Therefore, Ying Changge continued to chase and kill the Soldier Demon God while slashing these stones.
Waiting for Ying Changge’s attack, the Bing Demon God stood still and chopped up two thick tree trunks.
Once it hits Ying Changge, he will directly break into two halves when he avoids it.
The Soldier Demon God is indeed very powerful, especially the power released, it is simply invincible.
Once the Soldier Demon God strikes down with a heavy punch, it will only shatter Ying Changge’s body and scars.
Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, his martial arts are so strong, he is a guy who is good at killing enemies.
Therefore, after meeting the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge concentrated his attention, he was careful, just to attack 0…
Resisting Ying Changge’s light and blocking his sword edge, the Bing Demon God fought back not to be outdone.
The mighty and burly fists continued to fall, just to smash Ying Changge into pieces abruptly.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge doesn’t die, Bing Demon God won’t be able to continue to conquer other places.
Ambitious and murderous attack, the fists of the soldier demon god did not stop and bombarded.
Potholes were left around the Soldiers Demon God, and the marks of his fists were left on the ground.
Having no time to pay attention to the messy ground around him, Ying Changge stared at the other party seriously.
Every move, punching and kicking was within Ying Changge’s expectation. He was very calm and unhurried.
The figure was swift, dodging quickly, avoiding the fist of the soldier demon god, and Ying Changge flew towards him.
Approaching deftly, he raised the edge of the sword in his hand and thrust out forcefully, the sword shone with a sharp light.
Stabbing on the body of the Bing Demon God, the other party screamed in pain, with a ferocious face, and was furious.
Immediately counterattacked, waved his arm, and swung his fist down vigorously, coming towards Ying Changge.
Ying Changge didn’t want to be a meatloaf, so he had to continue to fight back and dodge flexibly.
Unhurriedly, he jumped into the mid-air steadily, and Ying Changge stabbed out with a sword.
The cold and stern sword edge ping-pong-pong hit the arm of the soldier demon god crisply.
There are many marks left on the arm of the soldier demon god, these are all the sword marks left behind.
Hitting hard with a sword, Bing Demon God felt the pain, but it was only a flash in the pan.
Chapter 553 Sand and stones fly around, dust scattered!
With all his strength, he stabilized his figure, and the Bing Demon God roared angrily, and continued to slap him.
Punching, kicking, and attacking forcefully, the Bing Demon God knocked everything around him to the ground.
Sand and stones flew around, dust scattered, and Ying Changge’s surroundings became very chaotic and booming.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s flexible dodge, he would have been buried by a big rock.
With a quick counterattack, the sword edge kept approaching the Bing Demon God continuously, seriously injuring his body.
This is just a non-painful injury, and the burly Mountain Demon God doesn’t care about it at all.
He entangled with the soldier demon god in one go, and Ying Changge fought fiercely, evenly matched with him.
It is precisely because of the ferocity and brutality of the Soldier Demon God that 05 Ying Changge, who dare not be careless, is still fighting back bravely.
Going around and entangled endlessly, the soldier demon god is bulky, but extremely destructive.
After such a fierce attack came to his body, it would directly smash Ying Changge to pieces.
Therefore, he avoided it very carefully, dodging the menacing attack of the Bing Demon God.
Tireless, the Bing Demon God continued to attack, always chattering back and forth.
The stronger the force, the more difficult it is to resist. Ying Changge understood why Xiao Li had a hard time dealing with it.
This notorious soldier demon god is really not so easy to deal with, it is really dangerous.
Many people died in the hands of the Warrior Demon God.
The sword in his hand was still released fiercely. Ying Changge’s swordsmanship was dexterous, but also full of power.
Accompanied by such a fight, the Soldier Demon God is not weak, and continues to chase and kill Ying Changge.
The shooting star chased after him with strides, and he swung others endlessly. This attack is so powerful.
With a brave and direct attack and a fierce tear, the Bing Demon God wanted to tear Ying Changge into two halves.
But Ying Changge is not so easy to be killed, he is very capable and not easy to be caught.
The figure was swift and disappeared with a whoosh. Ying Changge had already disappeared in front of the soldier demon god.
The condescending soldier demon was very resentful, and he was even more unwilling to let Ying Changge slip away from him.
He is a tough guy, in order to kill the other party, the Bing Demon God does his best and is fierce.
The heavy fist fell, and continued to slam the ground, and the surrounding woods, trying to level it.
The Bing Demon God tried to dig three feet into the ground so that he could find Ying Changge and kill him.
