He still dare not imagine.
Is there anyone else who can be strong enough to fight against more than 2,000 people alone?
Logically speaking.
This is absolutely impossible!
Even he is not sure that he can do it.
He can only guarantee.
With his strength, he can calmly escape from the siege of thousands of people. However, there is no guarantee that he can completely overthrow a group of 2,000 people by himself.
Can Seventh Son do it?
Ge Nie couldn’t imagine that scene.
Seeing Ying Changge’s actions, Meng Tian and Meng Ying’s father and son suddenly became enlightened.
Chapter 375 You will see what true power is! 【Please customize】
“I see.”
“Seventh Young Master originally planned to do it himself, no wonder…”
Contrary to Gai Nie, the leader of the Mohist school, and others, Meng Tian and Meng Ying certainly believed in it.
Those two thousand anti-Qin remnants…
They’re done!
How strong is Seventh Young Master?
Of course, the two fathers and sons are clear about it.
So far, they have never been able to forget.
At that time, the terrifying scene where my young master killed thousands of people in an instant with a single sword strike!
That scene still lingers in their minds deeply.
When they saw that Ying Changge was going to deal with the remaining 2,000 anti-Qin remnants alone, they didn’t feel any worry.
Their eyes were full of anticipation.
“Seventh Young Master is going to get serious!”
“It’s time for these anti-Qin remnants to have a good experience.”
“What is real power!”
“The power they have seen before, compared with the power of the seventh son, it is simply an ant compared to a giant!”
“Next, they will definitely open their eyes.”
“They’ll see.”
“for what……”
“The power to destroy the world!”
Meng Tian clenched his fists and whispered to himself with excitement.
He had seen Ying Changge explode at full strength before, so of course he was looking forward to seeing it.
When those who rebelled against Qin Yuxie and faced the Seventh Young Master’s full power erupted head-on, how tragic and desperate would they fall into?
He seemed to have predicted it.
These anti-Qin remnants are about to be wiped out by the whole army.
In front of Seventh Young Master…
These anti-Qin remnants are simply vulnerable to a single blow!
“Meng Tian, ​​don’t you think that your son can really fight against a group of more than 2,000 people alone?”
Xiang Liang looked at Meng Tian with weird eyes.
“What do you think?”
Meng Tian smiled mysteriously.
Seeing this, Xiang Liang’s eyelids twitched, and suddenly he felt ominous.
Based on his understanding of Meng Tian.
The other party, Meng Tian, ​​has an arrogant and arrogant personality, but he will never do anything he is not sure about.
And now.
The other party saw his young master intervening in the battlefield alone, but he never showed any worry.
What does this mean?
this means……
The other party really believed that his young master could do it.
Overthrow a large group of more than 2,000 people alone!
“This is impossible!”
“It’s just a bluff.”
“You think I will be influenced by you?”
Xiang Liang snorted coldly and snorted.
“Bluuf? Then you’ll have to keep your eyes open for a while to see (afej).”
“Seventh Young Master, he will definitely let you see it clearly.”
“for what……”
“True power!”
“You guys are just a bunch of frogs in a well after all!”
Meng Tian laughed wildly.
Recalling the power that could destroy the world, it made him excited.
That is the power that is truly powerful to the extreme!
By contrast.
The other so-called martial arts masters are simply too weak!
The so-called Sword Saint Gai Nie?
In front of that power, Sword Saint Gai Nie is just an insignificant ant.
Ever since he had seen the full power of Ying Changge, Meng Tian suddenly felt that this top powerhouse in the world was really too weak.
“A group of frogs in the well…”
“A mere Gai Nie deserves to be called the world’s number one sword master?”
“Gai Nie is not even worthy of carrying shoes in front of my son!”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
not far away.
Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and the others had also walked outside the battlefield, their eyes were fixed on the battlefield ahead, and they saw the young figure in white.
“Is the son going to make a move?”
Shi Lan’s pink lips moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of awe.
They’ve all seen it.
The scene where Ying Changge exploded with a shocking sword, instantly killing thousands of people.
They don’t think so.
Ying Changge’s behavior at this moment is really bluffing.
“That power…”
“It’s like a fairy!”
Yu Ziqi’s eyes were lost for a moment, obviously still thinking about the shocking sword that Ying Changge unleashed earlier.
Shao Siming remained silent.
Her beautiful eyes flickered, and she fixed her gaze on Ying Changge very quietly.
Qin Jun’s side also exploded.
“Damn it? Feelings are the Seventh Young Master who wants to do it himself?”
“It’s no wonder that all of us will be evacuated from the battlefield. This is to avoid accidentally injuring our rhythm.”
“Seventh Young Master will go out in person, this wave is stable!”
“These anti-Qin remnants, their nightmare is coming.”
“I just said why the seventh son is so good, he actually asked us to evacuate from the battlefield. It turns out that it is the son who is going to do it himself.”
“It’s really exciting to see the unrivaled power of the seventh son again.”

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