Looking at Xiong Er at his feet, Ying Changge asked calmly, “Say it! I’ll give you one last chance!”
Raising his head, Xiong Er’s eyes were full of resentment and blood, “I won’t agree.”
“No matter how you question me, I won’t speak! Do you know!”
“I don’t know anything!” Ying Changge shook his head calmly, and then immediately stabbed Fan Wen with his sword.
Chapter 502: Surprised and sneaky!
Xiong Er has more flesh and bloodWith wounds and sword marks one after another, he was already powerless to struggle.
Falling into a pool of blood, Xiong Er stared at Ying Changge with his eyes wide open, “I’m going to kill you!”
At this moment, Xiong Er, who was in a state of turmoil, was about to fall asleep, but he couldn’t bear it.
His fists were still clenched tightly, just to kill Ying Changge, and he even wanted to die together.
He got up slowly, but Xiong Er was covered with scars, and he had no extra strength.
In the pool of his own blood, Xiong Er fell down again, he was panting and sweating profusely.
Seeing his appearance like “June 17”, Ying Changge was even more proud, and stabbed his arm with the blade.
Blood sprayed, Ying Changge stepped on Xiong Er’s arm, and asked slowly, “Say!”
“Where did the Xiong family flee to!” Ying Changge was serious and stern.
Ying Changge’s ability is high, full of powerful strength, and it is absolutely irreversible.
After a while, Ying Changge walked out of the empty mansion of Xiong’s family, because they were all killed.
These rebels resisted endlessly, but in the end they all died without a good end.
Erased by Ying Changge’s own power, at the same time, Ying Changge also got the answer he wanted.
That’s what the most important people of the Xiong family belonged to. They had already left by boat and were about to go to sea.
If they were allowed to go to sea, it would be difficult for Ying Changge to find them! Time to find a needle in a haystack.
Therefore, Ying Changge had to send someone to intercept them, otherwise he would die.
After clearing the Xiong’s house, Ying Changge and his party searched the mansion carefully, but there was nothing there.
Because the people of Xiong’s family have already carried all these things, and the house is empty.
Walking out without any souvenirs, Ying Changge immediately contacted the Yinyang family, and their strength was everywhere.
Therefore, Xinghun immediately led many experts of the Yinyang family to continue the investigation and track down the Xiong family.
There are many people in the Xiong family, they are fleeing in groups, and the target is naturally very huge.
Ying Changge won’t let them escape because they stand out from the crowd, and must kill them to their heart’s content.
Since he was helping Ying Changge, Xinghun was also in a hurry and spared no effort to help find him.
The Yin Yang family has such a large number of people, they went in all directions to find the members of the Xiong family, especially the head of the Xiong family.
Ying Changge’s people can’t do it, but the Yin Yang family can, they spare no effort to find it.
They are surrounded by the sea everywhere, especially the people from the Xiong family who are elusive and sneaky, and they cannot be caught at all.
Xing Hun left without any means, anyone was just a mob to him.
Even if he is looking for a needle in a haystack, he has many people in his hands who can be dispatched and mobilized.
Ying Changge was patiently waiting for the news from Star Soul, and taking this opportunity, he was ready to go, ready to move.
In order to break through the Xiong family and execute all of their people one by one, Ying Changge was very active.
He found many people, but none of those guys were from the Xiong family, and the Yin Yang family was very popular.
They couldn’t wait, acted neatly, and continued to search for the whereabouts of Xiong’s family on the coast and at the pier.
Even though he knew they were going to sea, Ying Changge didn’t know where the sea was…..
Therefore, Xinghun spent a lot of time to let the Yinyang family members run around.
After finding the clues, the members of the Yin Yang family immediately went to look for the Xiong family.
Trying to catch the Xiong family, the Yin Yang family went in groups, capturing many people at once.
They are all members of the Xiong family, and they seem to be going to buy some food, it seems that they are for the Xiong family.
After catching them, Xinghun was very happy, and after tortured them, he questioned the members of the Xiong family.
Seeing that several people were so honest, they confessed everything in a hurry.
Knowing that they would not be so simple, Xinghun immediately caught the movement of Xiong’s family.
So Xinghun continued to report such news to Ying Changge as he rushed there.
Ying Changge got the news, and his figure flew up immediately, trying to capture the opponent.
But the news that came immediately made Ying Changge very disappointed. Xinghun sent someone to say that the Xiong family had already gone to sea.
