The plan he had in mind.
It is to let the quicksand organization take the lead.
But now.
never mind.
Anyway, no matter who takes the lead, there will be no mistakes in the result.
It took less than half an hour to break into the Trick City on this trip, but Ying Changge forcibly broke through the entire Trick City with his own strength.
The organ city was pierced from beginning to end!
This move did not cause any ups and downs in Ying Changge’s mood.
he thinks.
All of this is nothing more than a normal thing.
Isn’t it easy to master the perfect domineering power to deal with the organs in the organ city? Isn’t it easy to grab?
For the occurrence of something that had been expected, it was natural that Ying could not be affected.Changge’s emotions were turbulent.
“The goal of this trip is…”
“Xiang Yu!”
“Fan Zeng!”
“Xiang Liang!”
“As for the (Zhao) Mo family? A group of dispensable guys.”
“It’s okay to kill them, but if you can’t draw your hands, you can give them up.”
Ying Changge had his own plan in mind.
Xiang Yu, he is the top priority!
Whoever escapes will not let Xiang Yu escape.
Ying Changge’s first and primary target to kill was Xiang Yu!
As long as he kills Xiang Yu, he is confident that he can get a considerable increase in template fusion.
This is the future Overlord of Western Chu!
Now if he kills the young Xiang Yu, his fusion degree will definitely be improved!
Ying Changge’s own strength will also usher in a huge guarantee.
Ying Changge was sure of this.
to sum it up.
Regardless of who Meng Tian and Wei Zhuang are targeting.
all in all.
Xiang Yu must die in the hands of Ying Changge!
No one can take Xiang Yu’s life away.
Ying Changge will be satisfied only if Xiang Yu dies in his own hands.
Chapter 285 Empire vs Anti-Qin Alliance! War is imminent! 【Please customize】
“As for other anti-Qin elements?”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s handed over to General Meng Tian or to the Quicksand Organization.”
“Anyway, it won’t bring much change to my template fusion.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
Compared with Xiang Yu, these so-called anti-Qin elements cannot be compared together.
An improvement in Xiang Yu’s integration with Ying Changge’s template is completely incomparable to these anti-Qin elements.
That’s why.
Only Ying Changge was determined, and wanted to kill Xiang Yu, the future Overlord of Western Chu, with his own hands.
“After killing Xiang Yu, my template fusion degree can be smoothly improved, allowing me to unlock the fourth blind swordsman’s ability.”
Ying Changge was deeply enlightened.
As for the fourth ability to be unlocked soon?
This is not known.
It comes from the character template of the blind swordsman. Presumably, this brand new ability unlocked is by no means ordinary.
“Whether it’s swordsmanship or overlord look.”
“I can take it all.”
Ying Changge had a playful expression.
Step by step…
under his leadership.
More than 20,000 people rushed to the core hinterland of the Mohist organ city with great fanfare.
427 Massive momentum!
The momentum is like a rainbow!
The footsteps of more than 20,000 people were like thunder, echoing very loudly in the huge passage.
In front of.
A very bright light cluster has appeared.
This is obviously the exit!
Once you step out of this exit, you will arrive at the inner core hinterland of the organ city.
As the light cluster at the exit became more and more dazzling and bright, everyone present was mentally prepared for the battle.
Everyone knows it.
The moment you set foot on the exit.
That’s when the war started.
Ying Changge walked towards the ball of light, and walked out of the dazzling light source.
take a step…
step down!
There is a sudden shift in the terrain.
The texture of the ground coming from under the feet, followed by a syntactic change.
this moment.
Ying Changge already understood.
He, walked out of the passage!
Officially entered the inner core hinterland of the organ city!
in a moment……
The domineering aura of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge directly diffuses and covers a radius of a thousand meters in a radius (afej).
In less than a moment.
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face.
Under the domineering and knowledgeable investigation of the perfect level, he clearly captured it.
Thousands of kilometers away.
A large number of life forms gathered here, waiting quietly.
Including the surrounding environment and landforms, Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and domineering insight.
His attention was naturally all focused on these life forms directly in front of him.
With just a thought, one can clearly see the body information and other information of these living beings.
Countless pieces of information flooded into Ying Changge’s mind like a tide.
In a short period of time, he accurately captured the information he wanted.
The footsteps stopped for a moment inexplicably.
Ying Changge smiled: “Unexpectedly, before we launched an attack, the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements have been waiting for us here for a long time.”
His perfect level of knowledge and domineering insight.

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