This terrifying power is by no means something he can block.
If the target of that sword was him, he felt that he would definitely be beaten to death by that
With all kinds of fearful thoughts in their hearts, Jing Tianming and Gao Yue fell into powerlessness and despair.
They no longer had any hope.
One hope after another was dashed.
Let them have lost their minds.
Chapter 365: Onmyoji right protector? Imperial Guardian Mage? kill! 【Please customize】
“We will die…”
Gao Yue’s little face was pale and bloodless, and she stayed beside Jing Tianming blankly, holding Jing Tianming’s arm tightly, as if she was ready to face death next.
Jing Tianming was also mentally prepared to face death.
An oppressive atmosphere filled the air.
Ying Changge slowly withdrew the famous Jian Yuan in his hand, and with a perfect level of knowledge and domineering insight, the Moon God at this moment was already in danger and was in a critically injured state.
“So weak?”
“I only used 20% of my strength.”
“I haven’t even used the perfect level of armed domineering.”
“With a random sword, you severely injured a martial arts master?”
Ying Changge rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
More precisely.
It cannot be said that Luna is too weak.
can only say……
I am too strong!
Only then did it appear that Luna, who had reached the level of a martial arts master, was very fragile.
But it is not.
No martial arts master in the world would be able to block Ying Changge’s sword from the front.
Although, this sword Ying Changge only used 20% of his strength.
But his 20% strength is a terrifying force that can destroy the world for a martial arts master.
After killing Luna with a single sword just now, Ying Changge also had a deeper understanding of his current strength, 490.
“The congenital state and the martial arts master are indeed the difference between two completely different new realms.”
“After becoming a martial arts master in the late Xiantian period, my strength has increased by more than a hundred times!”
“The strength has skyrocketed by tens of thousands of times!”
Ying Changge felt emotional.
After taking back the famous sword Yuanyuan, he suppressed many thoughts in his head.
It’s time to finish too.
A sword with 20% strength can instantly kill the Moon God, which is not beyond Ying Changge’s expectations.
Immediately afterwards.
Ying Changge stopped thinking too much, and approached the direction of the moon god step by step.
His perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can capture that Luna is in a very weak state of life at the moment, as if he might die suddenly at any time.
Martial arts masters are never so fragile, and it’s easy to persist for a while.
Even if the Moon God is seriously injured at this moment.
With the domineering and informative investigation at the perfect level, Ying Changge was able to clearly see the details of Luna’s physical condition at the moment.
Luna’s state is unprecedentedly weak!
At this moment, even a third-rate warrior is enough to kill Moon God.
There is no doubt about this.
An ordinary person who can lift a weapon (afej) can easily take away the life of the Moon God.
Because of eating Ying Changge’s gravity knife head-on, it is completely reasonable for Luna to be seriously injured and unable to move.
after all.
Not everyone can take Ying Changge’s Gravity Knife head-on.
It is already great luck that Luna can recover a life.
After a while.
When Ying Changge’s footsteps stopped abruptly.
He is already in the position next to Luna.
Condescending, facing the dying moon god below.
Although he couldn’t see the figure of the moon god, Ying Changge could still feel it more or less with his perfect level of knowledge and knowledge.
How embarrassing and unsightly Luna is now!
How high and powerful is the right protector of the yin and yang family? What kind of honorable status?
This was definitely the most embarrassing moment in Luna’s life.
“It’s really embarrassing…”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
The voice fell.
Luna forcibly endured the stinging pain in her body, raised her head, her beautiful eyes were bloodshot and frightened, and looked at Ying Changge who was close at hand.
By contrast.
She was wounded all over, lying on the ground in tattered clothes, like a lost dog.
And Ying Changge, dressed in white, was still spotless, looking calm and calm.
The strong contrast caused Luna to lose his mind for a while.
Before Luna could speak, Ying Changge continued.
“You said that you are very good, why do you have to provoke me?”
“Isn’t it good to be your yin and yang family right protector? You want to come to me to die.”
“Tell me, what should I do with you?”
Luna’s heart tightened.
Do not know why.
An ominous premonition arose in her heart.
Not good!
Could it be that……
Does the seventh son really want to solve himself completely? !
Kill yourself in the mechanism city? !
How dare the other party do this?
I am the great mage protecting the country!
It is also highly regarded by the First Emperor Yingzheng.
How dare the seventh son kill himself just like that?
Thinking of this, Luna panicked.
She is unpredictable.
Ying Changge really wanted to kill her!
this moment.
All the self-esteem and pride of the Moon God will be reduced to nothing more than ridiculous.
What’s the point of self-esteem when you’re about to lose your life?
Moon God hurriedly said with difficulty: “Young Master, I admit defeat, please spare my life. I can completely pretend that I didn’t see what you did today, let alone stop it.”
She has never been so flustered and humble as at this moment.

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