Facing Thor’s Hammer empty-handed?
I can’t even dream of it!
Everyone in the quicksand organization was also a little frightened.
Only a few people at the scene were able to remain calm.
removeExcept Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying, who had already expected it.
Then only…
Sword Saint Gai Nie!
Gai Nie did not show much shock at Ying Changge’s crazy behavior, but instead looked solemnly, looking at the big hammer with worried eyes.
By comparison.
He was more worried about the big hammer! miscellaneous.
Chapter 305 Is This Your All-Out Strike? This is the result? 【Please customize】
“Everyone was deceived by the seventh son’s appearance.”
“Even Yuan Hong, which Gai used to activate the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, was smashed to pieces by the Seventh Young Master with his bare fists in the end.”
“Who dares to believe this?”
Ge Nie recalled involuntarily.
It was a tingling scene at the time.
Naturally, he will never forget the many experiences at that time in his life.
Make him memorable!
That was the first time his world view collapsed.
Never thought……
The hundred-step flying sword will be blocked with bare hands!
Even more terrifying.
Even the famous sword Yuanhong ranked second in Fengbeard’s swordsmanship was crushed into broken copper and rotten iron by the seventh son with one hand.
All this undoubtedly shocked Gai Nie so far.
“The big hammer is dangerous!”
“He thought he had the chance to win…”
“But in fact, who can imagine it.”
“Seventh Young Master, he can really do it, and take all attacks with his bare hands!”
Gai Nie sighed silently.
Everyone subconsciously thinks.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, was doomed.
Only Ge Nie held a different view.
He has participated in the miserable experience of being crushed with bare hands.
“Brother Shi 443, you seem to be sure that the Seventh Young Master can take that move head-on empty-handed?”
Wei Zhuang noticed Gai Nie’s strange expression.
“Aren’t you curious about how my Yuanhong disappeared?”
Gaine asked.
“Could it be that……”
Wei Zhuang’s pupils shrank slightly.
“You should have guessed it.”
“That’s right, my Yuan Hong was forcibly destroyed by the Seventh Young Master with his bare hands!”
Gai Nie’s language is not amazing and endless.
The words fell.
Wei Zhuang couldn’t help being surprised.
“Forcibly destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with bare hands?!”
“Seventh Young Master, you actually have such terrifying abilities?”
Wei Zhuang’s eyes were full of horror and shock.
He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the young figure in white clothes not far away.
Right in plain sight.
Thor’s hammer, which gathered endless power in the big hammer’s hand, flashed with dazzling currents, and finally smashed hard on Ying Changge’s right hand covered in black armor.
Incomparable power penetrated instantly, spreading from Thor’s Hammer all the way to Ying Changge’s right hand.
“Go to hell!”
(afej) The big hammer laughed wildly.
He had expected it.
Next, the scene where Ying Changge was smashed to pieces by him with a hammer.
With the belief that he must win, the sledgehammer almost activated all the internal forces in his body, and the brewing force exploded even more terrifyingly, and even the surrounding space continued to twist and wriggle.
When this force erupts in full force…
The floor tiles under Ying Changge’s feet shattered and cracked.
His feet sank.
The power of Thunder God’s Hammer was transmitted from the right arm all the way to the body, causing the place where Ying Changge was standing to fall into a hideous pit of nearly half a meter.
The earth crumbles!
The soil is collapsing!
The power extending from Ying Changge’s body all the way to his feet forcibly destroyed the surrounding environment and landforms.
The whole earth was trembling and shaking crazily.
All of a sudden.
The dust curled up, and the smoke billowed up.
Accompanied by bursts of sharp and piercing sounds.
Around the place where Ying Changge was, the ground crumbled and cracked, and hideous and terrifying cracks were born, densely packed like spider webs, making people shudder.
Streams of electricity spread from Thor’s Hammer to Ying Changge’s right arm, almost trying to forcefully tear his right arm to pieces.
When the current hit the right arm covered in black armor, it could only give Ying Changge a faint, slightly tickling feeling.
Not even the slightest tingling sensation!
Except for the broken ground and collapsed soil under your feet…
Ying Changge didn’t feel much.
I see.
He grabbed the huge Thor’s Hammer with his right hand, and all the power from Thor’s Hammer rushed into his entire right arm like a tide.
If it is an ordinary person.
Even if it is an innate strong person, and a strong person at the level of a martial arts master.
If you meet this move with empty hands…
They must die!
They may even be smashed to pieces on the spot!
No matter what.
Their right arms will inevitably be crushed into a cloud of blood mist.
But when it comes to Ying Changge, everything will be completely different.

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