Especially after seeing Gai Nie’s crazy swordsmanship, Ying Changge was even more indifferent and supercilious.
In Ying Changge’s view, Gai Nie was just dying, and his sword was too ordinary.
Continuing to fight against the enemy, fighting against Gai Nie’s sword, Ying Changge is still very brave.
Knowing Ying Changge’s excellence for a long time, it is difficult for Gai Nie to kill Ying Changge quickly, and he cannot kill Ying Changge in seconds.
But even so, Ge Nie will not give up, he will continue to attack, to eradicate the pursuers.
The battle between Ying Changge and Gai Nie will not end, and it will even become more intense and turbulent.
Gai Nie held the sword in his hand, and came to fight Ying Changge in an endless stream, releasing attacks as much as he wanted.
This sword move is cold and stern, from far to near, just to pierce Ying Changge’s chest and kill him.
Otherwise, none of the guards would be able to kill Ying Changge, so Gai Nie could only do it himself.
The rest of the guards were already in a fierce battle with Xiao Li, and they suffered a complete defeat.
And Ying Changge also came here in stride, just to kill Ying Changge and make him die completely.
The sword in his hand is fast, unmatched, full of powerful strength and approaching as much as he wants.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades of the two collided together, causing Ge Nie to take a staggering step back.
Not to be outdone, he raised the sword in his hand and continued to fight back, stabbing Ying Changge’s throat.
This is the key point, once it is stabbed, I am afraid it will be very easy to be stabbed to death directly.
Fortunately, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person. He raised his arms easily and let the swords collide.
You come and go, attack each other, defend each other, such a sword has extraordinary power.
The stronger the sword, the more distinctive the offensive, Gai Nie is fighting to the death.
In order to defeat Ying Changge, Gai Nie gritted his teeth and came here by any means, exhausting all his strength.
Ying Changge stood in front of Gai Nie, the sword in his hand always attacked deftly, approaching quickly.
Finding a flaw, he tried his best to fight back. Ying Changge’s sword forced Gai Nie to hit the wall.
boom! Gai Nie hid himself under the eaves, and for a while, he had no way out.
Being dealt with by Ying Changge and seeing the situation, Gai Nie knew that he seemed to be heading for a dead end.
Unable to continue the attack, unable to continue in an open manner, the sword in his hand is still desperately attacking 0…
A quick and sharp sword, accompanied by Gai Nie’s swing, smashed continuously.
Menacing and incomparable, this sword has an unexpected attack and revenge.
Gai Nie, who was in a state of desperation, showed all his strength when he saw it, and became angry from embarrassment, and he fought violently.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, neither fast nor slow, neither fast nor slow, his figure was always so indifferent.
Full of confidence and confidence, Ying Changge is confident and not afraid of Gai Nie’s counter-killing at all.
The sword in his hand was still stabbing swiftly. The killing moves were all stubborn, but they were easily blocked.
With a sound of ping-pong, the two blades collided again, causing the figures of Ying Changge and Gai Nie to explode.
Standing in the same place, the distance between the two of them was three steps, neither too much nor too little, very indifferent.
Gai Nie was out of breath, and Ying Changge remained motionless. The two looked completely different, and they were different at first sight.
With a slight smile, he raised the sword in his hand, and Ying Changge questioned, “I’ll capture you if you don’t let go!”
As long as Gai Nie can surrender, the task of winning 4.9 Changge will be much simpler, and he can leave directly.
Otherwise, in the fierce battle with Gai Nie, I am afraid that he will do his best and it will take a lot of trouble.
Hearing Ying Changge’s question, Gai Nie showed a contemptuous look on his face, “It’s up to you!”
“You can’t kill me!” With a swipe of his sword, he looked cold and stern, “I am a man of great martial arts.”
“Today in the villa, either you die or I live!” Ge Nie is bound to win.
Even if Ying Changge cannot be killed, Gai Nie is willing to escape directly from the villa.
Chapter 578: Own figure, avoid crisis!
I thought that setting up a net of heaven and earth would kill Ying Changge, but I never expected that it was asking for trouble.
Therefore, if he had to find the right time to slip away from Ying Changge’s sword, he would be able to escape.
Standing in front of Gai Nie, blocking his way, Ying Changge was in the courtyard of the villa.
It is very wide in all directions, and it is actually a very easy place to escape, but so what.
For Ying Changge, Gai Nie is already within reachThe rabbits that came were already under his control.
After a short rest, Gai Nie raised his sword and pointed at Ying Changge, “Today, you will die here!”
Hearing Gai Nie’s words, Ying Changge’s expression remained the same, without any superfluous expression, “Really!”
