at the same time.
the other side.
Gai Nie, who was holding a wooden sword, raised his brows, his brows were serious, his eyes were full of seriousness: “Xiao Zhuang, you are here.”
Gai Nie saw Wei Zhuang.
Apart from seeing Meng Tian and the dark imperial army, at the same time, he also saw the quicksand organization led by Wei Zhuang.
The moment he saw Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie realized it immediately.
Things get tricky!
With Wei Zhuang and his quicksand organization intervening in the battlefield, Ge Nie didn’t think that his combat power could still be used on the battlefield.
if notWith Wei Zhuang, he is confident that he can sweep a large army of the empire.
But the problem is…
Wei Zhuang is here too! .
Chapter 289 Is Your Status Far Superior to Meng Tian, ​​the Great General of the Empire? Who is he? 【Please customize】
Although Gai Nie is confident that he can defeat the opponent, he is only slightly stronger than the opponent, and he cannot completely defeat the opponent completely.
In this way.
Once the battle broke out, he couldn’t estimate the people around him at all.
This is very likely to cause.
Mohist disciples suffered heavy losses!
The Chu army suffered heavy losses!
People in the Jianghu suffered heavy losses!
after all.
The enemy they need to face is a full 20,000 elite imperial army!
“It’s still the Golden Fire Cavalry led by General Meng Tian himself!”
“That’s the most troublesome thing.”
Ge Nie frowned.
He also felt a rush of pressure.
Not to mention Wei Zhuang and the quicksand organization.
Just Meng Tian, ​​who leads the Golden Fire Cavalry, is enough to overthrow the entire Mohist mechanism city!
Not to mention.
Now the two have teamed up to target the Trick City!
The Golden Fire Cavalry led by Meng Tian was already terrifying, and now Wei Zhuang, and the Quicksand Organization led by the other party and other elite killers were added.
to sum it up.
Ge Nie’s heart sank slightly.
The situation is not good!
On their side, the situation has become very serious!
Jing Tianming and the others had already left in time.
Otherwise, he has no time to take care of it.
Once the battle broke out, Gai Nie had to go all out and concentrate on dealing with Wei Zhuang.
Located next to Ge Nie.
Mohists and many other leaders are obviously aware of it.
In addition to the army of the empire, there is also a group of terrifying guys mixed in!
“It’s quicksand!”
“Wei Zhuang of the Quicksand Organization!”
“There are also Bai Feng, Chi Lian, Canglang King, Wushuang Ghost, Hidden Bat…”
“Sure enough, they also participated and broke into the camp of our organ city.”
Big Hammer’s face darkened.
He felt intense pressure.
Originally, the army of the empire was enough to put relentless and endless pressure on everyone in the audience.
can now.
Also added quicksand organization!
This is even more desperate.
“did not expect……”
“The quicksand organization actually chooses to join forces with the empire~‖.”
“The quicksand organization, which has a reputation for viciousness in the world, would condescend to the majesty of the empire. This is really disappointing.”
Bandit Zhi snorted coldly, with a bit of shock and anger on his face.
He had to admit it.
The combination of the imperial army and the quicksand organization will give them an unprecedented threat.
A little careless…
The people here are very likely to face a fate that cannot be restored.
“Get ready to fight.”
“This is the end of the matter, and there is no power to change it.”
“Only fight to the death!”
“Since they broke into the organ city, we can no longer retreat.”
Gao Jianli was expressionless, holding the Shuihan sword in his right hand, exuding a cold and stern aura from his whole body.
“Xiao Gao is right.”
“For the current plan, we can only forcibly repel them from the front.”
“At all costs, keep them out!”
Sledgehammer gripped Thor’s Hammer, deeply approving.
at the same time.
Seeing the figure of the Quicksand Organization, both Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang’s expressions changed dramatically.
“It’s the quicksand organization!”
Fan Zeng frowned.
“I also saw that they would actually cooperate with the empire.”
“This is really unexpected.”
“Using quicksand to organize these people’s rebellious character, they will cooperate with the empire? This is really unimaginable.”
“As we all know, everyone in the Quicksand Organization, including the leader Wei Zhuang, is arrogant and arrogant.”
“How could they join forces with the empire? It’s puzzling.”
Xiang Liang fell into deep thought.
He still can’t figure it out.
It stands to reason.
It is impossible for these arrogant guys of the quicksand organization to cooperate with the empire.
But right now.
But they saw it clearly.
Tens of thousands of troops from the empire joined forces with the quicksand organization and were about to approach them.
Is this an illusion?
Do not!
There must be something else hidden here!
“Regardless of why they are cooperating at the moment, all in all, we are in a very serious situation now.”
“The joint cooperation between the empire and the quicksand organization…”
“For us.”
“This will be a devastating blow!”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng felt very heavy.
They thought so.
They can rely on the high-end combat power of the Mohist leader and its sword master Gai Nie to make up for the gap in strength between their anti-Qin alliance and the empire.
The empire even cooperated with the quicksand organization.
That means.
Their plans fell through!

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