However, Ying Changge no longer intercepted Mengzan’s Jianfeng, which was useless and powerful.
Pushing the boat with the current, letting nature take its course, Ying Changge leaned back and easily avoided the sword.
Meng Zan’s sword failed, and then Ying Changge quickly approached, and then stabbed Meng Zan’s ribs with his sword.
In such an attack, no one could intercept Ying Changge’s sword, because it was too fast.
When he saw Jian Feng charging towards him, Meng Zan was more or less nervous, so he immediately took precautions.
He took a hasty step back, and then Meng Zan raised his sword, blocking the position under his ribs.
With a sound of ping-pong, the edge of the sword hit, and the sword in Meng Zan’s hand trembled, producing a different kind of flame.
Accompanied by such a fight, the sword in his hand became faster and faster, even attacking chatteringly.
Meng Zan did not allow Ying Changge’s sword to fall on him, he is a noble person.
Stabbing with a sword in hand, the tall and tall figure kept oppressing Ying Changge, trying to kill him.
Since it was Ying Changge who went to victory beyond his control, Meng Zan would of course behead him.
Otherwise, if you can’t stop Ying Changge’s attack, then just praise yourself for several injuries.
He was very unhappy, so facing Ying Changge, Meng Zan insisted on not giving in and continued to attack.
Meng Zan is worthy of being a barbarian, the offensive he displayed is so tough and very brave.
Continued to attack one after another, and fiercely praised Ying Changge directly, without any intention of relaxing.
The sword in Ying Chang Singer refused to collide with Meng Zan’s sword, because it would only affect the speed of his own sword.
Continued to attack, the sword in his hand did not confront Mengzan head-on, but Ying Changge continued to approach Mengzan.
Since it was Ying Changge who came here in person, the purpose is to kill the other party.
Otherwise, let Mengzan escape from under his nose alive, this is not acceptable to Ying Changge!
He continued to attack unscrupulously, slamming the sword in his hand tirelessly, always slashing up and down quickly.
The sword technique is simple, but the sword edge is unstoppable.
Meng Zan relied on his own fierce strength to live like a dragon and a tiger, so menacing.
With the approach of Jianfeng, Meng Zan’s figure is also continuing to chase and kill Ying Changge.
The strength he displayed in such a aggressive attack was also very violent.
In order to kill Ying Changge, he used both hands and feet, punched and kicked, wishing to tear Ying Changge to pieces.
Ying Changge’s figure was calm and unhurried, he was always so calm, and then dodged Meng Zan’s attack.
But Meng Zan would not let it go, his burly figure continued to rush forward chattering.
Fighting in a roundabout way, the sword in Ying Chang’s singer avoided the fierce sword’s edge again and again to avoid damage.
Once the powerful Meng Zan attacked, it would of course cause Ying Changge to be injured and bleed.
It was impossible for Ying Changge to confront him head-on, instead (Li Lihao) continued to fight back while he was slamming his sword.
Pull and go, youAs I pull, Jianfeng is also continuing to attack, in order to eradicate a few people.
With non-stop footsteps and a fierce figure, such manic praises are simply invincible, opening and closing.
Ying Changge continued to walk, the sword in his hand sometimes thrust out, sometimes probing, very flexible.
Meng Zan spared no effort to use all his strengths in order to kill Ying Changge alive.
Ying Changge’s abilities are very strong, and he still looks unscathed under Meng Zan’s pursuit.
With a loud shout, he praised that the sword in his hand had already hit Ying Changge’s back, trying to eradicate him.
Chapter 430: Siege Ying Changge and save Meng Zan!
With flexible steps and light waves, Ying Changge disappeared in front of Meng Zan.
hum! The fiercely praised sword fell to the air, and fell to the ground in an instant, with mud flying and dust rolling.
Turning to look at Ying Changge, Meng Zan continued to catch up. He raised his sword like a butcher.
Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, avoided the fierce frontal blow, and then quickly swung his arm.
The sword in his hand went away steadily, and then landed on Meng Zan’s chest. Ying Changge’s counterattack was quick.
It was so fast that Meng Zan was more or less flustered, and he hurriedly protected himself.
Ying Changge’s sword edge approached, but still missed the sharp sword edge and stabbed him in the chest.
There was a wound on his chest, and the blood flowed continuously. He was in great pain, and even grinned.
Meng Zan was very annoyed, he looked down, fortunately his chest injury was not serious.
With a stab of a sword, Ying Changge naturally wanted to continue to attack, he quickly approached Meng Zan.
At the same time, the sword in his hand was also sent out forcefully, trying to pierce Meng Zan’s chest.
