Especially Gai Nie, who bared his teeth and grinned like a tiger out of its cage, such an aura that ordinary people really can’t hold back.
Rapid attack, continuous fighting, Gai Nie’s sword was always slashing at Ying Changge frequently.
After being subjected to such a fierce charge by Ying Changge, Gai Nie was already furious, not to be outdone.
The sword in his hand continued to approach, endlessly, trying to trap Ying Changge here.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s figure was so nimble, turning around and avoiding Gai Nie’s brave blow.
A group of people have been driven away by Xiao Li, far away from Ying Changge and Gai Nie, unable to support them.
Only Ying Changge and Gai Nie were left to attack at close range, going hostile to each other, trying to kill.
Gai Nie’s figure swayed, full of power, and even with an unusual momentum, he directly hit the ground.
The more extraordinary the power, the more Ying Changge should deal with the enemy seriously to avoid the crisis.
boom! The swords staggered, Gai Nie’s figure came quickly, chattering and came to Ying Changge.
As long as the opponent is killed, Gai Nie can lead his own group of people and leave with deep merit and fame.
Otherwise, after being targeted by Ying Changge, everything will be very dangerous, and it will be difficult for Gai Nie to escape.
How to leave here smoothly is to kill Ying Changge and get rid of any entanglements.
Only in this way is the safest way, Ge Nie will not let go of this opportunity.
The pursuit continued, the fight continued, the swords in Ge Nie’s hands were full of beautiful things, and they struck continuously.
After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Ying Changge was not to be outdone, and he quickly fought back.
Intercepting Gai Nie’s sword again and again, and at the same time striding closer, forcing Gai Nie.
At close range, Ying Changge and Gai Nie’s formation became more violent and more difficult to be hostile.
So, he rushed forward one after another, approaching bravely with the sword in his hand.
Opening his teeth and claws, Ge Nie acted resolutely, and the sword in his hand threw out afterimages to force him.
Otherwise, Ying Changge couldn’t be killed, and Ge Nie’s long-planned preparation today would be ineffective.
Knowing that Ying Changge was back, Gai Nie set up a net and ambush in Dongyang County.
The purpose was to do justice and take his life, but Ge Nie was asking for trouble now.
Not only was he unable to grasp Ying Changge’s handle, but Gai Nie also suffered a bit when he was alone.
This is completely invincible, Gai Nie spared no effort to kill Ying Changge.
Approaching with a murderous look, he quickly handed out his sword. This kind of offensive was very strong and shocking.
Ying Changge spotted Gai Nie’s weak figure, and continued to attack, quickly fighting again and again.
This is a very brave swordsmanship, and with one strike, Gai Nie is hard to guard against.
With sharp eyes and quick hands, the sword edge was rampant, and the sword in Ying Chang’s singer had already struck him swiftly.
Ge Nie panickedZhang’s confrontation with the enemy, Jianfeng barely blocked his offensive, so it was safe and sound.
He didn’t fall behind the offensive, and he was very brave, so he continued to follow up and kill.
The sword marks in his hands are swift, especially Ying Changge, who is always chattering to suppress Gai Nie.
He blocked Ying Changge’s sword, but the sword in his hand could not force him to kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who was chasing after the victory, raised his sword, swiftly and stabbed straight down, the attack was very simple.
Chapter 576 A strike with two swords combined!
The simpler the attack, the harder it is to defend against, because his sword is too fast.
Acting vigorously and swiftly, Ying Changge stabbed Gai Nie’s chest with the sword in the blink of an eye.
Both the chest and the head are the key points, so Ge ​​Nie would not foolishly let Ying Changge kill him with a sword.
Raising the sword in his hand, Gai Nie hastily blocked Ying Changge’s sword attack.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blades staggered, and then his figure fell backwards on the wall in embarrassment.
There are trees everywhere in the villa, birds and flowers are fragrant, but it is not suitable for hiding, there is nowhere to hide.
So he attacked quickly, unleashing his brave sword moves one after another.
Light and shadow flickered, coming again and again, just to kill Ying Changge, and then break through the opponent’s flaws.
Ying Changge’s figure is so brave, always coming in an endless stream, not afraid of Gai Nie’s sword at all.
Jianfeng is swift, and the fierce offensive also has an unusual fighting style-Ying Changge is domineering.
A sword struck quickly and hit the opponent’s body forcefully, causing a majestic offensive.
Gai Nie was repelled, and he barely blocked himself with his sword, but Ying Changge’s strength was still very brave.
