Liu Bang!
The current Liu Bang is Liu Ji of the peasant family for the time being.
After killing Liu Ji, Ying Changge’s template fusion degree will naturally be much higher than that of killing Xiang Shaoyu.
Apart from Liu Ji, Xiang Shaoyu’s degree of template integration is basically the highest.
This time, the reason why Ying Changge took the initiative to rush to the organ city was to take Xiang Shaoyu’s life? In order to use the opponent’s life to improve the template fusion of the blind swordsman?
He finally got his wish!
Inside and outside the entire Mohist organ city, all the members of the anti-Qin alliance, no one is as important as Xiang Shaoyu, the future overlord of Western Chu.
There is no doubt about this.
It is precisely because of this.
Only when Ying Changge killed Xiang Shaoyu would he get an unprecedented increase in template fusion (afej).
Killing Xiang Shaoyu’s template fusion rate is nearly three times that of killing Shengqi!
This alone is enough to show the importance of Xiang Shaoyu.
Just when Ying Changge’s thoughts were flying.
The sound of the system sounded again.
【Ding! 】
[The fourth new ability has been successfully unlocked…]
[Congratulations to the host, successfully unlocking the ‘Swordsmanship (Perfect Level)’ in the blind swordsman character template! 】
Accompanied by the sound of the system, it slowly fell.
Ying Changge’s face beamed with joy.
Then he became very excited!
it is good!
It really lived up to expectations.
But all the abilities produced by the blind swordsman are the best of the best.
fencing? !
Or perfect swordsmanship? !
Almost completely replicating the blind swordsman’s control over swordsmanship?
The extraction of this ability made Ying Changge ecstatic.
He couldn’t control the excitement and excitement in his heart.
The fourth ability really brought him a big surprise!
Just ask!
How strong is the blind swordsman’s swordsmanship?
Don’t look at him in his ordinary life, he often uses swordsmanship to cover up his own gravity fruit.
But no one can deny it.
The blind swordsman, the admiral’s swordsmanship attainments, is definitely quite superb.
Can’t compare to the real great swordsman!
But the perfect swordsmanship of the blind swordsman, placed in this river and lake, is absolutely comparable to the terrifying swordsmanship of Gai Nie, even surpassing the sword master Gai Nie!
The perfect swordsmanship of a blind swordsman!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge felt uncontrollably excited like never before.
Perfect swordsmanship means…
Ying Changge didn’t need to practice, let alone develop this ability by himself, but directly integrated the blind swordsman’s control and development of this ability.
This is the perfect level of swordsmanship!
As long as Ying Changge’s body and his realm are strong enough.
Then, he will be able to fully erupt, comparable to the full swordsmanship level of the blind swordsman.
This is equivalent to enlightenment!
In an instant, Ying Changge’s body had countless controls over swordsmanship out of thin air.
Instinctive instinct!
Just as Ying Changge thought of this.
in vain!
A mass of warm current seemed to appear in his body out of thin air, constantly washing away his internal organs, meridians, bones, and blood…
This familiar experience naturally touched Ying Changge deeply.
In this regard, he is already familiar with the road.
he knows.
The transformation brought about by the system to my body has officially started now!
My body will usher in a huge transformation and rebirth! .
Chapter 331 The Blind Swordsman’s Perfect Swordsmanship! Invincible! 【Please customize】
Thinking of this, Ying Changge was deeply looking forward to it.
This time, not only did he successfully obtain the perfect swordsmanship of the blind swordsman…
at the same time.
And one’s own cultivation level will inevitably usher in a huge improvement~!
Can’t help…
He calmed down and carefully felt the warm current washing over his body, and the changes in his body under this warm current washing.
The whole body seems to be bathed in a warm ocean.
Empty mind and body!
All troubles seemed to be swept away.
Even the faint sense of exhaustion was completely dispelled by this warm current.
This experience is really wonderful!
Deeply intoxicated and fascinated!
Strength is getting stronger!
The strength is rising steadily!
at the same time.
A surge of memories rushed into Ying Changge’s mind like a tide.
Countless sentiments were integrated into his body.
Naturally, all of these memories are related to the introduction, detailed description, method of casting, and application of the blind swordsman’s swordsmanship…
Without exception!
Almost everything was unreserved, like a trend blending into Ying Changge’s body.
It’s like an instinct carved into the bone!
Countless memories are becoming the instinct of Ying Changge’s body.
Everything about swordsmanship seemed to be copied from the blind swordsman’s side intact, and then posted to Ying Changge’s body.
Not only that, but also the introduction and usage of swordsmanship.
and also……
Many insights into swordsmanship and so on.
These are almost all aspects, unreservedly engraved on Ying Changge’s bodysuperior.
With the amount of memory pouring into his mind, it quickly merged into Ying Changge’s body and became a certain instinct that he was born with.
There is no jerky feeling, but it looks very familiar.
It’s just like……
He has mastered swordsmanship for decades!
It’s more like ten years of honing swordsmanship!
As for the degree of mastery of swordsmanship, the one who has become familiar can hardly be more familiar!
The swordsmanship mastered by the blind swordsman himself is not far behind!

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