“‘ 〃 Next…”
“It’s my turn!”
Xiang Shaoyu sighed bitterly.
He doesn’t think so.
He was able to survive the crisis of death.
No one can save him!
The only end to meet him is death!
Xiang Shaoyu had expected this point.
“It’s your turn.”
Ying Changge pinched Xiang Shaoyu’s neck with his right hand and hung him up high.
Use your right hand a little harder.
Another crisp and pleasant voice sounded.
Xiang Shaoyu’s neck was broken on the spot.
I see.
The pupils of Xiang Shaoyu’s eyes were dilated, and the pupils turned white. His struggling body gradually began to cool down, and his hands slowly dropped down.
In less than a moment.
All the breath of life in his body has already disappeared.
Xiang Shaoyu could not escape this disaster.
So far announced.
Xiang Shaoyu died suddenly!
The future overlord of Western Chu died in the hands of Ying Changge.
Xiang Shaoyu, who shouldered the responsibility of restoring (may Zhao Hao) Xingchu State, was reduced to a cold corpse with no vital signs.
The only descendant of the royal blood of the Chu Kingdom died.
from now on.
The remnants of the Chu State’s remnant party can be regarded as completely dead in name only.
after all.
Without a leader with orthodox royal blood, it is naturally impossible to convince the people of Chu.
Hard to convince!
The remnants of Chu’s remnant party no longer pose any threat to the empire.
With Xiang Shaoyu’s death, Chu State has no hope of revival.
at the same time.
After casually killing Xiang Shaoyu.
Ying Changge was full of anticipation, and began to quietly wait for the system’s notification tone.
As expected…
The second after killing Xiang Shaoyu, the system’s notification sounded suddenly.
【Ding! 】
[It is detected that the host has changed the original world trajectory by 25%…off]
[Template fusion degree +25%]
【Current template fusion degree: 58%】.
Chapter 330 Huge transformation and rebirth【Please customize】
The system’s notification sound buzzed and lingered in Ying Changge’s mind.
Long time no see!
it’s coming!
as predicted!
After killing Xiang Shaoyu, the system was not absent.
It still increased the template fusion degree by 25% at one time!
What is this concept? !
Simply unimaginable!
This is definitely the highest degree of template integration that Ying Changge has improved once.
25% template fusion!
That’s a quarter of a hundred percent!
That means.
If he can kill four Xiang Shaoyu, then Ying Changge can completely reproduce all the abilities and strength of the blind swordsman.
what does that mean?
it goes without saying!
Once mastered the full strength of the blind swordsman, then Ying Changge’s strength can easily overturn the whole world!
At that time, he will be a real living god!
A terrifying existence like a living immortal Buddha.
“Increased the degree of template integration by 25% at one time, and the King of Western Chu deserves to be the King of Western Chu.”
“It’s not in vain that I came here from Xianyang City to the Mohist Organ City. I came all the way to this ghostly place. Isn’t it just to improve the fusion of templates?”
“The future Overlord of Western Chu in 473, you are indeed my experience baby.”
“This time the template fusion has been improved too much!”
Ying Changge was very excited.
Never before has such a high degree of template fusion been improved at one time.
And this time, he finally got his wish.
A one-time increase of 25% template fusion is naturally enough to unlock the fourth ability.
What will it be?
What is the fourth blind swordsman’s ability that will be unlocked soon?
Or domineering color?
Or something else?
With countless thoughts in his heart, Ying Changge’s sense of anticipation grew stronger and stronger.
He couldn’t wait to hear it.
Later, the moment the system reveals the answer.
In order to wait for this moment, Ying Changge waited a lot of time.
Now, it has finally come true!
Didn’t the reason for running all the way from Xianyang City to the Mohist Trick City be at this very moment? !
Immediately afterwards.
Before waiting for Ying Changge’s reaction.
The system beep sounded again.
[The degree of template fusion has increased by 20% again, which just meets the ability unlocking conditions. The system will automatically unlock the host, the fourth new ability of the blind swordsman character template…]
Ying Changge thought to himself.
A one-time increase in template fusion is enough to unlock the fourth blind swordsman’s ability.
He is looking forward to it.
Next, the system gives you a new ability!
This kind of opportunity is rare.
after all.
For an extremely critical figure like Xiang Shaoyu, the number ofIt is too little, too little.
Compared with Chen Sheng who was the uprising in Daze Township, Xiang Shaoyu’s influence was obviously much more terrifying.
The two cannot be compared at all.
If you want to ask.
Who can have a higher degree of template integration than Xiang Shaoyu?
Ying Changge could only think of one key person.
That is……

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