“I already knew that you have been so busy recently, son, so I specially brought some condolences.”
Fusu immediately brought up his gift, and after a careful look, it was a lot of supplements.
Antlers, tiger penis, ginseng, all kinds of things piled up in front of Ying Changge.
After Ying Changge was speechless, he was naturally very surprised. He smiled indifferently, “Thank you very much.”
Ying Changge didn’t understand what Fusu was doing when he came here with gifts.
It seems that he is asking for something from himself, which is why he is so serious. Ying Changge is very curious.
So he immediately asked, “I don’t know what’s important to you, but it’s okay to say!”
Ying Changge is upright and upright. If it’s just an ordinary thing, he will help.
If it was a matter of benevolence, righteousness and morality, he would not help Fu Su.
Chapter 504: Send charcoal in the snow, even more powerful!
Facing Ying Changge’s question, Fu Su smiled slightly and waved his hands again and again, “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“I came here just to see you, not to need your help.”
“You can rest assured!” Fu Su was serious, he was so serious that Ying Changge was dubious.
I don’t know what to do, but Ying Changge continued to entertain Fusu and served tea.
The two chatted for a while, and sat quietly in this place for a while before Fusu spoke, “I heard.”
“You caused a conflict with Hu Hai, and even destroyed his palace.” Fu Su shook his head secretly.
“It really shouldn’t be.” Fusu kept his eyes on and was very sincere, “As an official in the court, peace is the most important thing.”
Hearing what Fusu said, Ying Changge finally understood what he meant. He came to be a lobbyist.
After fighting Hu Hai and making him angry, Ying Changge destroyed his palace again.
Now Huhai’s palace is still in ruins, without any majestic appearance.
Unexpectedly, today, Fu Su would come to him and speak for Hu Hai, which is really ridiculous.
Shaking his head indifferently, he immediately wonChang Ge immediately said, “But that’s it, Hu Hai is average!”
“This person is not a loyal person. It is reasonable for me to destroy his palace.”
Hearing what Ying Changge said, Fusu shook his head, disapproving very much, “This statement is wrong!”
“If you can have evidence of guilt, it would be better to send him to prison for questioning~‖.”
“But!” Fusu changed the subject, “You don’t have any evidence at all, you’re just acting on your own will.”
“Why bother doing this! You are so angry and reckless!” Fusu tried to persuade.
But Ying Changge completely disagrees with this statement, and Fusu is a double-faced man.
He is a good person inside and out, but it is impossible for Fusu to maintain the relationship between these two sides.
Now that he knew Fusu’s idea, Ying Changge didn’t talk nonsense, and directly rejected it with righteous words.
“Impossible! Hu Hai, I beat him every time I see him, and I don’t regret destroying his palace.”
Seeing Ying Changge’s anger, he shook his head helplessly, “It’s really unreasonable!”
“Actually, Hu Hai is not bad, you must have misunderstood him, that’s why you are like this!”
“Since it was to attack Hu Hai, you destroyed his palace, didn’t you cause a lot of losses!”
“You should go and apologize to Hu Hai. In this way, wouldn’t it be a joy for the two of you to shake hands and make peace.”
After Fu Su worked hard, he turned out to be a long-winded speech just to persuade Ying Changge to apologize!
Apologizing is impossible, not in this life! With Ying Changge’s status, he has made up his mind.
Since he saw Fusu’s idea, Ying Changge waved his hand and took the first step, “Impossible!”
He directly refused.
“Hu Hai deserved it. I didn’t kill him, so he should thank me instead of me apologizing.”
But Fusu is also very stubborn, he will not recognize it like this, and even very helpless, “Hey!”
“Don’t be so impulsive. Hu Hai has a lot of background in the court. Why don’t you reconcile?”
“Turning hostility into friendship, if you get Hu Hai’s support, wouldn’t it be a gift in the snow, like a tiger with wings added.”
Ying Changge’s prediction was correct, Fusu appeared in front of him just to persuade the two of them.
This guy is really so simple, he goes around to be a good person and act as a shit-stirring stick.
Ying Changge was completely uninterested in everything Fusu said, “Impossible!”
“‘ 〃 You should give up on this!” Waving his hand, Ying Changge said, “Did Hu Hai ask you to come!”
Facing Ying Changge’s questioning, Fusu immediately denied it, “Of course not, no one can drive me!”
“I came to you only for your sake, so I asked you to shake hands and make peace.”