“I hope so!” Ying Changge raised his arm, and the sword immediately stabbed steadily at 05, approaching Gai Nie.
Seeing Ying Changge’s attack coming, Gai Nie quickly turned back and struck, the sword edge was overflowing, especially swift and fierce.
Whoosh, the sword edge struck quickly and stabbed the ground, trying to kill him as well.
It’s a pity that there is still some gap between the skills of the two, and Ge Nie’s attack is getting faster and faster.
Facing Ying Changge’s continuous stream of swords, Gai Nie was a little flustered, and he fought with his sword.
Ping pong, the sword edge hit, Ge Nie’s figure stopped abruptly, and fell to the ground like this.
It’s a pity that this sword is unremarkable, and there is almost no chance of resisting Ying Changge.
Such a quick sword made him staggered and fell to the ground, almost being assassinated.
hum! Ying Changge’s sword came swiftly and directly scratched a scar on his shoulder.
The blood flowed profusely, dripping with blood, Ge Nie glanced down at his wound, and there was no delay at all.
With a cold snort, he burst into anger and stood up. Gai Nie continued to counterattack vigorously and raised his sword.
Snapped! Hitting Ying Changge’s sword open, Gai Nie flew over and quickly attacked Ying Changge’s foot.
His sword came swiftly, and then stabbed firmly at Ying Changge’s knee, intending to chop off his leg.
As long as Ying Changge’s legs were cut off, Gai Nie would not be afraid of being hunted down when he ran away.
Because Ying Changge’s legs are disabled, if he continues to approach, he will only be able to survive.
After making up his mind, he attacked quickly, the sword in his hand was so fast that it came straight to his knees.
With a sharp sword and sharp eyes, Ge Nie’s whole body became one with his own sword.
Even so, Ying Changge did not rush, he held the sword in front of him and counterattacked.
Blocking Gai Nie’s sword, Ying Changge still felt a heavy force and continued to retreat.
Immediately, he took three steps back, taking this opportunity to immediately stabilize his figure and avoid the crisis.
Keeping his eyes on Ying Changge’s every move, Gai Nie continued to change his sword skills.
The sword edge turned around and hit his body fiercely, chasing and killing Ying Changge one after another.
It had long been expected that Gai Nie’s swordsmanship would be so ever-changing, so Ying Changge immediately lowered his sword.
Steadily blocked the attack, his sword blocked Gai Nie’s fight firmly.
Smiling slightly, Ying Changge took his time and stabbed Gai Nie with the sword again.
Ying Changge’s sword struck back quickly, and Gai Nie couldn’t stop it at first glance.
A swift and powerful sword struck his body swiftly, causing a fight.
The wound was bleeding, and Gai Nie looked down, and found that he had been stabbed in the chest, and the bleeding continued.
A mere minor injury is nothing to worry about, Gai Nie’s face is ferocious, and he wants to give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Faced with Ying Changge’s merciless fight, Gai Nie wished he could cut off his head with a single sword.
The sword moved quickly, showing its sharpness, and it shone with extraordinary power in Ge Nie’s hand, the sword’s aura was overwhelming.
The more dead end, the more Ge Nie wants to kill everything, put Ying Changge to death, and let himself survive.
The sword in his hand was so fast that there was only an afterimage left. It was very brave and as fast as lightning.
Especially under such a fight, Ying Changge and the figure of 677 Gai Nie continued to entangle, not giving in at all.
Gai Nie’s sword had already arrived in front of Ying Changge, but was blocked by his sword edge.
With a sound of ping-pong, a quick blow came, and the sword edge was vigorous, causing a series of fights.
Jianfeng you come and go, the fierce battle, the afterimages of one after another are all overlapped together, full of chills.
After being hit by Ying Changge’s sword, Gai Nie was completely restrained for a moment.
At this time, if it is an impulsive attack, it is easy to cause casualties, and he must be patient.
So, gnashing his teeth and widening his eyes, Gai Niezai carefully watched Ying Changge’s every move.
When he saw Ying Changge’s sword hitting him one after another, he had to fight back immediately.
Whoosh! The sword’s edge was swift, coming from far and near, and it was about to break Gai Nie’s body directly.
Fortunately, he kept his eyes on Ying Changge, and Gai Nie stepped back quickly after seeing the sword.
Chapter 579 Competing with him, not daring to fight back!
With quick steps to avoid, Ge Nie’s figure was so dexterous that he avoided left and right.
When Ying Changge’s sword pointed downward, it only left a deep mark on the wall, and the sword mark was clearly visible.
On the contrary, Gai Nie took this opportunity to charge in front of Ying Changge, and continued to stab his sword.
If the killing sword can cut off Ying Changge’s head, everyone will be happy.

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