Entering another room, Gai Nie hid here, and then disappeared.
Ying Changge continued to come at a fast pace, but he couldn’t find Gai Nie’s whereabouts. He suspected fraud.
So, he slowed down his pace unhurriedly, and Ying Changge stood here calmly.
Hearing the movement around him, there was a sound of the needle falling, but there was no sound at all, and there was no movement of Gai Nie for a while.
Continue to move forward, attack slowly, and the sword in Ying Chang’s singer also made a test, knocking and knocking.
Gai Nie really hid in the dark, just to kill Ying Changge so as to ensure his escape.
He didn’t want to be hunted down, and he didn’t want Ying Changge to shoot and kill him endlessly.
So, he came to his room, where many hidden weapons were arranged.
These hidden weapons are enough to kill Ying Changge, this is what Gai Nie is bound to get, he waits patiently.
His eyes are very indifferent, with ulterior secrets and conspiracies. He seemed to be sitting on the sidelines.
Just hid aside, everything in the room was safe and sound, Gai Nie waited patiently for Gai Nie.
When Ying Changge continued to walk up, Gai Nie heard his footsteps getting closer.
With a look of joy on his face, he touched the mechanism on the wall next to him with one hand.
Ying Changge, who didn’t know anything, continued to walk up, he didn’t even know where Gai Nie was.
But as long as Gai Nie can be caught, Ying Changge will not give up this opportunity, he will fight hard.
Gai Nie is already a hare in prison, he will be taken away by Ying Changge, so he can meet Ying Zheng.
Because of Ying Zheng’s order, Ying Changge had to complete it perfectly.
Ying Changge was only showing his meager strength, and the others were nothing to be afraid of.
Especially for Ying Changge, Ge Nie’s skill is already a dead end.
His quick attack, chattering shot, the sword in his hand was full of blows on his bodysuperior.
After feeling such a blow, Gai Nie calmly blocked it with his sword.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades collided, and Ying Changge’s figure stood on this spot.
He didn’t move at all, and then the sword in his hand struck Gai Nie’s chest forcefully.
His sword was fast and very straight, almost breaking through Gai Nie’s flesh and blood in one fell swoop.
As a master of martial arts, he is not afraid of any opponent, and Ge Nie will kill anyone who stands in his way.
The sword in his hand struck Ying Changge’s body forcefully, his face was ferocious, and Gai Nie’s eyes showed murderous aura.
As long as Ying Changge can be killed, any method is powerful enough, and Ge Nie is bound to win.
But for Ying Changge, Gai Nie’s ability is mediocre, and he has no chance to kill himself.
Ying Changge and Gai Nie continued to fight fiercely, and the sword in his hand continued to thrust out continuously.
Especially seeing Gai Nie’s energetic appearance, Ying Changge was unwilling to show weakness and refused to give in.
The sword in his hand stabs very quickly, always seriously injuring Ge Nie’s vitals.
Whether it was the shoulder or the head, as long as it was a place that might be assassinated, Ge Nie carefully protected it.
He used Jianfeng as a resistance, but he was still very embarrassed and fell to the ground all at once.
At the same time, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer came out quickly, and the sword was under the neck, grabbing the opponent firmly.
Finally, Ying Changge caught Gai Nie effortlessly, and Xiao Li who was beside him also caught up immediately.
Holding Gai Nie hostage, the two of them were successful, so they immediately returned to Ying Zheng’s side.
Being tied up and deprived of any chance of survival, Ge Nie had a dejected look on his face, very sad.
Already without any strength to fight back, Gai Nie was doomed to die among Ying Chang singers.
Very sad, being held hostage between Ying Changge and Xiao Li, Gai Nie has completely lost his freedom.
Turning around and leaving, away from the villa, and out of the gate of Dongyang County, the group continued on their way.
Xianyang is not far from here, and it is a very easy place to go back, so they don’t stop.
For Ying Changge, it was just a blink of an eye to travel thousands of miles away.
Gai Nie has already been caught by Ying Changge, so what can he do! But it’s a dead end.
Became a prisoner, Gai Nie couldn’t escape in Ying Chang Singer, he was just an ordinary guy.
So, they carried Gai Nie safe and sound, and brought them back to Xianyang in just a few days.
After entering Xianyang, Gai Nie’s expression became even more gloomy, his face was ashen, and there was nothing he could do.
This is a sign of defeat, especially in the face of Ying Changge, what skills does Gai Nie have to parry it!
Sighing helplessly, Gai Nie was escorted to the palace by Ying Changge.
