There was no sound!
Jing Tianming’s eyes widened, his face full of shock.
“Uncle will be seriously injured?!”
“It must be fake.”
Jing Tianming still couldn’t believe it.
An existence as strong as an uncle would be severely injured by outsiders.
In his opinion, this is obviously something that belongs to the Arabian Nights.
“The one that severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“Is this the Seventh Young Master?”
Xiang Shaoyu gasped.
Of course he heard.
Some time ago, Gai Nie was wounded and defeated from Xianyang City, and was defeated and severely injured by a mysterious strong man.
This news set off huge waves and turmoil in the world at that time.
Xiang Shaoyu naturally heard about it.
But he never expected.
The one who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie was the Seventh Young Master who broke into the Trick City!
“At the age of a weak crown, a strong blow to the sword master Gai Nie?”
“This person’s martial arts talent is so high, it’s unbelievable!”
“It can be called…”
“Peerless than ever before!”
Xiang Shaoyu’s face was full of horror.
After changing the subject, he continued to ask: “So, the one who killed Juzi was the Seventh Young Master?”
If it’s the other party…
That’s understandable.
after all.
Even Gai Nie, the number one swordsman in the world, was defeated and severely injured by the opponent.
In this way.
The Mohist giant will be killed by the opponent, this is notimpossible.
The news one after another finally caused Xiang Shaoyu an unprecedented psychological shock.
Gao Yue continued to cry bitterly, hugging Duanmu Rong, tears streaming out.
Even if you know who the enemy who killed your father is.
But she was also helpless.
She was distraught, although she wished she could take revenge immediately.
But she knows.
To be able to kill a top powerhouse like her father, the opponent’s strength must be extremely terrifying.
Obviously not something she could handle.
“‘ 〃 If the seventh son really broke into the organ city, then things will be even more troublesome.”
Xiang Shaoyu’s heart sank.
I’m afraid the battlefield outside is not optimistic!
How much influence does an existence powerful enough to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie have on a war?
Simply unimaginable!
“Is this Seventh Young Master really that strong?”
“Even uncle is his subordinate? Uncle is clearly the number one sword master in the world!”
Jing Tianming was still in shock.
“Mr. Ge Nie is indeed very strong, but that Seventh Young Master is even more terrifying!”
“Boy, the world is so big that there are no surprises.”
Xiang Shaoyu patted Jing Tianming on the shoulder, and warned him earnestly.
Being able to be the number one sword master in the world, Gai Nie’s strength (of the King of Kings) is naturally beyond doubt.
That Seventh Young Master is obviously countless times more terrifying than Gai Nie!
Just when Duanmu Rong was about to continue speaking.
Tread Tread!
A burst of light footsteps suddenly sounded from the passage outside the secret room.
The sound of footsteps was even and orderly, and the sound became louder and louder from far to near.
can be clearly felt.
The comers are constantly approaching where they are currently.
“not good!”
“someone is coming!”
Duanmu Rong’s pupils shrank slightly, and her pretty face became very depressed and heavy.
Before you know who the other party is, you must prepare for the worst!
Although there was only one person in the footsteps, it still made Duanmu Rong feel pressured.
Protecting Gao Yue is her greatest mission and responsibility.
“Miss Duanmu, let me find out who is here.”
Xiang Shaoyu suggested.
Chapter 315 How are you guys! 【Please customize】
“No, it’s too dangerous.”
“Hurry up and find a place to hide, I’ll go check it out.”
“Before I come back, you all must not leave here.”
Duanmu Rong looked solemn.
Sensing that the footsteps were getting closer, she had no time to wait for the reaction of Xiang Shaoyu and others, and directly pulled the three of them to the corner of the secret room.
Alone, she took a deep breath, slightly calmed down the restraint and depression in her heart, her eyes became firm, and she walked out of the secret room step by step.
She’s going to check it out.
Who is the comer?
“I hope it’s not Qin Jun.”
“Otherwise, things will be in big trouble!”
Duanmu Rong thought with a heavy heart.
She just stepped forward to open the door of the secret room.
The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.
“what happened?”
Duanmu Rong frowned and fell into deep thought.
She slowly pushed the bronze door open a tiny gap, intending to use her gaze to observe the details of the passage through the gap.
But at the moment she just opened the bronze door.
A figure in white was already standing in front of the door.
“Damn it!”
“how is this possible?!”
“It’s clear that the footsteps just now were far away…”
460 Duanmu Rong’s pupils shrank slightly, pale with shock.
The footsteps she heard just now were obviously at least a hundred meters away.
But in a short time, the other party is already close at hand? !
Duanmu Rong felt a cold and chilly breath.
in front of the door.
Ying Changge, dressed in white, looked down at Duanmu Rong from a high position, with a pair of off-white pupils, without any color emotion.

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