Bai Feng’s eyes lost their focus for a while, and he was shocked.
“No wonder, someone as strong as Lord Wei Zhuang is afraid of the seventh son.”
“turn out to be……”
“Seventh Young Master is so terrifying!”
Chi Lian thought with lingering fear.
The existence that can make Master Wei Zhuang feel deeply afraid is definitely not someone who is waiting for you!
The strength of the Seventh Young Master far exceeded the imagination of everyone in the Quicksand Organization.
“Seventh Young Master is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages!”
Meng Tian, ​​who led the army to fight, was amazed again and again.
After seeing the scene just now, Wei Zhuang suddenly realized.
He looked at Gai Nie and exclaimed, “Brother, I finally understand why your Yuanhong was destroyed by someone with bare hands.”
“If it’s the seventh son…”
“I think it’s all very possible.”
“after all.”
“Even I didn’t expect that the Seventh Young Master could actually perform such a terrifying killing move with one hand!”
“In the whole world, there are almost no second examples of people who can do this.”
Hearing this, Gai Nie withdrew his gaze, feeling particularly heavy.
Of course, he had expected this result long ago.
after all.
As early as a few months ago, he used the famous sword Yuanhong to burst out with a hundred-step flying sword move, but was blocked by the seventh son from the front.
andThe full blow of the big hammer will be easily resolved, which is nothing but a normal thing.
“If the Seventh Young Master intervenes in the battlefield.”
“On our side, there will be absolutely no chance of winning.”
Ge Nie’s heart sank.
Now they are already in a desperate situation!
The atmosphere is depressing!
All eyes full of shock and fear gathered on Ying Changge.
In full view.
Ying Changge twisted his neck, facing the big hammer, the corner of his mouth moved slightly: “If your full blow is only this level, then it’s my turn.”
The words fell.
The big iron hammer instantly felt goosebumps rising all over his body, and his hair stood on end.
An icy and harsh aura swept across all directions.
Under the shroud of this coldness, Big Hammer’s body shuddered.
He subconsciously took half a step back, with a frightened expression on his face.
“The so-called Mohist leadership is nothing more than that.”
“never mind.”
“You don’t even have the qualifications to warm me up.”
“It’s better to solve you as soon as possible, so as to find my main target!”
Ying Changge’s expression was calm.
With his perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, he had already noticed that among the members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, there were a few important targets missing.
And those few important targets are the main targets of Ying Changge’s attack and killing!
Xiang Shaoyu was not among the anti-Qin alliance crowd, so after realizing this, Ying Changge was in no mood to stay here and waste time.
He wants to find the other party as soon as possible, and if he gets late, things will change, and extra problems will arise.
It is imperative.
To find Xiang Shaoyu and kill him!
Instead of wasting time on these so-called Mohist leaders.
All the leaders of the Mohist sect present together can improve the integration of Ying Changge’s template far less than that of Xiang Shaoyu.
There is no doubt about this.
If it is about the importance.
Naturally, Xiang Shaoyu is more important to Ying Changge!
With this thought in mind, Ying Changge is ready to solve the troubles in front of him immediately, and then cross the battlefield to find Xiang Shaoyu, the real experience baby 0…
Although he has plenty of time.
But in order to prevent Xiang Shaoyu from escaping from the Trick City, he still has to find him as soon as possible.
Hit from the beginning.
Ying Changge never forgot.
His preferred target was Xiang Shaoyu, not these Mohist leaders.
He doesn’t mind obliterating each other if given the chance.
But this does not mean.
He wants to waste too much time on these Mohist leaders.
“I wasted so much time with you…”
“You, it’s time to hit the road.”
Ying Changge’s voice just fell.
He stepped out.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge directly locked on the figure of the big hammer.
Before Ying Changge’s footsteps fell, his figure seemed to disappear out of thin air.
next second.
He was already standing beside the big hammer.
The speed is so fast that it is completely unresponsive!
Fast to the extreme speed!
It’s hard to guard against!
Even the big hammer can only capture an afterimage.
Before he could react, he saw Ying Changge standing beside him.
Big Hammer’s pupils shrank, and his face changed dramatically.
He subconsciously wanted to raise the Thor Hammer in his hand to attack.
But his action hasn’t started yet.
Ying Changge’s right hand covered in black armor directly pierced the heart of the big 4.9 hammer.
Just for a split second.
The right hand pierced through the heart of the big hammer!
Just like piercing a piece of tofu, there was no obstacle in the whole process, and it easily pierced through the heart of the big hammer.
Under the impact of the power of the perfect-level armed force, it is naturally impossible for the body of the big hammer to stop it.
Blood was spilled, and the sky was stained with blood.
A large area of ​​bright red demonic blood crazily overflowed from the bloody hole in the heart of the big hammer.
The spilled blood almost completely infects the entire chest soaked in the big hammer.
Blood flowed from his body one after another, splashed down, and dyed the floor tiles under his feet red, and then exuded a pungent and strong smell of blood.
Blood fell from the big hammer, and in the blink of an eye, a small blood-colored lake was formed under his feet.
Chapter 308 The gap in strength is really too big! 【Please customize】

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