Holding the Chi You Sword, she relentlessly confronted the Soldier Demon God. She fought so hard and was so powerful.
What Jian Guang was pointing at were all the traces of serious injuries on the body of the Soldier Demon God. The sword marks were deep and shallow, and they were extraordinary.
However, the Bing Demon God is not afraid of this little injury, and he continued to attack with great fanfare.
With such an explanation of the arms, the body is indestructible, standing on the ground, like a stable mountain.
When many attacks are violentWhen he came, the Bing Demon God was even more angry with Fan.
Chapter 547 Win the first prize, suppress on the spot!
Burning with rage, powerful and invincible, every attack is accurate, trying to seriously injure Xiao Li.
Pixiu is a very smart guy, it won’t fight with Xiao Li on one side, but on both sides.
One is on the east side and the other is on the west side. Xiaoli and Pixiu’s attacks also cooperate very tacitly.
The continuous attack continuously released this powerful power, resulting in a brave attack.
With a bang, the Soldiers Demon God pierced through the ground, and many tree trunks collapsed and hit here.
Especially after knowing the strength of the Warrior Demon God, he still unleashed his attacks in an endless stream.
Such mighty “647” Wu’s domineering attack did not stop at all, and there was no gap in the movements of the soldier demon.
The continuous punching and kicking, the continuous force came from bravery, causing an eruption.
Click, pieces of trees were knocked down, collapsed on the ground, and turned into broken trunks.
The Soldier Demon God has a very serious sin, because the place where he haunts must be devastated.
Many people will be implicated, and even die in the hands of the Warrior Demon God, becoming souls of the dead.
However, a group of people are innocent, how could Ying Changge watch them die like this.
So he continued to shoot, releasing attacks continuously, resulting in a powerful fight.
Such a mighty gesture is brave, and hardly a few people can drag death casually.
Ying Changge was naturally very worried since he heard about the Soldiers Demon God, and he came here non-stop.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the Bing Demon God, and it would only cause him to cause chaos in the world and make everything full of disasters.
After chattering, Ying Changge finally found the whereabouts of the Demon God, so how could he not join the battle.
Although he couldn’t see it, he could guess that both Xiaoli and Pixiu were in a fierce battle with the Warrior Demon God.
If I don’t support him, I’m afraid that the Bing Demon God will take the lead and suppress him on the spot.
The Soldier Demon God’s attack was still so brave, always coming continuously, causing a powerful explosion.
boom! Everything around has become more turbulent, and the resulting riots are also chattering.
With his own strength, Xiao Li definitely couldn’t kill the Bing Demon God, even with the Chi You Sword, he was only evenly matched.
After fighting for such a long time, after dozens of rounds, the Bing Demon God is still alive, and this is the result.
It can be heard that Xiao Li’s skill is very tough, and he continues to attack persistently, causing an attack.
However, Chi You’s sword didn’t kill the Bing Demon God instantly, which shows that the Bing Demon God’s power is beyond imagination.
Unexpectedly and within reason, Ying Changge continued to run towards the place where the Demon God of Soldiers exists.
This kind of attack is fierce, coming in a steady stream, you come and go against the enemy, full of ferocity.
Unable to kill the Soldier Demon God, the sword in Xiao Li’s hand was filled with a more powerful posture.
Getting stronger and stronger, the Chi You sword shone brightly, and hit the body of the Bing Demon God.
Such an attack is ruthless, and Xiao Li doesn’t have much chance to fight back against the Bing Demon God.
They continued to release their sword edges in an endless stream, and the sword energy stabbed in an endless stream.
Feeling that his body was almost full of anxiety, Bing Demon God was covered in scars all over his body.
This kind of offensive comes from the pincer attack of Xiaoli and Pixiu, and the soldier demon is trapped in a lonely battle.  …
With a cold snort, his eyes were ferocious, and the Soldier Demon God growled lowly, uttering reprimands one after another, full of power.
The fist that fell from the sky seemed impossible to suppress, at least Xiao Li would not deal with it directly.
Once such a huge attack landed on Xiao Li’s body, Xiao Li would lose any strength.
She reluctantly responded, her figure was as fast as a gust of wind and lightning, avoiding a heavy blow from the Warrior Demon God.
The fist hit hard, leaving a bumpy mark on the ground, it was really powerful.
If he can’t kill the Bing Demon God, Xiao Li will continue to fall into the battle, which is a stalemate of endless chatter.
There is no second chance for everything, because Xiao Li cannot guarantee that he can kill the Bing Demon God.
The irritable and wild hunting soldier demon didn’t know whether to stop his attack or continue to shake his fist.
Every fist drop is full of offensive, trying to crush Xiao Li to pieces.