“Otherwise, if you really make you so stiff, it won’t do you any good to have a bad relationship.”
The rhetoric of Fusu, a good man, made Ying Changge dumbfounded for a while.
“Impossible. Hu Hai and I are not in the same group.”
“If you let me and him make big things into small things, then wouldn’t it be difficult for others to make things even more difficult.”
Waving his hand very seriously, Ying Changge (Wang Dezhao) said in a very firm tone, “No! I will not agree!”
“Please go back!” Because he didn’t want to talk nonsense with Fusudo anymore.
It’s ridiculous that Fusu’s thinking doesn’t have any backbone, he just knows how to get the best of both worlds.
Ying Changge didn’t bother to be such a person. Since he was going to fight, he had to fight the enemy seriously.
Don’t talk about Hu Hai, even if his palace is destroyed today, Ying Changge might behead him tomorrow.
Therefore, Fusu appeared in front of him, saying that he was going to apologize to Hu Hai, isn’t it a mockery?
Skate the jokes of the world! It is absolutely impossible for Ying Changge to be like this, when he scoffed at Fusu’s proposal.
Chapter 505 Filling the pockets of one’s own pockets and causing chaos beyond the outline!
“You’d better forget it! Rest as soon as possible, don’t think wildly, and don’t come up with ideas casually.”
Ying Changge had already issued the order to evict the guest, but Fusu didn’t know it, and he still sat here without moving.
“Don’t worry, listen to me carefully, I don’t want you to be so stubborn!”
Fusu showed a very concerned and urgent look, and seemed worried.
But Ying Changge didn’t appreciate it, he felt that what Fusu said was really stupid.
Picking up the tea and taking a sip slowly, Ying Changge’s actions are already very obvious.
Bring tea to see off guests. Ying Changge can’t directly yell at Fusu to leave his mansion!
It’s a pity that Fusu didn’t have such awareness, he still stared at Ying Changge seriously and thought.
“Look! Everyone admires Hu Hai very much, and he is also quite well-connected in the court.”
“You protect Hu Hai by 617 and let his forces work for you. Isn’t that just an extra path for you!”
The earnest Fusu took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then continued to persuade, “Peace is the most important thing!”
“Among the government and the opposition, people who meet each other are familiar with each other. It’s really no good for you and Hu Hai to have a stalemate.”
“It’s better for you to take Hu Hai in person. In this way, you can still take him directly under your command.”
“What do you think! As long as you are still in power, any minister should flatter you.”
Ying Changge completely disagreed with Fusu’s words, he shook his head and denied, “It doesn’t need to be like this.”
“Are you trying to persuade me to form a party for personal gain! This is not a good thing! What do you think!”
Ying Changge was unmoved, he was so calm and unhurried, “It’s useless.”
“I am righteous, so I can naturally (afej) is enough to absorb many courtiers who admire and submit to themselves. ”
“If you use such means as subduing to solicit, then it’s too humble! Just like you!”
Pointing at Fusu, Ying Changge asked, “Aren’t you tired of being a good person everywhere! Aren’t you sad!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s question, Fusu still had a calm expression on his face, “What do you think!”
“What’s going on! It’s just making friends! How could it be as bad as you said!”
He didn’t feel despised at all, Fusu still had a very serious expression, “Don’t be so weird!”
“It’s not too much to make friends with people and meet a few good friends!”
Facing Fusu’s rhetoric, Ying Changge still didn’t agree with it, “What are you talking about!”
“It’s nothing more than forming a party for personal gain, and it sounds so nice! I don’t agree.”
Ying Changge spoke righteously, he had made up his mind, and he would not be moved by Fusu’s few words at all.
Especially for people like Hu Hai, Ying Changge never bends down or gives in, let alone apologize.
Even if this guy Hu Hai came to him with pleading guilty, Ying Changge would not even look at him.
He doesn’t care about any of his actions at all, Ying Changge is already at odds with Hu Hai.
Therefore, even after encountering Fusu’s persuasion, it was nothing more than that for Ying Changge.
With Fusu’s eloquence, it is impossible to persuade Ying Changge, this is his will.
Since he has made up his mind, there is no need for anything to influence him, including Fusu’s persuasion.
Ying Changge destroyed Hu Hai’s palace, but he didn’t stop, and even chose to continue the attack.
As long as Hu Hai’s criminal evidence is under control, one day, Ying Changge will personally defeat this sinful person.

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