With a sound of ping-pong, the sword’s edge hit, and Ying Changge continued to fight with Mengzan, which was very fierce.
Meng Zan wanted to kill Ying Changge impatiently, and Meng Zan originally wanted to assassinate Meng Tian on this trip.
Meng Tian is a majestic general, if Meng Tian is killed, no one will guard the border.
On the contrary, the appearance of Ying Changge directly blocked Meng Zan’s path, which was a pleasant surprise.
Ying Changge is more important than Meng Tian. If Ying Changge is killed, Meng Zan will be happier.
It’s a pity that Mengzan didn’t get enough chances in such a fight with Ying Changge.
Especially the sword in his hand, it was spotless, without any bloodstains, which is really a pity.
With a cold snort, he continued to attack, and the sword in his hand continued to attack Ying Changge’s head.
Meng Zan intends to behead Ying Changge’s head, so that Ying Changge will surely die without a place to bury him.
The sword in Ying Chang’s singer was dexterous, and it came out alive, hitting the surroundings, forming a series of lights and shadows.
Under such afterimages, Ying Changge’s sword shone with many lights.
For a moment, Meng Zan couldn’t tell which one was the real Jianfeng and which one was the phantom.
He frantically raised his sword to defend himself, and stood in front of him fiercely to prevent himself from being stabbed and protect his body.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge who came steadily, and the sword in his hand had an upright momentum and impact.
when! When the sword edge hit, Ying Changge was so powerful that he shook the sword in Meng Zan’s hand.
The figure retreated immediately, Meng Zan almost couldn’t stand on the ground, but he still held his sword well.
The edge of the sword was rippling, and under such an attack, Meng Zan almost flew out of the sword by mistake.
Gritting his teeth not to be outdone, Meng Zan’s face was gloomy, staring straight at Ying Changge without speaking.
Unexpectedly, Ying Changge was just a young guy, but he was so agile.
In particular, his own swordsmanship attainments are simply at the pinnacle, invincible!
It’s a pity that just praising one person’s strength may not be able to stop Ying Changge’s attack like a wolf like a tiger.
No wonder Ying Changge appeared in front of Meng Zan arrogantly, blocking the way of Meng Zan and his group.
With Ying Changge here, the sword in his hand can defeat Meng Zan and others.
Unconvinced, he stood up and praised fiercely, his eyes were cold and murderous, and he wished to kill Ying Changge.
If Ying Changge is divided into five horses, Qin will inevitably suffer heavy losses, which will be a great joy.
In order to weaken Qin’s strength, Meng Zan must continue to fight Ying Changge and fight alone.
Ying Changge came alone, majestic and imposing, showing a posture that ordinary people can’t match.
It seems that no one can stop Ying Changge’s attack, he is so confident.
In the sky and the world, I am the only one.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
If Meng Zan still wants his own people to swarm up, then wouldn’t he lose his demeanor and show his own shortcomings.
Therefore, in the face of Ying Changge, Meng Zan still has to rely on his own strength to go up, so as to kill the Quartet.
One by one, the boys stood by Ying Changge’s side, but they obeyed Meng Zan’s order and did not make a move.
Meng Zan continued to walk up with his sword in hand, and stood in front of Ying Changge at close range.
Ying Changge stared at Mengzan indifferently, with a half-smile expression on his face, “Let’s just grab it!”
“People like you work as a minion for tigers and do a lot of evil. There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering and it is right to turn back!”
….. ….. …
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Meng Zan smiled contemptuously, “It’s really stupid! Would I believe it!”
“Although you, Ying Changge, are the treasure of Qin, you are worthless in front of my fierce praise!”
“I only need to kill you within a few rounds. By then, Qin will definitely decline!”
Seriously praised such pride, as if he could really kill Ying Changge.
Such words made Ying Changge burst out laughing immediately, “I really don’t cry without seeing the coffin!”
“A person like you deserves to die!” Ying Changge preemptively attacked.
The sword in his hand came out swiftly and pierced Meng Zan’s arm all at once.
On the contrary, it was fierce praise, very flexible, his figure was always so fierce, and he came in a hurry.
The footsteps moved, avoiding the left and right at once, and then dodging Ying Changge’s sword.
The sword edge overflowed and did not stab Meng Zan’s body, so Meng Zan immediately found a chance to fight back.
This is a very good opening, the fiercely praised sword directly pierced Ying Changge’s ribs, and the wind and fire were all over the place.
Chapter 432Murderous Ling Ran, with high martial arts skills!
The ribs are a big taboo for martial arts practitioners, and Ying Changge will never let this place of his own fall.