But Xiao Li is not broken to pieces, she has a very high level of cultivation, and her swordsmanship is also surprisingly fierce.
More and more ferocious attacks came under control, Bing Mo 4.9 was full of murderous spirit, he didn’t care about Xiao Li and Pixiu at all.
He just wanted to unleash his killing intent, even with a fierce attack, his fists were unstoppable.
He dealt with the Demon God very calmly, Xiao Li always confronted him, and would not let himself die like this.
With dexterous swordsmanship and ferocious attacks, Xiao Li stabbed the Bing Demon God one after another without giving up.
The burly and tall body was full of scars, and the attack of the soldier demon did not have any intention of stopping, and continued to attack.
His fists alternate back and forth, always aiming at the figures of Xiaoli and Pixiu and hitting them down.
Chapter 548 Dust is flying in all directions!
Accompanied by such a fight, everything is so grand, and the Warrior Demon God seems to be invincible.
It is a pity that Xiao Li will not be killed so easily, and the Chi You sword in her hand shines brightly.
The sword’s edge is very swift, like a gust of wind, and like floating clouds, so dexterous that it is hard to figure it out.
Seeing Xiao Li’s chattering figure, Bing Demon God became even more angry, he was irritated.
It is impossible for any guy to be the opponent of the Warrior Demon God, so he willHeroic attack.
Intent to control everything, Bing Demon God does not allow any obstacles or obstacles in front of him.
Xiaoli’s counterattack and unscrupulous charge, Pixiu also joined hands with her to attack the Soldier Demon God.
Being flanked by left and right 05, the Bing Demon God was already full of flaws in such an attack and was at a loss what to do.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Li fights with all her might, and she walks with the sky in order to enforce justice.
Otherwise, the purpose of the arrogant and domineering Soldier Demon God’s continuous attack is to deter everything.
The battle with the Soldier Demon God is ferocious, and with the fight, the Soldier Demon God’s offensive becomes stronger and stronger.
Xiao Li kept dodging and attacking, but she still vowed not to give up in the battle with the Bing Demon God.
The mountain-like soldier demon continued to stand in front of Xiao Li, resisting the sharpness of Chi You’s sword.
His strength is full of formidable power, the soldiers and demons are infinitely powerful, and he continues to fight back, killing this guy Xiao Li.
Accompanied by the roar, the Bing Demon God’s fist hit Xiao Li’s body from far to near.
Always dodging constantly, Xiao Li’s figure is ethereal, and it is not easy to catch it at all.
He continued to be domineering, unleashing his ferocious killing intent continuously, shocking the surroundings.
In all directions, there are afterimages of the Soldier Demon God’s swing, so that he can smash Xiao Li to death in one go.
The Bing Demon God tried to crush Xiao Li into a meatloaf in order to protect his body.
Xiao Li held the sword, her figure never stopped, she always continued to deal with the soldier demon god, going round and round.
Avoiding the repeated fights by the soldiers and demon gods, it was impossible to find Xiao Li’s figure smoothly.
The murderous Bing Demon God was very violent, he swung his fists hard.
The vigorous fist was like a cannonball, it exploded directly around Xiao Li, passing her by.
The figure continued to move down quickly, and the Bing Demon God’s fists hit Xiao Li’s body forcefully.
Accompanied by such an impact, everything around was blown by wind and dust, and the dust fell around.
Xiao Li’s sword continued to come out continuously, and he was about to stab the Soldier Demon God to death and let him be buried here.
Ying Changge is also on his way.
Ying Changge’s pace didn’t stop, and he continued to search for the place where Bing Demon God and Xiao Li fought.
And Xiaoli and Paixiu were also so righteous and Lingran, they immediately blocked the attack of the soldier demon god.
Any attack is useless, because the Bing Demon God is so powerful, he can always easily block it.
Any of Xiao Li’s sword moves seemed to be useless to the Bing Demon God, there was no room for it.
He continued to attack with all his strength, waved his fists, and such a powerful offensive immediately came in front of him.
Along with the fight, the Bing Demon God was unable to block the double attack of Bing Xiaoli and Pixiu.
For a moment, I was a little embarrassed, and then fell to the ground dizzy, really helpless.
The heavy body hit the ground, dust was flying, and Xiao Li’s sword energy was coming from all directions.
This is a very sharp sword, full of momentum, trying to cut off the head of the soldier demon god.
However, the Soldier Demon God is as big as a mountain and looks indestructible, so it is impossible for him to be recruited so easily.
Facing Xiao Li’s attack, they continued to fight incomparably, sword energy permeated the surroundings.
Accompanied by such a fight, he came aggressively and raised his fist to fight back.
boom! The fist landed on Xiao Li’s sword, but it caused the Bing Demon God’s attack to take a step back.

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