A murderous spirit arose spontaneously.
There are tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, their eyes full of restraint, apprehension, and nervousness, staring ahead.
under their gaze.
can be clearly seen.
A group of black imperial cavalry came from the huge corridor of the organ city.
An imperial soldier in neat and well-equipped armor, tall and eye-catching, with orderly steps, is approaching step by step.
The dark crowd…
It is estimated that there are at least 20,000 people!
The majestic morale soared to the sky!
The momentum is like a rainbow!
When seeing this group of elite soldiers of the empire, everyone present felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.
many emotions,in the hearts of all of them.
Including a famous Mohist leader, all of them were staring at the front with full of surprise and apprehension.
“Sure enough, they are from the empire!”
“They are coming!”
“The number is still quite a few 05…”
“At least it can be estimated that there are at least 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire who broke into our mechanism city this time.”
The big hammer took a deep breath, holding the huge Thor’s hammer in his right hand, his eyes were full of solemnity.
Seeing a full 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire, even he felt a strong sense of oppression.
There are less than 10,000 anti-Qin elements on their side.
Although most of the martial arts practitioners are strong, they are extremely lacking in the ability to cooperate in combat, and it is impossible to compete with the well-trained troops of the empire.
“Twenty thousand imperial troops!”
“It seems that things are going in the worst direction.”
Xiang Liang tightly held the bronze sword in his hand, with sadness on his brows.
The worst guess in his heart is now being staged and turned into reality.
“Do you think these Qin Jun are familiar?”
Fan Zeng asked suddenly.
Xiang Liang’s pupils shrank slightly.
After being reminded by Fan Zeng, he carefully observed the coveting imperial army.
Immediately afterwards.
Xiang Liang’s face changed drastically, and his face was full of horror and emotion: “This is the Golden Fire Cavalry?!”
Xiang Liang recognized it.
As the great general of the Chu State, he naturally fought countless times against the Golden Fire Cavalry of the empire.
After the fall of Chu State, Xiang Liang rarely encountered the Golden Fire Cavalry again.
But even so.
Now, when he saw the familiar and sophisticated armor worn by this group of Qin troops again, he immediately recognized the true identities of these Qin troops.
no doubt.
These people are the Golden Fire Cavalry led by Meng Tian himself!
One of the four famous arms of the Great Qin Empire!
It left an extremely deep impression on the people of Chu State!
It left Xiang Liang with an indelible pain.
He was trampled by the Golden Fire Cavalry.
As a result, the Chu army led by him was almost crushed and fled in embarrassment.
“It’s Meng Tian?!”
Xiang Liang’s eyes were full of fright and anger, and he blurted out subconsciously with lingering fear.
Looking at the entire Great Qin Empire, the only person who can lead the Golden Fire Cavalry is Meng Tian, ​​the most famous general in the empire.
This point is known to almost everyone in the world.
This moment.
The chief culprit who led the army to break into the Mohist Trick City was Meng Tian? !
Thinking of this, Xiang Liang’s mood became very heavy.
Big trouble!
If only unknown troops from the empire came to attack today…
Xiang Liang is still confident that he can lead the Chu army, its disciples of the Mohists, and many people from the Jianghu, to repel the army of these empires.
But now the problem is.
It was the prestigious general Meng Tian who led the elite troops of the empire to attack!
The troops led by the opponent were the most elite golden fire cavalry in the Great Qin Empire!
This makes things very tricky.
For a while, even the experienced Xiang Liang couldn’t think of a strategy to deal with it.
“I saw.”
“It’s indeed Meng Tian.”
Fan Zeng took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
With a pair of cloudy eyes, he stared at the forefront of the group of imperial troops in front of him.
There stood a burly figure in dark golden armor.
very familiar!
Who else could this person be if it wasn’t Meng Tian?
Both Fan Zengyi and Xiang Liang are very familiar with Meng Tian.
They didn’t play against each other once or twice.
At first glance, they were enough to recognize Meng Tian’s identity.
“Now things are getting complicated.”
“The ones who broke into the organ city this time turned out to be the Golden Fire Cavalry led by Meng Tian himself.”
“This time we want to repel them, the difficulty is too high.”
Xiang Liang felt troubled and frowned.
“Not necessarily.”
“As the saying goes…”
“Capture the thief first and capture the king.”
“On our side, there is also Mr. Gai Nie, the Sword Saint. In addition, with the addition of many martial arts leaders of the Mohist School, it might be impossible to fight the Golden Fire Cavalry!”
Fan Zeng thought for a while, then calmly began to analyze.
Hearing this, Xiang Liang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully: “That’s true.”
Unanimously, the two fixed their gazes on the leader of the Mohist school and his sword master Gai Nie.
The key to the outcome now, 427 does not lie in the Chu army or the disciples of the Mohist school, let alone these people from the rivers and lakes.
Those who can dominate the outcome…
Only these Mohist leaders!
Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword saint!
Compared with the former, they believe that the key point lies in the latter.
Sword Saint Gai Nie is the most reliable confidence!
“No, not quite right.”
“Look carefully.”
But at this moment, a voice interrupted the thoughts of everyone present.
Including Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng concentrated again, staring at the dark imperial army ahead.

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