Immediately he raised his sword nimbly, and the edge of the sword blocked Ying Changge’s sword.
With a sound of ping-pong, the blade fell, and Ying Changge’s frightened hands softened with the powerful praise.
If it weren’t for the strength of the five fingers, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer would have stood out and fell to the ground.
However, in a hurry, Ying Changge still blocked his ribs, which is a good thing.
With a triumphant smile, Ying Changge continued to stride forward, trying to avoid the crisis.
The edge of the sword rose, and with a wave of his arm, he frightened the sword in Meng Zan’s hand with “five five three” and retreated, making Meng Zan unable to control himself.
The wobbly Meng Zan would not back down at all, the sword in his hand was always attacking down chatteringly.
Continuing the hostility with Ying Changge, Meng Zan’s sword came down majestically, trying to smash Ying Changge to death.
Meng Zan relied on his own strength to hit him one after another, making it difficult for Ying Changge to move forward.
Standing in this difficult situation, the sword in his hand also came out so aggressively, Ying Changge was great.
Ying Changge, who intends to save the common people in the world, will never let Meng Zan suppress him like this.
Since Ying Changge intends to come alone, it means that he is fully sure and confident.
Relying on his own strength, he blocked the way of Meng Zan and his group, and then he continued to attack.
Looking at the appearance of a few people beside him who had nothing to do with him, Ying Changge knew that Mengzan was very proud.
Ying Changge is only one person, but Mengzan has many masters around him, enough to kill him.
But Meng Zan’s dignity is here, he does not allow his enemies to fight with so many people.
Since it was Ying Changge who was single-handedly courageous, Meng Zan should make them all stand back a little.
Meng Zan, who came out on his own, continued to attack, and the sword in his hand was also shining with a cold light.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, Zan praised the sword in his hand and slammed it aggressively!
boom! Jian Feng continued to move towards Ying Changge’s head, in order to take off Ying Changge’s head.
Otherwise, it would be a joke if Ying Changge was allowed to go in and out seven times and wipe out Meng Zan’s group.
He continued to attack fiercely, and the sword in his hand also showed a fierce offensive, chattering endlessly.
Ying Changge didn’t have any chance to dodge, he intended to dodge, but was still pursued by Meng Zan.
Meng Zan chased and killed Ying Changge from far to near, the sword in his hand never stopped, and kept waving.
Murderous Ling Ran, with high martial arts skills, Meng Zan can be regarded as a rare master.
But after such a master faced Ying Changge, he was powerless, and his posture was mediocre.
In the battle between you and me, the two fought bloody and continued to fight fiercely.
It’s a pity that anyone would shy away from Shangmengzan, and so did Ying Changge.
Ying Changge has no chance to attack Mengzan now, so he can only dodge backwards helplessly.
The sword edge in Meng Zan’s hand continued to swagger down, hitting Ying Changge’s body again and again.
The murderous Meng Zan will never give up his attack, he can always attack bravely and fearlessly.
In order to kill the enemy, in order to kill Ying Changge, Meng Zan did his best and tried his best.
The sword’s edge slapped and came passionately. Such a sword’s edge has a faster and more ferocious attack, which is extraordinary.
Few people can really continue to fight with him, especially this Jianfeng’s offensive 0…
It is to focus on the vital points of Ying Changge, the neck, chest, and even the eyes, which are powerful and swift.
The sword in his hand has an unexpected effect, always able to force Ying Changge back to nowhere.
Ying Changge seemed to be in a very distressed state, but he was actually dodging tactically and retreating quickly.
When the sword in Ying Chang’s singer continued to come majestically, it hit Meng Zan.
Meng Zan was hard to defend against, he didn’t expect Ying Changge to attack suddenly, the sword in his own hand was trembling.
The tiger’s mouth was numb, and the five fingers moved slightly, almost unable to guard against his own sword, very embarrassed.
Unhurried Meng Zan quickly raised his hands, holding the hilt of the sword meticulously.
Only then did he keep himself safe, he snorted coldly, stared straight at Ying Changge, and became angry from embarrassment.
In front of Ying Changge, Meng Zan was evenly matched, and he hardly had much offensive in such a fight.
With such a vigorous attack, the others are not worth mentioning and cannot shake Ying Changge.
He is a majestic existence of the Wolf God Sect, Meng Zan will not just admit defeat like this, he will continue to attack.
How can you say that Meng Zan is also a master of martial arts? Under such an attack, he is invincible.
Therefore, Meng Zan stared at Ying Changge unblinkingly, and he still had to think about other ways to attack.

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