Because if Ke Changsheng couldn’t be suppressed, how could Ying Changge carefully investigate everything about the Longevity Sect.
He could tell that Ke Changsheng’s identity was so mysterious that he was no ordinary person at all.
Ke Changsheng knew Ying Changge, and even created a statue similar to Ying Changge to enshrine.
Especially when I got older, I felt that Ke Changsheng’s moves were so similar, as if they came from the Yin Yang family.
Striking to his heart’s content, swinging his sword unscrupulously, Ke Changsheng was still aggressive.
However, Ying Changge was so calm, he just caught a flaw in the opponent, so he quickly counterattacked.
boom! The fist was fierce and spread all around. Ying Changge’s attack was naturally not the fist, but the sword edge.
Chapter 519: Disassemble all eight pieces and leave none behind!
When Ke Changsheng intended to stab Ying Changge’s neck with his sword, Ying Changge attacked instead of retreating.
The sword in his hand was very dexterous, and he stabbed it swiftly, blocking Ke Changsheng’s attack.
Ke Changsheng didn’t have any chance to attack for a while, and Jianfeng froze in mid-air.
Under such an offensive, Ke Changsheng became useless, like a wooden man.
Seeing through Ke Changsheng’s every move, Ying Changge is sharper than Ke Changsheng even if he is blind.
Quickly rushing up, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer continued to charge, stabbing Ke Changsheng’s chest.
Ke Changsheng saw the figure of Jianfeng attacking, he was so terrified that he quickly backed away.
In order to block such an attack, everything is useless, because Ke Changsheng cannot guard against Ying Changge.
Watching helplessly as the sword edge pierced his body, a sword mark was immediately broken on Ke Changsheng’s chest.
Such a quick sword is hard to guard against, Ke Changsheng has already decided to kill Ying Changge.
However, after so many fights with Ying Changge, it only made Ke Changsheng more and more embarrassed.
The bruised and devastated Ke Changsheng stood in front of Ying Changge without any offensive.
He couldn’t wait to raise his sword, but it was a step too late, and his chest was seriously injured.
Blood sprayed, Ke Changsheng frowned in pain, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.
All the desks and tables were smashed to pieces, and Ke Changsheng’s mansion was already in a mess.
Getting up very angrily, he stood up immediately, and after a carp straightened up, he stood opposite him.
Holding the wound on his chest, Ke Changsheng was still so angry that his clothes were wet with sweat.
It’s just Ying Changge, do you really think that you can bully yourself unscrupulously in your own mansion!
It is necessary to support as much as possible, so that many people can rush to him.
After all, he is also the leader of the Longevity Sect! Ke Changsheng has many people under his command who can come to support him.
Therefore, Ke Changsheng immediately took out his own signal, and immediately rushed to the courtyard.
After leaving Ying Changge and standing in this open place, he immediately shot out a signal.
“One cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will come to meet you~‖!” Ke Changsheng scolded, “You wait for death!”
“After many, many people rush up, they will definitely be able to chop you into pieces, leaving no one behind!”
Ke Changsheng seems to have a certain chance of winning, but Ying Changge knows that it is not such an easy task.
This is Donghai County, and Ke Changsheng’s Longevity Sect has many believers, which is obviously a matter of opinion.
But so what! Ying Changge wanted to capture Ke Changsheng before the people from the Longevity Sect arrived here.
He came quickly, and the sword in his hand struck Ke Changsheng fiercely.
After such a struggle, he just got more and more tired,Ke Changsheng could not be hostile to Ke Changsheng.
Helplessly falling behind and continuing to avoid, Ke Changsheng had already dodged aside for a while.
Leaving farther away and avoiding Ying Changge, this made Ke Changsheng almost defenseless.
With a painful face and so many scars, Ke Changsheng continued to hold on.
He raised his sword, trembling arm, bleeding wound, Ke Changsheng became more and more embarrassed.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge. In this way, he was still unscathed. He possessed an absolutely powerful ability.
Ying Changge, who is superb in martial arts and has extraordinary skills, has already blocked Ke Changsheng’s way.
Unable to escape, and unable to kill Ying Changge, Ke Changsheng is already in such a hurry.
Continuing to fight in fear and fear, Ke Changsheng raised his sword and wanted to fight until the next moment.
Ying Changge’s ability was so dangerous, Ke Changsheng felt his fear thoroughly.
Gritting his teeth, he got up quickly, and then the sword in his hand hit Ying Changge hard.
This was his last stubbornness, for the purpose of suppressing Ying Changge, and then delaying the arrival of the people from the Longevity Sect.
As long as the followers of the Longevity Sect appear in front of Ke Changsheng, they can kill Ying Changge if they avoid it.