Xiao Li did not follow, she knew her identity, and she would never overstep, she was very wise.
Ying Changge escorted Gai Nie to the treasure book alone, and when he met Ying Zheng, he was respectful.
But Ge Nie is different.
Chapter 582 There will be no color of fear!
Gai Nie looked stern, standing on the ground would not give in, like a hero, different from Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge knew that he was not a good guy, but just an arrogant guy.
He is a defiant guy, otherwise he would not have been hunted down by Ying Zheng and Ying Changge.
Gai Nie was suppressed by Ying Changge, then knelt on the ground, looked up at Ying Zheng, he was not to be outdone.
Widening his eyes and snorting coldly, Ge Nie even wanted to stand up, he didn’t want to waste time.
“If you want to kill or cut, it’s up to you!” Ge Nie said with a stern look on his face, “I won’t let you blink.” “Six Seven Seven”
Ying Zheng laughed three times. Naturally, he would not let Gai Nie stand alive in front of him. He hated it very much.
Especially when facing Gai Nie, Ying Changge could easily kill this guy casually.
“Come here! Drag him out and kill him!” Ying Zheng slapped him angrily and scolded him forcefully.
The guards outside the door heard it, so they immediately came in groups, trying to drag Gai Nie down.
But Ying Changge was calm, “Things may not be so simple! There must be something else hidden!”
Ying Changge came up and stood in front of Gai Nie, “Speak! You have at least three things to say!”
Gai Nie raised his head and stared at Ying Changge without blinking, “I won’t tell you the secret!”
“Not this sentence!” Ying Changge shook his head in disappointment, “Let’s talk!” He stood with his hands behind his back.
When Ying Zheng saw what Ying Changge was doing, he immediately waved his hand and asked the guards to stop for a while and stand aside.
Waiting slowly, none of the guards moved, just stood here, staring at Gai Nie without blinking.
Ge Nie, who was kneeling on the ground, laughed loudly, “I only wish I didn’t kill you! I can have a good time!”
Standing next to Gai Nie, Ying Changge looked calm and indifferent, “That’s not the case either!”
“Above this hall, you have one more word, this is your last chance!” Ying Changge waited patiently.
Gai Nie shouted loudly, “I have no hesitation, I will win, and I will never regret it!”
At this moment, he had already stood up, and immediately broke free, trying to shake off the rope on his body.
However, the rope was useless, it was impossible to restrain Ge Nie’s burly body, and he broke free easily.
With a click, all the ropes on his body were torn apart and scattered on the ground.
Jumping up and standing on the ground, Gai Nie counterattacked vigorously, hitting Ying Changge with his fist.
LookSeeing Ge Nie’s dishonesty appearance, Ying Zheng was very resentful, and he immediately raised his arm.
Trying to make the guards outside the main hall come to surround Gai Nie in an endless stream and kill him.
But Ying Changge waved his hand indifferently, “Don’t worry, it’s enough for me to fight him alone.”
Gai Nie was captured by Ying Changge, so he wanted to solve Gai Nie’s trouble himself.
boom! The fists of the two collided immediately, fist to flesh, full of shocking power.
Gai Nie has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his skills are also superb, and he cannot be blocked casually.
So, he continued to counterattack, and started the attack and fight like dragons and tigers in an endless stream.
Jumping forward with a punch, Gai Nie’s offensive was wide open and closed, just to kill Ying Changge.
Kill Ying Changge first, and then Yingzheng, Gai Nie vowed 0…
Capture Ying Changge, when the time comes, Gai Nie will have a way to retreat.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s ability is so powerful that Gai Nie wants to go there and come to Ying Zheng.
But because of his obstruction, Ying Changge’s figure stood still, standing here and not going to fight back.
He just intercepted Gai Nie’s attack, and then smoothly tried to capture him.
In Ying Changge’s view, saving Gai Nie’s life is also of great use, he is very witty.
Even though Gai Nie punched and kicked, Ying Changge was still so fast, always intercepting Gai Nie’s attacks.
Each of his punches hit him fiercely, but Ying Changge did not show any signs of fear.
He easily grabbed Ge Nie’s arm, and then smashed him to the ground forcefully.
Gai Nie staggered and landed on the hall all of a sudden, he was full of embarrassment, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.
However, even with such an attack, Gai Nie couldn’t break through Ying Changge’s defense, everything was 4.9 too fast.
The striding meteor approached, but Ge Nie’s fists and feet did not restrain themselves, and they continued to hit him one after another.

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