Watching Xiao Li’s attack open his fist, the Bing Demon God yelled angrily. 647
Accompanied by a low growl, the Soldier Demon God came to Xiao Li’s body with another heavy punch, attacking with all his might.
There was a bang, this kind of fighting was very powerful, and a steady stream of explosive dust was released.
Another mark was smashed on the ground, making Xiao Li so dangerous that he could only dodge as soon as possible.
Standing up quickly, turning around quickly, all of a sudden, he was separated from the tall figure of the soldier demon god.
Pixiu is also not to be outdone, coming ferociously, and attacking unscrupulously if he catches the Soldier Demon God.
The faster and faster attack is also causing a lot of turmoil, and there is a lot of injustice around.
As long as he dies like this, the Bing Demon God will be suppressed by Xiao Li, thus sweeping away the evil and turmoil in the world.
Ying Changge knew that the battle between Xiao Li and the Soldier Demon God was becoming more and more fierce, and he would not be outdone.
Continue to follow the sound, and soon, Ying Changge finally came to the battlefield.
Chapter 549: The Earth Shakes and the Mountain Shakes!
Xiao Li’s figure was continuous, Pixiu’s attack was brave and fearless, and they continued to fight recklessly.
It was precisely because of such agility that the Bing Demon God’s bulky body was immediately defenseless.
Seeing so many attacks coming to him, the Warrior Demon God also did his part.
He raised the fist in his hand, and then hit the ground hard, fiercely.
Dust flew up, the ground was turbulent, the attack of this soldier demon was so brutal, he didn’t know how to show mercy.
He was originally a strong guy, and the attack of the soldier demon god became stronger and faster.
A vigorous attack hit his body, trying to smash his figure into pieces.
It’s a pity that this kind of offensive is so sloppy, and the ground is so wide, so Xiao Li has a chance to dodge.
His figure was very dexterous, and he avoided the surroundings in one fell swoop, and also avoided the fist of the soldier demon god.
Such a heavy fist, once hit,It must be bloody and bloody.
Therefore, Xiao Li easily avoided the fist of the Bing Demon God, allowing his attack to fall to the surroundings.
Unscathed, Xiao Li continued to press forward with his sword, but the Bing Demon God possessed an indestructible body.
boom! Both arms slammed forward vigorously, and immediately knocked Xiaoli’s small and exquisite figure into the air.
Shaking, Xiao Li staggered and fell to the ground, covered in dust.
Standing up in embarrassment, she continued to raise the Chi You sword without fear, with a serious look and cold eyes.
Ying Changge snorted coldly, showing off his prestige, “Don’t be afraid! I’m already here~‖!” He hurried to support.
When he came to this battlefield, Ying Changge acted as a guard, directly blocking the Bing Demon God.
The burly figure of the Soldier Demon God stopped, and stood in front of Ying Changge, gearing up.
At this moment, Pixiu, not to be outdone, continued to attack and hit the broad chest of the Soldier Demon God.
Seeing such an attack, the Bing Demon God didn’t take it seriously, and immediately blocked it with a wave of his hand.
Snapped! Pixiu’s body wobbled, was slapped by the Soldier Demon God, and fell to the ground.
Transformed into a beast form, the strength of Pixiu is very powerful, but it is still difficult to defeat the Demon God.
The Soldier Demon God stood in this place, as if he had no stance that could be breached.
Ying Changge was aggressive, and yelled majestically, “Your opponent is me, if you have the ability, come at me!”
Xiao Li was defeated by the Demon God of Soldiers, and Pixiu was also repelled by the Demon God of Soldiers. Suddenly, the mountain top was in chaos.
Only Ying Changge was left standing here alone, he blocked the Bing Demon God, mighty and domineering.
The Soldier Demon God’s eyes immediately fell on Ying Changge, and then he continued to swing his heavy punches.
This guy who only knows how to kill unleashes his fierce attacks continuously, vigorously.
Accompanied by such a fight, everything will be very brave, producing a burst of light.
The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the fists of the Warrior Demon God brought powerful fluctuations, shaking all directions.
The whole mountain trembled a bit, as if it might be punched in half by the Bing Demon God.
His eyes were so fierce, the soldier demon god revealed his murderous aura, and he went to kill Li Luo with all his might.
Knowing the opponent’s strength a long time ago, Ying Changge was extra careful, but also very accurate.
The sword in his hand stabbed out vigorously, and he continued to fight carefully with the burly guy, Bing Demon God.
The God of Soldiers, Kong Wu, is powerful, attacking to his heart’s content, releasing his power continuously.
Any guy has no backhand power in front of the Bing Demon God, because the Bold Demon God is too powerful.
But Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, he is a person with outstanding swordsmanship and martial arts.
