A group of Qin troopsElite was so excited that he clenched his fists tightly and stared straight ahead expectantly.
The confusion in their hearts then ushered in the answer.
Seeing Ying Changge intervening in the battlefield alone, they understood the main reason why they withdrew from the battlefield before.
“You say.”
“Can these anti-Qin remnants stop the young master’s sword?”
“I feel bad enough!”
“Young master’s shocking sword is enough to kill gods and immortals!”
“All in all, these anti-Qin remnants are going to be in trouble.”
“To be honest, it may be their greatest luck to die at our hands.”
“At least, if they die in our hands, they won’t suffer the tragic fate of being instantly killed and destroyed by the seventh son with absolute crushing posture.”
“you do not say.”
There was a lot of talk.
The members of the quicksand organization are also deeply curious.
The seventh son wants to fight against more than 2,000 people alone?
Can it work?
Right in plain sight.
Ying Changge started.
His movements are simple and neat, without any bells and whistles.
I see.
He slowly raised the famous sword Yuan Yuan in his hand.
In a single thought, mobilize the surging innate qi in the body, transform it into a more terrifying force, gather from the body to the right arm.
This power then condenses from the right arm in the palm, and extends to the whole body of the famous sword that is tightly held in the hand.
Immediately afterwards.
A layer of black liquid substance wrapped around the sharp blade, like ink…
In less than a moment.
Liquid turns into solid!
A layer of indestructible black armor was firmly placed on the blade of the famous sword Abyss, exuding a cold and harsh aura, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to plummet a little.
Armed color domineering, open!
Holding the Yuanyuan sword covered in armed armor, Ying Changge sword pointed in the direction of more than two thousand anti-Qin remnants.
next second.
A surge of more surging and terrifying power turned into dark purple streams of air, entwined around the surface of the blade, making the Abyss Sword even more sharp.
The incomparably terrifying gravitational energy has already enveloped the sword body.
Gravity fruit, explode!
Ying Changge, who had already prepared everything, finally slashed off the sword in his hand.
call out!
The blade cut through the sky, and there was a piercing sound of piercing the sky.
The voice was sharp and resounded through the sky.
This sword was aimed at the positions of more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements in front.
The blade cut off.
A dark purple terrifying slash, with the domineering power of the perfect-level armed force, and the terrifying and destructive power of the perfect-level gravity fruit…
Go fast!
With the power to destroy the world!
The momentum is overwhelming!
I want to destroy everything in the world!
“Gravity Knife Tiger!”.
Chapter 376 Is this human power? It’s a fairy! 【Please customize】
This sword is earth-shattering!
A shocking sword cut down the sky.
The exploding terrorist force rushed forward, aiming at more than 2,000 anti-Qin remnants directly in front.
This is a sword that contains unparalleled terrifying power, enough to destroy everything in the world, with a breath of power that destroys everything and shatters everything.
The dark purple slash contains the tearing force of the gravity fruit.
When slashing, chop down and attack the front.
Wherever I go…
Everything was crushed into powder.
Even space is trembling weakly.
The void collapses!
Space collapses!
The power of this slash was too terrifying, causing the space to twist and squirm. It seemed that the space could not bear this force, and it might collapse at any time.
This scene, – is simply terrifying!
What kind of amazing power can make the space collapse?
In general.
With this sword, Ying Changge broke out with all his strength.
He was also eager to give it a try.
How powerful is the destructive power that he erupts with all his strength?
The two thousand anti-Qin remnants in front of him are the best experimental subjects for him to measure his full blow.
It was for this reason that he took the initiative to dispatch the Qin army to withdraw from the battlefield.
Just to avoid accidentally hurting one’s own people.
The destructive power caused by the burst of power of this sword may be so strong that it exceeds Ying Changge’s own expectations.
after all.
A sword with full strength in the late Xiantian period is enough to instantly kill thousands of people.
Now, Ying Changge’s cultivation has reached the level of a martial arts master.
I also comprehended the swordsmanship of the blind swordsman!
With such an increase in strength, how terrifying is his full-power sword?
Even Ying Changge himself was unpredictable.
He just knows.
This sword could probably kill all these two thousand remnants of the anti-Qin on the spot!
“Please witness the true power!”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly.
With this sword, he activated the perfect-level armed domineering, and even exploded the power of the fruit of gravity, and also used the blind swordsman’s swordsmanship to slash.
all in all.
This sword was a sword that he broke out with all his strength, and contained all the strength in his body.
As for how scary?

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