They successfully boarded and left, and disappeared directly on the ground 4.9, never to be seen again.
It’s a pity, and he was also very disappointed. Ying Changge didn’t know what to do, and he was really helpless.
Could it be that he really wanted to make the Xiong family disappear in front of him? Ying Changge is not to be outdone.
Hearing the news, Xing Tianming came, and he stood in front of Ying Changge with big strides, “I’m coming!”
“I’ll lead people myself, and bring back the Xiong family one by one, how about it!” Xing Tianming was full of confidence.
Because Ying Changge was busy with affairs, he was at his wits’ end, and it was impossible for him to take people out to sea in person! .
Chapter 503 Very busy, full of affairs!
Once entangled at sea for a lot of time, Ying Changge will delay many things.
On the contrary, Xing Tianming was so sure that he had the chance to win, “Don’t worry, I will succeed in no time!”
After hearing that Xing Tianming had such a request, he also nodded happily, “Okay!”
“I am very happy to have you help me. In this way, the Xiong family will definitely not escape.”
He happily agreed, and Ying Changge ordered Xing Tianming to take people out to sea to chase Xiong’s family immediately.
No matter how many people from the Xiong family ran out, as long as they were easy to be caught with clues, they would definitely die.
Especially Xing Tianming, a man with such high martial arts skills, would not let the Xiong family go, and Ying Changge shouldallow.
So at 05, they left immediately without stopping, and many people chased after them, trying to intercept them.
With so many people following Xing Tianming, they immediately left the land and boarded a boat into the sea.
A group of people chased aggressively, continuously looking for the traces and whereabouts of the Xiong family.
After Ying Changge handed over such an important matter to Xing Tianming, he was naturally very relieved.
Nodding in satisfaction, Ying Changge asked Xing Tianming to take full responsibility to bring the Xiong family to justice.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge was busy with his other affairs, and the Afang Palace incident involved many people.
No matter what kind of person is in front of him, as long as he is guilty, Ying Changge will fight with a knife.
Arrest those corrupt officials, put those who are accused of crimes in prison, and kill those who are involved, leaving no one behind.
It is precisely because of Ying Changge’s righteousness that many ministers are very afraid of him.
These ministers were afraid that their handle would fall into Ying Chang’s singer, and they would only die at that time.
Standing on the sidelines helplessly, all the ministers were cautious and did not dare to make other moves.
Just let Ying Changge continue to investigate and interrogate the relevant officials by himself.
No evil person can escape from Ying Changge’s eyes, this is an inevitable trend.
After Ying Changgezai searched carefully, he found no other evidence of crime.
The matter of Afang Palace has been stabilized, which makes other ministers very relieved.
They were very happy, and finally they didn’t need to be questioned by Ying Changge, nor did they have any crimes.
Among the government and the public, such things are completely at ease, and the ministers put their hearts in their stomachs.
Ying Changge’s recent movements are so mighty, and his deeds are so eye-catching.
The ministers are all guilty, after all, they have more or less committed crimes that should not be committed.
Especially after knowing that Ying Changge had stopped the investigation, the ministers felt very at ease.
Finally, there were no obstacles in this peaceful day, and it was still so smooth, and the ministers returned to themselves.
It’s time to eat and drink, and the ministers restarted the days of luxury and money, enjoying themselves and indulging in dogs and horses.
Ying Changge had already given up on investigating the Afang Palace, he wanted to keep an eye on the construction of the Afang Palace.
At the same time, he also needs to let Xing Tianming continue to hunt and kill the Xiong family, which is not what he wants to do.
Because as Ying Changge, he is very busy and busy with affairs, and it is always difficult to spare his time.
He will not have any delays due to lack of skills, and will continue to work hard to make the entire government and the opposition more consolidated.
Under the baptism of Ying Changge’s righteousness, the government and the public are more peaceful and more prosperous.
Just today, Ying Changge heard that it was Fusu who came to visit him, so he went to meet him immediately.
Fusu was waiting in the hall, and when he saw Ying Changge coming, he immediately stood up with a smile.
“Long time no see, young master is getting more and more majestic, really gratifying!”
“Really!” Ying Changge nodded indifferently, and immediately let Fusu sit down, “I don’t know what’s the matter.”
Ying Changge understood that if there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, since Fusu came, it must be something else.
After hearing Ying Changge’s question, Fu Su immediately smiled slightly, “I just came to visit.”

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