Feeling the pain in his body, he praised the cold eyes, and immediately countered the attack.
The sword was raised, flickering sword flowers, fiercely praised Ying Changge’s arm that was trying to chop off, and cut off his hand.
How could Ying Changge let Meng Zan succeed! Then he immediately raised his feet.
Snapped! Kicking firmly on Mengzan’s knee, Mengzan’s figure was unstable and he fell to the ground all at once.
The sword he swung just now failed to hit Ying Changge, but knelt down directly.
Kneeling in front of Ying Changge made Meng Zan blush, he was very angry, his eyes were as big as bells.
Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, Meng Zan tried to stand up from the ground, and then continued to attack.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge stopped him before he could swing the sword in his hand.
Ying Changge’s sword immediately intercepted Meng Zan’s sword, suppressing his move to raise the sword.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge put his foot on Meng Zan’s head, and the other party’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen immediately.
Falling to the ground staggeringly, his fiercely praised face was so resentful that he grinned furiously.
“It’s unreasonable, I’m going to kill you!” Meng Zanren held on to his weapon and refused to let go.
Then Meng Zan immediately raised his head, ready to stand up and give Ying Changge a fatal blow, but Ying Changge was not afraid.
He continued to raise his arm, allowing the sword in his hand to stab Meng Zan’s chest quickly.
As long as Meng Zan’s chest is broken, it will be easy for Ying Changge to take his life!
The invincible and invincible Ying Changge will not show mercy to Meng Zan at all, he is Shan Yu’s right-hand man.
Once Meng Zan was beheaded, Shan Yu would also lose a lot of power, just like being disabled.
This is what Ying Changge wanted to do the most. The sword in his hand did not stop and continued to attack.
Coming aggressively, approaching with a sword, trying to penetrate Meng Zan through a hole, this sword is fast.
However, Meng Zan saw such an attack helplessly, he was very panicked and his face turned pale.
(afej) Several loyal subordinates of the Wolf God Sect behind him tried to besiege Ying Changge and rescue Meng Zan.
Fortunately, Meng Zan was quick-witted, and he rolled from the ground at once, avoiding Ying Changge’s sword backwards.
hum! Ying Changge’s sword did not stab Meng Zan’s body, but he continued to chase and kill him calmly.
In the past, Meng Zan followed Ying Changge, but now Ying Changge went to assassinate Meng Zan in high spirits.
Several other masters of the Wolf God Sect immediately came in groups and intercepted Ying Changge.
Seeing so many opponents, Ying Changge naturally slowed down and stood in place slowly.
Panting Meng Zan stood up, picked up his sword, his face was very embarrassing.
With a cold snort, he straightened his spine fiercely, and said to his subordinates, “Back off!”
“This is a duel between Meng Zan and Ying Changge, don’t interfere!” Meng Zan was very decisive.
It’s about his own face, Meng Zan hopes that he will kill Ying Changge in an upright manner.
Since it was Ying Changge who blocked his way alone, it showed that the other party had a plan in mind.
Wouldn’t this make Meng Zan lose his morale, so he would absolutely not allow several people to continue fighting.
Meng Zan clenched the sword in his hand, his face was flushed, and he stared at Ying Changge very gloomyly.
“Come on! Keep fighting! Let me see if I can bring your head back to Shan Yu!”
“You are really delusional!” Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, he felt that he was bound to win.
He raised the sword in his hand, and then he stared at Mengzan seriously, “Come on! Fight to the death!”
Ying Changge intercepted Meng Zan on the way, with the intention of killing them all and leaving no one behind.
Especially Meng Zan, as a pillar of Shan Yu, Ying Changge wanted him to die in front of him.
Let Meng Zan come and go, let Shan Yu’s army suffer heavy losses, so that they can be safe enough.
Otherwise, continue to let Shan Yu’s power expandGoing down, I don’t know when I can suppress the other party.
The power of the Xiongnu is growing day by day, it is very dangerous, and it cannot be controlled casually at all.
In order to weaken Shan Yu’s power, Ying Changge planned a very long-term grand plan to dominate.
Chapter 431 I am the only one in the sky and the world!
In the hands of Ying Changge, they fought back and forth for a long time, but there was still no winner.
Several members of the Wolf God Sect stood by, obeying Meng Zan’s order, and they all stood where they were.
Watching the battle between Meng Zan and Ying Changge helplessly, they were also so nervous and impatient.
The sword in his hand continued to swing, and he praised fiercely, and the whole person seemed like a beast colliding.
After feeling the huge strength of Meng Zan, he stood firmly on the spot.

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