Otherwise, if Ying Changge was allowed to escape, Bing Demon God would be very unwilling, and he never held back.
He chattered and aimed at the unscrupulous attack around him, and the wind swept up the dust.
Everything around is even more chaotic, such an attack is useless and without any power.
Because the soldier demon god didn’t even see Ying Changge, so how to kill him.
Ying Changge’s figure was so swift that he disappeared without a trace in front of the tall and mighty Soldier Demon God.
Especially the inability to see Ying Changge’s whereabouts, which made the Bing Demon God even more flustered and impatient.
Continue to attack ferociously, breaking the tree trunk and smashing the ground, the Bing Demon God is like adog planing.
After Xiao Li saw this scene, she was unwilling to show weakness, she had to support Ying Changge.
However, Xiao Li understands that Ying Changge is trying to make a fool of himself at this moment, so he is unwilling to get involved.
Although Xiao Li wanted to kill the Bing Demon God, if Ying Changge’s good deed was ruined, the gain would outweigh the loss.
Ying Changge was nowhere to be seen, Xiao Li stood still, and the situation became quiet all of a sudden.
Crazy attack, angrily killing the killer, the soldier demon god destroyed everything around him.
But even so, the Bing Demon God still couldn’t find Ying Changge for a while, and he was very angry.
He left quickly, retreating quickly, his whole body was about to leave this place, as if he was planning to retreat.
However, it was impossible for Ying Changge to let him succeed. He came quickly, and then walked around behind him.
Seeing the menacing appearance of the Soldier Demon God, Ying Changge, who appeared silently, immediately thrust out a sword.
The sword’s edge was so swift, it fiercely hit the back of the soldier demon’s leg 647, and slid down the sword mark.
Feeling the pain, the Bing Demon God scolded angrily, turned around angrily, and tried to kill Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s whereabouts are so fast, he easily dodges, and he has already dodged.
The Bing Demon God raised his hands and patted hard, trying to tear Ying Changge’s body in half.
Only by cutting Ying Changge into five horses can he vent the hatred in the heart of the Soldier Demon God! This is inevitable.
Otherwise, under such a charge, all the guys will easily bully the Soldier Demon God.
The invincible and invincible soldier demon god has a very powerful force, and he ignores all guys.
Any humble person standing at the foot of the Soldiers Demon God is just a humble ant and can be easily killed.
With punches and kicks, the Bing Demon God can wipe out many guys with ease.
It’s a pity that, after all, I still encountered a hard stubble, such as Ying Changge in front of me.
Chapter 554: The sword is rampant, and the figure is approaching!
It seems that Ying Changge is just ordinary and has no characteristics, but his skills are extraordinary and refined.
Even though he tried his best to attack, the Bing Demon God still didn’t kill Ying Changge. This is the huge gap.
Not to be outdone, the persistent Soldier Demon God has to kill Ying Changge to give up, he is very cruel.
Coming vigorously, one after another unleashed their powerful strength, and landed heavy punches.
Once Ying Changge was attacked by such an attack, he would be bloody and bloody, with corpses strewn all over the field.
Therefore, his footsteps moved, his figure was so swift, as fast as a gust of wind and as fast as lightning, very dexterous.
Effortlessly avoiding the fist of the soldier demon god, Ying Changge’s sword edge also followed closely.
Continuing to fight bravely and fearlessly, Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is so fast that the soldiers and demons are hard to defend against.
The bulky soldier demon quickly raised his arms to defend himself, but he still couldn’t block Ying Changge’s thrust.
The sword edge came rampantly, stabbing the body of the soldier demon god one after another, all over his body.
A series of sword marks remained on his body, but the Bing Demon God still held on stubbornly.
He felt that the injuries on his body were all ordinary and not dangerous.
No pain, quick counterattack, once the Bing Demon God caught Ying Changge’s figure, he would not let go.
He couldn’t wait to fight, unleashed the offensive continuously, and swung his fists chaotically.
Now Ying Changge has become very dangerous, he will not stand still in place stupidly.
Therefore, dodging quickly and turning around calmly, Ying Changge completely disappeared in front of the soldier demon god.
When Ying Changge was fast enough, he would not be caught by the Bing Demon God at all.
The cumbersome and powerful Soldier Demon God continued to attack, vigorously attacking, eradicating everything.
Slapping hard, Bing Demon God made everything around him dusty, flying sand and rocks.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s swiftness, he would be instantly killed by the Bing Demon God.

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