to move.
Because he was already scarred, especially facing Ying Changge, Gai Nie couldn’t continue to fight.
He could only stand up with difficulty, then raised his fist, and wanted to fight to the end.
At this moment, it was very critical, and Gai Nie’s life was at stake, but he couldn’t continue to fight.
Death is painful, and everything will come to naught, so Gai Nie would not die willingly.
He stood up and continued to fight back, just to eradicate and kill Ying Changge.
What a stubborn guy! Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, showing no mercy at all.
He walked up quickly, blocked in front of Gai Nie, and then blocked his fist with a punch.
boom! The fist was blocked, unable to continue the fight, Gai Nie fell in front of him again in embarrassment.
Ying Changge easily tied Gai Nie to Wuhuada again, directly tying him up.
Ying Zheng ordered the many guards to surround Gai Nie, trying to kill him all at once.
However, Ying Changge was still very patient, he directly refused, and it would be better to keep Gai Nie alive.
Ying Zheng was very satisfied with how he treated his son, so he immediately agreed.
“Okay! Put Gai Nie in the prison first, and see what he has to say~‖!”
Because it was Ying Zheng’s order, the surrounding guards also obeyed very much and took Gai Nie away.
Ying Changge nodded very satisfied, “Gai Nie, I hope you can tell the truth in prison!”
However, after hearing Ying Changge’s words, Gai Nie’s eyes were so indifferent, “I’m not afraid!”
“In the prison, I don’t have anything to say, so just give up completely!”
Immediately Gai Nie was escorted by many guards, and left the hall and Ying Changge.
After watching him being taken down, Ying Changge followed closely to say goodbye to Ying Zheng, then turned and left immediately.
Gai Nie is a guy who deserves to be chosen carefully, he has powerful skills.
As long as there is an endless stream of fighting, Ge Nie can kill all the guys, leaving no one behind.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge. With his suppression, Gai Nie could no longer display his abilities.
Escorted by the guards, he was taken down, already imprisoned in a prison.
He is very interested in Gai Nie, so Ying Changge must study his every move carefully.
His background is very strong, especially in Gai Nie’s heart, there are hidden secrets that no one knows.
To be cautious, Ying Changge must understand Gai Nie in order to defeat him and figure out his actions.
As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles. Ying Changge is very serious when dealing with any enemy.
Therefore, when Ying Zheng sent Gai Niedu to the prison, Ying Changge was very satisfied.
He returned to his mansion and made some preparations to understand the other party’s every move.
Anyway, Gai Nie has already been imprisoned in the prison, and he has been unable to escape smoothly.
The previous crimes were all very serious, and Ying Changge must give Gai Nie a good trial for his crimes.
Otherwise, it would be a very stupid thing to let Ge Nie get away with it.
After Ying Changge had eaten and drank enough, he left his mansion and prepared to go to the prison.
It is very difficult to capture Gai Nie and come back, especially after meeting Ying Zheng, Gai NieNie is still desperate.
In the main hall just now, he still wanted to resist, and even went to fight Ying Changge or Ying Zheng.

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