Because the strength of the Soldiers Demon God is really too strong, it is simply not something that anyone can handle casually.
Feeling the attack of a powerful force, Ying Changge walked aside in a calm manner.
Ying Changge was as quiet as a virgin and moved like a rabbit. He ran with all his strength and dealt with the soldiers and demons.
Under such a situation, the Bing Demon God could no longer see Ying Changge, his gaze was so gloomy.
With a murderous aura, the Soldier Demon God roared and continued to attack continuously, dropping heavy punches.
Crackling, the earth trembled, and in an instant, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the surroundings were in chaos.
It was precisely because of this scene that Ying Changge was more careful not to show himself.
All of a sudden, Ying Changge became silent and completely disappeared, as if he had disappeared.
Holding his Chi You sword, Xiao Li didn’t dare to disturb Ying Changge, but waited patiently aside.
She waited patiently, but she didn’t stand by, Xiao Li was waiting for Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge needs help, Xiao Li will immediately rush to fight.
Otherwise, Xiao Li’s hasty and reckless rush would only add fuel to the fire.
In battle, the most taboo thing is to make everything more complicated and more uneven.
As a powerful warrior, Ying Changge’s abilities are so powerful that he can be said to be in a hurry.
As long as he can kill the Bing Demon God, then Xiao Li must go back to assist Ying Changge to fight together.
It’s a pity that the God of Soldiers is not thisIt’s so easy to deal with, especially his body, which is very strong.
The rough and burly body stands like a mountain, and it is difficult to fall down.
Seeing the God of Soldiers approaching from far and near, Xiao Li was also very indifferent, she waited patiently.
Xiao Li will assist Ying Changge with a helping hand, as long as there is any fight, he will definitely save the field.
Otherwise, with the vast power of the Soldiers Demon God, other people would not be able to stop him from fighting.
Ying Changge played a game of hiding and hiding with the Bing Demon God, and he knew that the other party was extremely powerful.
Once it is a punch, Ying Changge will be completely different, so he will not confront the Bing Demon God head-on.
Unable to block a heavy blow from the Soldier Demon God at all, Ying Changge wanted to make his figure appear ethereal.
In the midst of the turmoil, the Soldier Demon God (Wang Zhao)’s offensive fell even more violently, and the mountain of suppression swayed.
The ground under Ying Changge’s feet was continuously shaken, and there was an unusual danger.
It is precisely because of this that Ying Changge pays more attention to it, and doesn’t want to be killed like this.
He raised the sword in his hand, the edge of the sword was rampant, the figure approached, and he went around to attack the soldier demon god.
The Soldier Demon God took no trouble, and continued to attack the killer in the midst of dealing with Ying Changge.
He unleashed his power continuously, and the heavy fists of the Warrior Demon God continued to hit him.
In such a roundabout, Ying Changge was very calm, and continued to fight back unhurriedly, wielding his sword.
Chapter 555 A Mess, Very Desolate!
The sword edge is so swift, and it always goes continuously, just to defeat the soldier demon god.
Otherwise, it would be too fierce, mighty and domineering to let the burly and imposing soldier demon go around everywhere.
Staring helplessly at such a fight, the Bing Demon God continued to attack angrily, fighting bravely.
The attack in his hands has extraordinary power, it is full of power, it shocks the top of the mountain, and it is invincible.
It is precisely because he knows that the Bing Demon God is so powerful that he will not continue to fight back like this.
Continuously waving his heavy fists, the Bing Demon God couldn’t wait to smash Ying Changge to death.
Because he met such a difficult opponent as Ying Changge, Bing Demon God spared no effort.
By waving his arms casually, the Demon God of Soldiers can unleash a mighty storm, making tigers and tigers blow like wind.
The Vigorous Soldier Demon God can be called a ferocious beast, chasing 647 Ying Changge’s figure like hunting.
For a while, Ying Changge didn’t even avoid it, because the Soldier Demon God moved faster and faster.
Coming from behind, chattering released his powerful fist, and his arm hit right under it.
Aiming at Ying Changge’s figure, Soldiers Demon God’s fist was not at all dull, it was very fast.
boom! A pothole was immediately opened on the ground, causing Ying Changge’s figure to stagger.
Almost fell in this uneven pothole, but fortunately, Ying Changge’s whereabouts were so swift and unscathed.
Running on the top of the mountain and leaving quickly, his figure became faster and faster, more illusory.
As long as he can get rid of the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge will be invincible and continue to fight back.
He unleashed his sword in a mighty way, and such a fierce attack fell on the Bing Demon God.
