Begging forgiveness and life from others.
all of thisEverything has been reduced to the most ridiculous joke!
In order to survive, the Moon God no longer disregarded his previous image, but chose to pray humblely.
She regrets.
If he had known this earlier, he shouldn’t have made an extravagant effort to get back the magic sound treasure box.
If there were no previous behaviors, it would not have caused the current miserable end and results.
She held infinite remorse in her heart.
But it doesn’t help!
“The Right Protector of the dignified Yin Yang family will also beg for mercy from others in order to survive?”
“Luna, you disappoint me.”
“In my impression, you are a stubborn woman who will never give in.”
“But now, you have broken my impression and perception of you.”
Ying Changge remained expressionless and unmoved.
No matter how pitiful the Moon God is, it can’t affect her emotional ups and downs.
“All right.”
“I’ve told you so much, it’s time to send you on your way.”
“From the moment you choose to attack me.”
“Your fate is already doomed.”
“you will die!”
“Whoever comes, can’t save you.”
Ying Changge’s tone was indifferent.
Anyone who tries to become his enemy will be wiped out and killed by him!
The right protector of the Yin Yang family, the Moon God?
No exception!
As long as it is his enemy, then he will never show mercy!
Not to mention showing no mercy!
As for killing the Moon God, the right protector of the Yin Yang family, what kind of trouble will it cause?
This is not what Ying Changge needs to consider.
He doesn’t care either!
With the terrifying power he possesses now, he doesn’t care about any troubles happening.
look at the world…
He is invincible!
Why care about the so-called trouble?
If it is really because of killing the Moon God today, it will cause a series of troubles. Ying Changge didn’t mind, and used his invincible power to smooth out all these troubles!
He has made up his mind.
Moon God, kill him!
In fact.
As early as the moment Luna chose to make a move, Ying Changge had already labeled the opponent death.
The so-called right protector of the Yin Yang school?
The Empire’s Protector Archmage?
Ying Changge doesn’t care about these identities of the Moon God at all.
He was only sure about one thing.
That is……
Luna is his enemy!
This alone is enough to make him mercilessly kill the Moon God! .
Chapter 366 Despair! Let’s give up! 【Please customize】
Luna despaired.
She can hear it.
Ying Changge’s words were full of murderous intentions.
It’s definitely not that the other party is trying to scare her deliberately.
The opponent really made a murderous move!
The Onmyo family could not protect her, nor could the empire.
Now, no one can save her.
Countless thoughts lingered in Luna’s mind, making her look desperate and helpless.
“It’s over!”
All thoughts of Luna were destroyed.
She really didn’t expect it.
The seventh son Ying Changge actually dared to kill her.
Even her begging for mercy has become meaningless.
“I will die…”
“Dead in the hands of Seventh Young Master.”
Luna’s face was pale, and his heart was full of desperate thoughts.
at the same time.
Ying Changge spoke again: “Any last words?”
The moon god died in the organ city, who knew he did it?
Even if a series of troubles are really caused in the follow-up, he doesn’t need to have any fear and timidity.
Controlling extremely powerful power endowed Ying Changge with unprecedented self-confidence and confidence.
The death of the Moon God will inevitably affect the turmoil of the entire empire, which is beyond reproach.
The Yin Yang family will definitely make a series of disturbances because of the death of the moon god.
In Ying Changge’s view, these are all innocuous things.
As long as he is strong enough, he can completely avoid these troublesome things!
“The last words…”
Luna’s beautiful eyes were lost for a while.
She raised her head with difficulty, looked at Ying Changge who was close at hand, and suddenly felt her own smallness and humbleness.
She lowered her head, with a bitter expression on her face: “I regret it.”
Seeing the attitude of the moon god, Ying Changge then burst out the power of the fruit of gravity without any hesitation.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Unparalleled terrifying power erupted from Ying Changge’s body, and the overwhelming power almost crushed all living creatures around him.
The overwhelming shock wave hit Luna’s body in an instant.
Luna, who was already seriously injured, naturally couldn’t dodge Ying Changge’s blow!
Just for a split second.
It was as if her body had been hit by a towering mountain. The terrifying shock wave crushed her internal organs on the spot, and sent her flying to the collapsed wall again.
Endless power bloomed, surrounding Ying Changge’s body, everything was forcibly crushed into powder, and scattered in all directions.
The entire wall was also pierced with a hideous hole.
And the body of the Moon God sank into the crumbled and sunken wall.
The clothes on her body were more torn and torn, and the blood was flowing, almost completely infecting the clothes soaked in her body, turning him into a bloody blood man.
Very miserable!
It looks particularly terrifying!

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