He has studied hard and practiced hard, and has a very powerful ability. No one can escape the fight of the Warrior Demon God.
He unleashed his mighty power to his heart’s content, and the fist of the Warrior Demon God struck like a cannonball.
The crackling attack, Chatter used his own offensive, this kind of attack is very powerful.
The densely packed fists flickered afterimages, and they landed in all directions of Ying Changge in one go.
Thanks to Ying Changge’s vigilance, he dodged continuously, trying to avoid this attack.
Ying Changge knew in his heart that once he was hit by the fist of the Soldier Demon God (Wang Zhao), he would probably be bloody.
Filled with light, continue to attack. On this mountaintop, everything is the home field of the Warrior Demon God, and he can do whatever he wants.
The Soldier Demon God continued, unleashing his all-destructive fists, trying to smash Ying Changge to pieces.
After smashing Ying Changge’s body into fine pieces, the Bing Demon God will dominate this place and be invincible.
Seeing all kinds of murderous aura of the Soldiers Demon God, but Ying Changge is still able to handle it with ease, he is so indifferent.
Once any offensive strikes, it will only make Ying Changge avoid it cautiously.
Fighting quickly, unleashing his brave sword to his heart’s content, Ying Changge slashed at the Bing Demon God with one move.
Chapter 550 Give up the attack and continue to attack!
The Bing Demon God was not afraid, he continued to fight back, and it was a bull rush against Ying Changge.
Relying on his own body to do whatever he wants, the attack of the soldier demon god can be said to be powerful and flawless.
Suddenly he was shaken by the impact, and his body almost fell to his knees. Ying Changge quickly fought back.
So he immediately raised his hand to counterattack, and such a menacing momentum came to the body of the soldier demon god.
Ping ping pong, accompanied by a series of clear and crisp sounds, the soldiers and demon gods were directly hit with scars.
It was full of scars, but the Soldier Demon God didn’t take it seriously, and he continued to roar and trample, majestic and majestic.
Ying Changge’s size is insignificant compared to the Soldier Demon God, so he is very helpless.
But he is willing to continue to fight back, so that he can kill this evil and violent soldier demon god, and his sword is rampant.
All the sword energy fell on the back of Bingmo 647’s hard hand, and the sword marks were very clear.
But even so, this kind of fighting has no effect, it just leaves traces one by one.
This kind of injury was not painful to Bing Demon God, he continued to fight back, trying to kill him.
Especially the sword in his hand is so fierce, so fast that most people can’t react at all.
Ying Changge’s steps were quick, and the sword in his hand stabbed so swiftly, killing a lot.
Fighting against each other, the soldiers and demon gods are not afraid of Ying Changge at all, they just want to kill him and frighten the mountain.
Continuously confronting the enemy, the sword in his hand was so domineering that it fell on him in one go.
Even though the Bing Demon God is already bruised, his attack will not stop, but will continue to fight the enemy.
Zai and YingchangIn the battle of Song, if there is no one who will die, it is impossible for him to stop.
Having defeated Xiaoli and Pixiu one after another, the Battle Demon God naturally does not need to brag about his combat power.
Continuing to come forward mightily, coming down vigorously, every punch of the Warrior Demon God hit the opponent’s body.
The unhurried Ying Changge dealt with the Soldier Demon God, always brushing past his fists to protect himself.
This battle was also full of dangers, and if there was a slight mistake, Ying Changge almost died under his fist just like that.
Without taking his eyes off, he continued to attack straight away, and then the sword in his hand continued to be raised.
Shining sharply, continuing to attack, Ying Changge’s figure kept going, going around with the soldier demon god.
One after another, they unleashed their own brave bursts, and this kind of attack has already come to the Soldier Demon God.
In a short period of time, Ying Changge added several scars to the Bing Demon God, which is all appreciation.
On the hard bronze skin, there are Xiao Li’s sword marks, and there are also the sword wounds left by Ying Changge.
The Bing Demon God looked so embarrassed, but he didn’t give up his attack and continued to attack despite his scars.
Aiming at Ying Changge, the fist in his hand continued to swing, causing the entire mountain to sway.
Under the fierce attack of the soldier demon god (afej), this hill seemed to collapse, or even be razed to the ground.
Otherwise, if they were really injured in such an attack, the Soldier Demon God would just continue to attack out of embarrassment.
Unceasingly released his own strength, the fist soon hit Ying Changge’s head.
By separating Ying Changge’s body, the Warrior Demon God can conquer everything and continue to fight with great fanfare.
Occupying between heaven and earth, continuing to attack unscrupulously, in order to kill Ying Changge.
The Soldier Demon God’s attack was fierce, his fists never stopped, they kept falling continuously, stirring up dust.
The dust was flying, Ying Changge was in the chaos, but he still carefully protected himself.

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