Abandoning Ke Changsheng, and putting him in jail, he will continue to move forward and search for it.
The person who created the Longevity Cult, and the one who created this culprit, is Yunzhong Lord Xu Fu, it is really hateful.
Right in front of him, Ying Changge immediately disintegrated the entire Longevity Cult, and let all the believers completely dissipate.
Why not let the Longevity Sect continue to run wild in Donghai County unscrupulously, it will harm the people.
He came to a conclusion that Xu Fu had something else wrong, and there was a conspiracy against Ying Changge.
Therefore, after annihilating the Longevity Sect in one fell swoop, Ying Changge immediately gathered new strength and was ready to move.
Without any hesitation, Ying Changge and Han Xin led these people eastward to the sea.
It is naturally very important for Ying Changge, and that is to find Xu Fu, the culprit.
He came to the sea smoothly, took the big ship, and continued to search for Xu Fu’s trace.
This guy who founded the Longevity Sect and concealed something from Ying Zheng and Ying Changge must be dangerous.
If possible, Ying Changge would kill Xu Fu now to avoid future troubles, but he will not be reckless.
If the enemy was killed hastily, then Ying Changge might not be able to see many truths.
For clues and to know the truth from Xu Fu’s mouth, Ying Changge is non-stop.
Chapter 521 Unimpeded, invincible!
Constantly searching, continuing to run rampant, after the eastward journey, Ying Changge and Han Xin’s men immediately separated.
After searching endlessly, finally, Ying Changge found Xu Fu’s figure, and he approached immediately.
He led the crowd to run rampant, went to Xu Fu’s shelter, and rushed up uninvited.
Immediately came to this courtyard, Han Xin took the lead to charge, and entered it first.
Xu Fu’s guards surrounded him tightly and immediately protected a place in the courtyard.
Ying Changge came late, and walked up unhurriedly, “Xu Fu – where is it!”
“Get out!” Ying Changge must meet Xu Fu to know the secret behind him.
Lying in his own room, Xu Fu heard Ying Changge’s scolding immediately, and he was very panicked.
It never occurred to me that Ying Changge found this place directly all the way, which is really appalling!
Once he knew that it was Ying Changge who brought people to attack, Xu Fu knew that he had no way out.
Therefore, without hesitation, Xu Fu immediately led his personal guards and left through the back door.
Going forward, Ying Changge’s men immediately occupied the courtyard, trying to control the situation.
This courtyard is not very huge, but Ying Changge soon saw Xu Fu’s figure.
Now Xu Fu stood in front of him, like a mouse crossing the street, he ran away immediately.
How could it be possible for Xu Fu to escape like this! He had to catch up and fight hard.
Otherwise, how can everything about Xu Fu’s conspiracy and the Longevity Sect be resolved!
After Xu Fu left, the Longevity Sect would rise up, even doing it unscrupulously and willfully in Donghai County.
Thinking back carefully, Ying Changge felt that it was not unreasonable, it was a flaw.
It was also a very obvious clue, so he wanted to let Xu Fu know the consequences of doing a lot of evil.
“Chase!” Ying Changge rushed up immediately, and the people around him were also approaching quickly, trying to fight.
But in the courtyard, Xu Fu’s guards were different, they rushed straight up.
Intercepting Ying Changge and blocking them all here, Xu Fu’s guards were loyal.
Seeing that Xu Fu’s guards refused to give in, Ying Changge asked Han Xin to hand over the matter.
“Stop these guards who are helping the evil, and I’m going to hunt down Xu Fu!”
Ying Changge took the lead. In Xu Fu’s mansion, his figure was unobstructed and invincible.
His figure was so fast, approaching quickly from the crowd, trying to break through them.
Xu Fu’s guards came in an endless stream, trying to block Ying Changge and Han Xin.
This is really boring! A group of guys who are overwhelmed, want to challenge Ying Changge’s swordsmanship!
Ying Changge didn’t even draw his sword, he just raised his own sword and swung it with the scabbard.
boom! The sound continued, and Ying Changge knocked Xu Fu’s guards to the ground one by one, in a terrible state of injury.
Especially after seeing Xu Fu’s figure, he didn’t hesitate and went directly to hunt him down.
Holding a sword, bowing left and right, punching and kicking, Ying Changge knocked the guards down one by one.