For a moment, unable to stand on the ground, Ge Nie hit the tree trunk again and almost fell to the ground.
Since Gai Nie showed his flaws, this is a very good opportunity for Ying Changge.
He attacked quickly, from far to near, and slashed hard at Gai Nie’s neck with one sword.
If he can successfully kill Gai Nie, Ying Changge will be able to return home, and the task will be completed immediately.
This is the task that Ying Zheng gave Ying Changge, and he has to complete it, so he is bound to win it.
Gai Nie’s expression became flustered, he frantically raised his sword to block his head.
He didn’t want to just die in Ying Changge’s hands, obviously he was the one who waited.
Knowing that Ying Changge would appear in Dongyang County, Gai Nie set up many ambushes in his villa.
Such guys are all first-class players, killing Ying Changge is not a problem at all.
But Ying Changge and Xiao Li came on a rampage like this, and they defeated the guards directly.
If Gai Nie was not still fighting carefully, he would have been killed by Ying Changge’s sword.
Conscientiously and with full concentration, Gai Nie continued to walk around with his sword, and quickly went to kill Ying Changge.
The more fierce the offensive, the more unable to hide Gai Nie’s flaws, Ying Changge is very clear about it.
Unable to hide, unable to avoid, Gai Nie came aggressively, wanting to kill the opponent quickly.
Ying Changge and Xiao Li had already seen through Gai Nie’s plot in advance and saw his ambush.
That’s why Ying Changge and Xiao Li came together. They were united and struck with two swords.
All of a sudden, Xiao Li and Ying Changge easily beat Gai Nie and his party to the ground.
Unable to resist the attack, Ying Chang Singer’s sword was dazzlingly fast, and Gai Nie was hard to defend against.
With a cold snort, he continued to attack, Ge Nie vowed to eradicate Ying Changge to the death.
After a lot of hard work, Gai Nie hid many people here, trying to wipe out Ying Changge.
It’s a pity that all these attacks are useless, Ying Changge and Xiao Li turned the place upside down.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Unable to stop Ying Changge’s charge, unable to stop Xiao Li’s fight, Gai Nie is already in a predicament.
Even though many guards were protecting Gai Nie, at this moment, he was fighting back alone.
Unable to stop Ying Changge, the other guards were also intercepted by Xiao Li, and there was a murderous intent in the villa.
In such a chaotic situation, everything around was in a hurry, especially Ge Nie’s guards.
They had no way of attacking, and under Xiao Li’s attack, they retreated continuously, causing countless casualties.
Having no time to pay attention to the guards next to him, Gai Nie only has an enemy like Ying Changge in his eyes.
If Ying Changge cannot be killed, then his sword will directly pierce Gai Nie’s heart and mouth!
Therefore, walking quickly, Chatter released his sword, and the shadow of the sword surrounded Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was entangled, his eyes were so sinister, and he was chattering back and forth in order to attack.
His sword was very fast, unable to stop Ge Nie, but he couldn’t let him escape like this, and the fierce battle continued.
Trapped Gai Nie with the posture of walking with the sword edge, he can only fight with Ying Changge, not dodge.
Once he evades, or chooses to run away, he will be killed directly, just a flaw.
During the gap between the attack with Gai Nie, every step and every sword is very important, Ying Changge is serious.
In the confrontation with Ying Changge, why didn’t Ge Nie take it seriously! He was always quick and focused.
He stared at Ying Changge’s every sword without blinking, and even took a step ahead of Ying Changge, and immediately counterattacked.
It’s all the impact of the sword edge, especially one sword after another, which doesn’t give Ge Nie any chance to breathe.
Chapter 577: Turning into anger from embarrassment, fight!This kind of fight is very powerful. The contest between Ying Changge and Gai Nie is earth-shattering and shakes the surroundings.
Obviously knowing that such a battle is full of dangers, but he will not fight back, he will continue to attack.
Killing Ying Changge only needed a sword, but killing Gai Nie required avoiding the protection of those guards.
Now in this empty villa, the figures of Ying Changge and Gai Nie are always entangled.
Inseparable, unstoppable, their swords have been swung countless times.
Persevering and majestic, this kind of sword has powerful strength, and the key to killing is skill.
Gai Nie set up a “six seven seven” net and failed to kill Ying Changge, he was very disappointed.
During the entanglement with Ying Changge, he chattered endlessly and unleashed his powerful power, shocking the left and right.
The fluttering sword is really too fast, killing the surroundings, dazzling the eyes, making it impossible to approach easily.

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