(afej) As long as the Soldier Demon God is killed, Ying Changge and Xiao Li will not be in any danger and will be very safe.
However, the Bing Demon God approaching aggressively continued to attack without stopping, killing everyone.
The fists struck down bravely, hitting the ground one after another, trapping Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was surrounded by afterimages of this fist in all directions, and such a heavy punch could easily kill him.
Holding his sword, Ying Changge stood up steadily, trying to avoid this fierce fight.
If he couldn’t get away in time, Ying Changge would bleed profusely and die of serious injuries.
Therefore, he stared intently at the Soldier Demon God, and then quickly swung the sword in his hand.
Knowing that the Demon God of Soldiers was attacking vigorously, Ying Changge didn’t show any signs of fear, not at all.
Seeing the moment the fist landed, Ying Changge deftly avoided it and fell aside.
Standing where the soldiers and demon gods could not attack, the sword in Ying Chang Singer stabbed hard.
A sword so hard and so deep, it trembled when it hit the body of the Warrior Demon God.
Turning from embarrassment into anger, he scolded angrily, and the Bing Demon God became murderous and continued to attack Ying Changge.
After one hit, his figure dodged quickly, unwilling to fall behind like this.
Ying Changge’s whereabouts have always been fast, he is like an agile cheetah, dealing with soldiers and demon gods.
After seeing Bing Demon God’s furious attack, his eyes were also very calm, without any fear.
Vigorous, punching and kicking, this kind of fighting represented the crazy mood of the Bing Demon God.
Because he couldn’t kill Ying Changge for a long time, the Bing Demon God seemed very impatient and irritable.
Especially because he was stabbed by Xiao Li and Ying Changge, with many scars and bruises all over his body, the Bing Demon God became angry.
Furious, the Bing Demon God stared at Ying Changge intently, and strode to catch up.
The clever Ying Changge immediately started a guerrilla fight with the Bing Demon God, just to protect his body.
Fighting back in anger, the Bing Demon God was full of anger, and his attack was also very fierce.
The ground shook, the ground was damaged, it was already incomplete, and it became a mess, very barren.
On the top of the mountain, there were originally dense forests, which looked like birds and flowers, and it was a beautiful scene.
As a result, during the fierce battle of the soldiers and demon gods, the surroundings suddenly became bald and without a hair pulled out.
The tree trunks were all broken, and the destructive power of the Soldiers Demon God was still very strong.Almost invincible.
Being hunted down by the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge had no choice but to retreat temporarily so as to leave here.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge was hit by a punch, Ying Changge would not die or be disabled, which would be a serious injury that could not be recovered.
His figure is so light, and he runs very fast, so he is not easy to be chased.
The Bing Demon God was chasing hard from behind, while Ying Changge dexterously dodged in front, avoiding the surroundings.
Because of the vigorous offensive of the Bing Demon God, many rocks protruded from the ground.
The rocks blocked the way, and the road for Ying Changge to avoid was not so smooth. He continued to go to the woods.
As long as it is covered by dense trees, Ying Changge can hide his figure and sight.
Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Ying Changge to win against the enemy on flat ground and against the Soldier Demon God.
Chapter 556 Stand still and watch the changes!
Fleeing quickly, leaving quickly, in the blink of an eye, he had already disappeared in the eyes of the soldier demon god.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, the Soldier Demon God was still chasing after him in a hurry, trying to kill him.
Just watched Ying Changge’s figure rush into the woods, and there was no sign of him.
All of a sudden, Bing Demon God was very angry, he was furious, and then broke the many trees.
Breaking off all the tree trunks, the Bing Demon God waved his arms vigorously, trying to break through the forest to block them.
However, Ying Changge’s whereabouts are so subtle that he can’t be seen through at a glance. He is very good at hiding.
His swordsmanship is superb, and his ability is not low, so under such a fight, he has already avoided the Demon God of Soldiers.
Although Bing Demon God still pursued aggressively, it was not easy for him to catch up in the woods.
With so many tree trunks blocking him, it was difficult for the Bing Demon God to take a single step, so he could only vent his anger.
Attacked vigorously, uprooted the surrounding tree trunks, and then swung the soldier demon forcefully.
These many tree trunks were smashed to pieces, twisted, and vulnerable.
Venting his anger in the woods, the Soldier Demon God continued to walk just to catch up with Ying Changge.
Ying Changge, who disappeared, hid around and was buried in the woods just like that.
Especially the Bing Demon God was still chattering and waving, he held up the strong tree trunk and hit it hard.

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