All the scenes he witnessed right now had a serious psychological impact on Big Hammer.
For the first time in his life, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness!
Nothing to do!
Countless emotions rushed into his heart, making the big iron hammer a little pale. He couldn’t help but took Thor’s hammer and took a few steps back, staring at Ying Changge with eyes full of fear.
“You, what kind of monster are you?”
The sledgehammer’s throat was dry, and he firmly grasped the Thor’s hammer in his hand, as if only doing so could give him a certain sense of security.
His full-strength blow is enough to split mountains and ground!
Unlimited power!
It was such a powerful move, but it was blocked by a young man with one hand.
This naturally made Big Hammer still unable to believe it.
Seeing the unscathed Ying Changge in front of him, Big Iron Hammer’s mentality completely collapsed.
Everything he’s proud of…
It turned out that in the eyes of the other party, it was nothing more than that!
His most powerful move is just a big joke!
“Is this the existence that can severely damage Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“too strong!”
“finally, I understand.”
“The giant, why did he die in the hands of this person?”
“This guy, he’s a monster!”
The sledgehammer was covered in hairs, and his face, which was originally full of anger, gradually changed into deep fear.
fear,Naturally, it came from Ying Changge in front of him.
After the all-out blow was resolved by Ying Changge with one hand, the belief and fighting spirit of the big hammer will all collapse, disappear into thin air, and disappear in thin air.
this moment.
Only a big hammer can deeply understand.
What kind of terrifying existence is he facing!
“Can’t compete!”
“This guy is too strong!”
Big Iron Hammer retreated in his heart.
All the original anger disappeared without a trace.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Under the domination of fear, Big Hammer made a ridiculous discovery.
He himself even lost the courage to continue fighting.
at the same time.
Pairs of gazes gathered one after another, full of colors such as shock and horror.
The leader of the Mo family was shocked.
Gao Jianli’s right hand holding Shui Hanjian slightly exerted force, his eyes widened and rounded, his expression could not conceal the horror, and he lost his composure completely.
“how is this possible?!”
“The full blow of the big hammer was blocked by a single hand?”
“Even unscathed the whole time?”
“This must be fake!”
“The move of the big hammer, even if it is as strong as a martial arts master, it is absolutely impossible to block it from the front with bare hands.”
…. …… 0
“That seventh son, what kind of monster is he?”
Gao Jianli was shocked.
Things that you can’t even imagine in your dreams happen right before your eyes.
The full blow of the big hammer exploded, and the power generated at that moment was enough to easily open mountains and crack the ground, crushing all objects within a radius of several feet.
But such a powerful force was dispelled by people with bare hands.
Who can believe it?
at the same time.
Xue Nu, Robber Zhi and other famous Mohist leaders were all stunned.
They stared wide-eyed, looking at the big hammer, and then at the unscathed Seventh Young Master Ying Changge.
Except for the broken soil under Ying Changge’s feet, there was almost no change in the audience.
The broken and cracked ground was left behind, showing how terrifying the destructive power of the all-out blow from the big hammer just now was.
But even so.
This terrifying destructive power can’t even break through the Seventh Young Master’s defense!
From the beginning to the end, the seventh son was still unscathed!
“Oh my God!”
“That kid, he’s probably not a monster, is he?”
“Blocked the full blow of the big hammer with one hand?”
“What kind of concept is this?”
Robber Zhi was dumbfounded, and swallowed uncontrollably.
have to say.
The result of the collision between the big hammer and Ying Changge completely exceeded the expectations of everyone present.
Not only the leader of the Mohist school, but even all the Mohist disciples present were stunned by the fright.
Chapter 307 Shocking! Kill the leader of the Mo family with one move! 【Please customize】
“A full-strength blow led by the big hammer…”
“Is it so easy to be blocked?”
“My God!”
“Is it blocked with bare hands?”
“What kind of monster is this?”
“What kind of powerful existence can achieve the full blow of the sledgehammer commander with bare hands?”
“I must be dreaming.”
The atmosphere of the audience was completely detonated!
Thousands of Mohist disciples were shocked without exception.
with their thinking concepts.
They can’t even figure it out.
How strong does it have to be to be able to block the full blow of a sledgehammer head-on with one hand?
Everything is far beyond the scope of thinking they can recognize.
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, the two generals of the Chu army, were also in a state of extreme consternation.
“It was actually blocked by him!”
“Is this the terrifying existence that severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“Four Six Zero” “Block the full blow of the big hammer with one hand!”
“What kind of powerful force is this?”
“I’m afraid this power has already surpassed the level of a martial arts master?”
The two looked at each other, and both of them could capture the horror and horror in the depths of their eyes.
They have grown so big in their lifetime.
This is the first time I have witnessed such a terrifying phenomenon that subverts cognition!
the other side.
The members of the quicksand organization were also frightened.
“Is this the strength of the Seventh Young Master?”

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