Therefore, what Ke Changsheng needs to do most at this moment is to continue to attack and continue to turn around.
After sending out his own distress signal, Ke Changsheng quickly dodged, trying to avoid Ying Changge’s offensive.
Ke Changsheng (Wang Dezhao) continued to retreat, desperately dodging, just to let himself get out of here alive.
It’s a pity that when Ying Changge came in front of him, he broke into Ke Changsheng’s mansion and killed him.
As long as it is the most cruel blade, it will die, and it will die under Ying Changge’s sword.
Already having no strength to fight back, Ke Changsheng stood in front of Ying Changge, bending down humblely.
Raising his fist, Ke Changsheng still stared at Ying Changge intently, and he wanted to continue to resist.
In order to kill Ying Changge and for his longevity teaching, Ke Changsheng did not allow himself to fall like this.
Sensing Ke Changsheng’s dying appearance, Ke Changsheng smiled contemptuously.
Chapter 520: Dizzy and Confused!
It’s just a mediocre leader of the Longevity Sect, and he has no strength to contend with him.
Ying Changge continued to stab his own sword, and the sword’s edge had already come to Ke Changsheng continuously.
All of a sudden, Ke Changsheng was cut and covered with scars, bleeding profusely and excruciatingly painful.
Gritting his teeth, he stood up, but Ke Changsheng’s body trembled uncontrollably because of the pain.
This is the best opportunity to subdue Ke Changsheng, Ying Changge rushed forward in stride.
Quickly counterattacked, unleashing his sword moves to his heart’s content, the sword was already on Ke Changsheng’s neck.
I already knew that Ke Changsheng was difficult to deal with, but Ying Changge was not an ordinary person.
Using all his abilities, he easily grabbed Ke Changsheng, preventing him from continuing to struggle.
Raising the sword in his hand, he suppressed Ke Changsheng so that the other party would no longer have any resistance.
617 He was tied up and thrown to the ground, and then Ying Changge went to question who he was.
He has the same skills as the Yin Yang family, which shows that Ke Changsheng’s background is also very mysterious.
But Ke Changsheng didn’t say a word, he seemed so stubborn that he didn’t cry when he saw the coffin.
Ying Changge is not in a hurry, after all, he has a lot of ways to suppress the opponent and reveal his identity.
Since it was related to the Yinyang family, Ying Changge immediately sent someone to summon the Moon God of the Yinyang family.
After all, Luna’s ability is outstanding, so interrogating such a kid will not be a problem.
Arriving like the wind, with an ethereal figure, the Moon God had already appeared in front of Ying Changge and Ke Changsheng.
When she came to Ke Changsheng’s mansion, she stared sideways at Ying Changge, “Why did you call me, Master?”
“I want to know some information about this guy.” Ying Changge trusted Luna very much.
Her skill is extremely profound, and her realm and cultivation are so unpredictable that it is difficult for ordinary people to match.
It is precisely because of this that it is really good for Ying Changge to ask Luna to interrogate Ke Changsheng.
Hearing Ying Changge’s request, Luna immediately walked up to Ke Changsheng.
Luna faced Ke Changsheng indifferently, and Ke Changsheng only felt that he was very crazy for a while.
He hesitated to speak, with a ferocious expression, then he gave a loud cry in pain, and then spoke.
“I am! I am Xu Fu’s subordinate, and this longevity sect was also built under his order.”
After hearing Ke Changsheng’s words, Ying Changge was very surprised, never expecting to be in such a state.
How funny! Ke Changsheng turned out to be Xu Fu’s subordinate! No wonder people recognize themselves, and even build statues.
What is the purpose of building a statue in the form of Ying Changge! Ying Changge was very curious!
Continue to interrogate Ke Changsheng, in order to get an answer, this is the most critical thing.
Facing Ying Changge’s answer, Ke Changsheng was also out of control, showing a struggling look.
However, the power of the Moon God continued to influence him, making Ke Changsheng unable to control himself.
Dizzy and dazed, Ke Changsheng still failed to close his mouth for a moment.
“Because, because of the appearance of Mr. Ying Changge, it will be easier to attract people.”
yes! It turned out to be like this, Ying Changge snorted coldly, and he was also very annoyed.
It’s abominable that a mere kid actually surpasses himself in this way and founded the Longevity Sect.
No matter what the Longevity Sect is, or Xu Fu, Ke Changsheng and others, Ying Changge will kill them all.Originally thought that Ke Changsheng was the culprit of the Longevity Sect, but now it seems that he is just a puppet.
Ying Changge didn’t want to pay attention to Ke Changsheng. Such a shrimp soldier and crab general are useless to him.

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