No one can stop Ying Changge, because his ability is so superb and his martial arts are so strong.
Knocking down Xu Fu’s guards with ease, Ying Changge’s pace never stopped.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Getting closer and faster, Ying Changge continued to chase and kill Xu Fu without stopping.
On the contrary, Xu Fu, after seeing Ying Changge, looked even more panicked and uneasy.
“Quick! Go! Don’t stay!” Xu Fu continued to stride away, so as to get out of here.
Feeling underestimated, Ying Changge’s figure approached, but Xu Fu didn’t dare to look at Ying Changge at all.
When Ying Changge’s figure got faster and faster,The pace of Xu Fu’s escape is also light and nimble enough.
…… . . . .
He walked very fast, especially with so many guards helping him, it was even more extraordinary.
With so many people rushing up, wouldn’t it be easy and very easy to take down Ying Changge!
Xu Fu’s continuous scolding was to let more guards block Ying Changge’s figure.
Ying Changge wouldn’t stop at all, and always came quickly, catching the opponent’s figure in no time.
Grab a guard, push him out forcefully, and knock down a large group of guards.
Approaching from the beginning to the end, continuing to push and push, many guards are in a messy formation.
Up and down, Xu Fu’s guards were in such a panic that they were completely unable to stop Ying Changge.
Carrying the sword and continuing to come, Xu Fu punched everyone on the ground abruptly.
His eyes widened, Xu Fu panicked, but he continued to leave quickly under the protection of the guards.
Ying Changge came here to capture Xu Fu alive so that he could ask many things.
Otherwise, regarding the mysteries after the Longevity Sect, he would not be able to understand at all what Xu Fu wanted to do! Where.
Chapter 522 Interrogate Xu Fu and find out the truth!
In order to clear the clouds and see the light, Ying Changge had to interrogate Xu Fu carefully to find out the truth.
Xu Fu was guilty of being a thief, and he was also very panicked about the battle in front of him! He cannot avoid it.
Continuing to approach, from far to near, Ying Changge’s figure is like a tiger descending a mountain.
boom! Another Xu Fu’s guard was knocked to the ground, and Ying Changge approached with a sword.
Even if many of Xu Fu’s guards continued to attack, they still had no chance to resist.
Ying Changge attacked with his scabbard, hitting these guys’ bodies continuously.
Even if it’s not the sword’s edge against the enemy, the scabbard “617” is powerful and full of power.
With the chattering attack and unscrupulous charge, Ying Changge still fell into a chaotic battle.
Xu Fu had already slipped away through the back door, and continued walking along the woods, wanting to escape completely.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge is full of endless power, coming like a huge beast.
After suppressing Xu Fu’s guards, Ying Changge also followed and scurried into the woods.
There are so many dense forests that they even block Ying Changge’s sight and cannot see the situation.
If it is really impossible to escape, Xu Fu is afraid that he will be questioned soon, but he is not reconciled.
Xu Fu must be caught. Although Ying Changge came uninvited, he didn’t want to cause trouble.
Seeing so many guys surrounded on the left and right, Ying Changge’s eyes were so calm.
He unhurriedly raised his hand, and the scabbard continued to strike away, sweeping across a large area again.
Sweeping thousands of troops with one simple move, knocked many people into the air.
There was no obstacle in front of him, Ying Changge continued to charge out with his sword in hand.
No one blocked Ying Changge, he came unimpeded and stood in front of Xu Fu.
Seeing Xu Fu’s figure stop abruptly, Ying Changge raised his sword and laid it across in front of him.
“Where are you running! Xu Fu, you are guilty!” Ying Changge was aggressive and wanted to capture Xu Fu alive.
It’s a pity that Xu Fu won’t be caught just like that! He backed away in panic.
“I don’t know anything! I’m just a guy who stands by and has no evidence!”
While yelling, Xu Fu retreated while letting his guards continue to pester Xu Fu.
Another group of guards, loyal to Xu Fu, came to Ying Changge in no time.
Seeing so many guys surrounded him, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, very indifferent.
“Very good! Since you are so calm, let me let you know the consequences of making mistakes.”
It was Ying Changge’s fault for not allowing these guys to continue to be obsessed in front of him.
Especially favoring Xu Fu and continuing to do whatever he wants is also a crime! Ying Changge is not soft on his hands.

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