Strike with all your strength!
Big Hammer widened his eyes and pupils.
He was stunned.
What is this kid thinking?
Want to take your Thor’s Hammer hard with your bare hands?
is it possible?
Not to mention the innately strong.
Even a strong person at the level of a martial arts master doesn’t have such courage, right?
Unarmed from the front, trying to receive his full blow?
It’s crazy!
This is pure courting!
“This kid mustIt’s crazy! ”
“fair enough.”
“This trick, I will kill you!”
“Anyone who humiliates the Mohists, anyone who humiliates the giant!”
“I will definitely kill you!”
“Since you are so confident and arrogant, trying to take my full blow with your bare hands, then I naturally want you to feel it.”
“How strong is my full blow!”
Big Hammer grinned ferociously, his eyes gleamed brightly, and a strong sense of excitement and excitement appeared on his face.
Originally he didn’t think so.
He was able to defeat Ying Changge in front of him.
Although he was dazzled by anger, he could still tell.
How far is the strength between him and Ying Changge?
after all.
This is a strong man who can forcibly defeat and severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie from the front!
How can this kind of strong man be defeated by him?
It’s just that the anger in his heart was burning so hard that Big Hammer couldn’t control his emotions, so he chose to fight to the death, no matter what the result was, he had to vent the anger in his heart.
But now.
When he saw that Ying Changge was actually trying to use his hands to block his full blow with his bare hands, the big hammer suddenly burst into anger.
Since you want to court death…
Then you will naturally want to perfect the other party!
Can you block your own Thor’s Hammer with your bare hands?
Even Juggernaut Gai Nie couldn’t do it!
If the sword master Gai Nie is unarmed…
The big iron hammer is confident that it can directly smash the opponent to pieces with a single hammer.
From Big Hammer’s point of view, Ying Changge’s actions were purely courting death!
This is almost indistinguishable from death.
“Then I’ll send you to die~‖!”
The big hammer had a ferocious face.
He seemed to have seen it.
The moment Ying Changge in front of him was smashed into meat paste by him with a hammer.
No one can block his full blow with bare hands!
He is confident.
There is absolutely no such example in the world.
His full blow can even destroy all objects within a radius of several meters.
All objects are forcibly bombarded to pieces!
How can the human body withstand such a terrifying force?
I can’t bear it at all!
Even those old monsters who are invincible in the world, Big Hammer is confident, if the opponent really chooses to intercept his Thor’s Hammer with bare hands.
He is sure to smash and crush the invincible powerhouse in the world!
“Go to hell!”
Countless thoughts turned into anger and murderous intent in his heart, and the big hammer shouted coldly.
The loud sound spread in all directions.
All the people around who were fighting fiercely, involuntarily, subconsciously focused their gazes on the figures of Big Iron Hammer and Ying Changge.
Including Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, the two also stopped their fierce fighting movements.
Gao Jianli, Xue Nu, Bai Feng, and Chi Lian were all without exception.
Nearly half of the people on the battlefield cast their gazes.
And when they saw the sledgehammer cast Thor’s Hammer, everyone also saw at the same time that the place where Thor’s Hammer was about to fall stood a young figure in white clothes with bare hands.
Visible to the naked eye.
This person turned out to be Thor’s Hammer trying to use his right hand to catch the big hammer with his bare hands!
This scene completely detonated the atmosphere of the audience.
“That Seventh Young Master, actually tried to catch Thor’s Hammer with his bare hands?”
“I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“Oh my God!”
“Trying to block the full blow of the big hammer with his bare hands? Isn’t this kid crazy? Or is he really confident that he can do such a heaven-defying move?”
“This is impossible!”
“The big iron hammer strikes with all its strength, and even all objects five feet away can be forcibly smashed to pieces.”
“How can the human body block such a terrifying and violent force?”
“This kid is simply insane! He is courting death!”
Everyone was overwhelmed.
The atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited and detonated!
They never dreamed of it.
Someone actually dared to try to forcibly block the full blow of the big hammer with bare hands.
Although far apart, they can feel the same.
How terrifying is the power contained in Thor’s Hammer in the big hammer’s hand at this moment.
This moment.
Someone actually wanted to take over this violent force empty-handed!
What is this concept? !
It’s unbelievable!
“‘ 〃Is he crazy?”
Robber Zhi’s eyes widened, and the movement of dealing with the Wolf King stopped abruptly.
He suspected he was dreaming.
only because……
It was too shocking to witness all this in front of my eyes.
at the same time.
Xue Nu also parted her pink lips slightly, her beautiful eyes bursting with astonishment: “Brother Tie’s all-out attack, that rumored Seventh Young Master, actually wants to take it empty-handed?”
Gao Jianli was also shocked: “What the hell is going on here? What is the plan of the seventh son? Does he really want to court death?”
In addition to the Mohist leader, the Mohist disciples were also shocked.
And the commanders of the Chu army, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, and thousands of Chu army elites, were almost (are they) dumbfounded by Ying Changge’s amazing feat.
In their eyes.
Ying Changge’s actions are obviously the behavior of a lunatic!
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng’s throats were dry, and they could only comment like this in their hearts.
They couldn’t believe such a crazy behavior, that the Seventh Young Master actually dared to carry it out.

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