“Finally let me find you.”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly, with a meaningful smile on his face.
at the same time.
Duan Murong also successfully saw Ying Changge’s young face.
a split second.
When she saw Ying Changge’s face clearly, Duan Murong’s expression changed drastically, her eyes widened and rounded, her face was full of horror, shock, shock and disbelief.
“How, how could it be you?!”
Duanmu Rong lost his composure completely.
She couldn’t help taking a few steps back, staring at Ying Changge with horror and disbelief.
A strong sense of fear arises spontaneously from the bottom of my heart.
before that.
Duan Murong had met Ying Changge before.
What she (afej) saw at that time.
It was the scene where Ying Changge stomped on Yan Dan’s head.
When she saw Ying Changge again, Duan Murong immediately thought of the latter’s identity.
“What do you want to do?!”
Duanmu Rong’s lips trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of fear and fear.
The opponent did not participate in the battlefield outside…
Instead, rush to the inner core hinterland of the organ city!
What is the other party’s plan?
Duanmu Rong’s mind went blank.
at the same time.
The fear in her heart was gradually magnified infinitely.
Facing the terrified Duanmu Rong, Ying Changge remained calm as always, and did not cause too much emotional ups and downs.
Compared to Duanmu Rong…
He cares more.
It’s those little guys hiding in the secret room!
in particular……
One of them was a boy named Xiang Shaoyu!
He is the most important target of Ying Changge.
With a perfect domineering level of knowledge, he kept locking the entire secret room.
secret roomEvery move of all the personnel in the ward can hardly escape Ying Changge’s keen insight.
Including Mu Rong’s emotional ups and downs in front of his eyes, he also has a clear insight.
“Are you afraid of me?”
Ying Changge smiled playfully.
He directly pushed open the bronze door of the secret room.
Vibrated with a loud noise.
The door was successfully and fully opened!
At this time.
The three boys and girls hiding in the corner of the secret room also all saw Ying Changge outside the door.
The three of them cast puzzled looks.
“No matter what you want to do, I will definitely stop you!”
“Even if you risk your life, you won’t hesitate!”
Duanmu Rong took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart.
Even though she knew that the strength of Ying Changge in front of her was terrifying, she didn’t flinch anymore, but stood in front of Ying Changge with her head on her head and the fear in her heart.
“remarkably brave.”
Ying Changge shook his head.
In the face of absolute power, everything is just a joke!
Ying Changge meant something: “You can’t protect them.”
Hearing this, Duanmu Rong was startled.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just me.”
The successive excuses made Ying Changge laugh out loud.
really interesting……
At this point, still trying to cover up?
such a pity!
Under her perfect domineering aura, all secrets will be impossible to hide!
“Well, I don’t want to waste too much time with you.”
“Let the children inside come out.”
Ying Changge’s tone was flat.
“You! Your target is actually them!”
Duanmu Rong suddenly woke up.
She looked at Ying Changge with even more angry and terrified eyes.
She felt a great sense of crisis.
This sense of crisis naturally came from Ying Changge.
How could she just watch.
Gao Yue and the three of them were persecuted by the person in front of them?
“I said it before.”
“You can’t protect them.”
“give up……”
“You should know how ridiculous it is to try to deal with me with your strength.”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face was intriguing.
Duanmu Rong’s spirit was tense, and she secretly took out the silver needle with both hands to prepare for a sneak attack.
Her every move naturally cannot escape Ying Changge’s insight.
He directly pointed it out: “Don’t waste your efforts, when the power gap between the two is too great, any means are just a joke.”
“You want to sneak up on me?”
“Extremely ridiculous!”
Duanmu Rong’s complexion changed drastically.
what happened? !
The intention in my heart was actually seen through? !
What an astonishing insight is this?
Duanmu Rong looked very heavy.
Immediately afterwards.
Ying Changge took a step forward and jumped directly beside Duanmu Rong.
Before Duanmu Rong could react, the smile on Ying Changge’s face was full of amusement, and he slowly spoke in the direction where Xiang Shaoyu and the others were.
“How are you guys!”
Chapter 316 Want to kill me? can you do it 【Please customize】
“What the hell are you trying to do?!”

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