Next, it is time to welcome the full-scale outbreak of war!
This is a fierce collision between the empire and the anti-Qin alliance!
The final war…
It will be officially opened soon! .
Chapter 284 The Overlord of Western Chu is the Ultimate Goal! 【Please customize】
“The war is about to begin.”
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“It is bound to wipe out all anti-Qin elements!”
“Dare to form a so-called anti-Qin alliance in the empire? These people are simply terrified. This time, let them be completely wiped out.”
“Let them all take a good look at how fragile and vulnerable these so-called anti-Qin alliances are.”
Meng Tian’s eyes flickered, he took out a bronze sword from his waist, and shouted sharply.The voice resounded loudly, echoing in all directions.
He stepped forward, holding the bronze sword in his right hand, and followed Ying Changge’s footsteps step by step.
at the same time.
Located next to Mengtian.
The quicksand organization headed by Wei Zhuang also dispatched one after another.
Quicksand organized everyone to step forward and follow behind Meng Tian.
“Ready to fight!”
Wei Zhuang ordered in a low voice.
“Master Wei Zhuang, please rest assured that there is basically no threat to us in dealing with these so-called anti-Qin elements.”
Hidden Bat chuckled, his eyes full of confidence.
“Don’t underestimate the enemy, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, it will be a big game.”
Bai Feng glanced at the hidden bat.
There is also a strong sense of anticipation in his eyes: “I have heard for a long time that these leaders of the Mohist family are very powerful. This time, it is a coincidence that we can learn from each other.”
Chi Lian said lightly: “Don’t be counter-killed.”
Bai Feng smiled playfully, with strong confidence in her eyes.
As long as you don’t encounter very few monsters…
Who can kill himself?
There is only a strong man like Master Wei Zhuang.
Only a monster of Qigongzi’s level can kill himself.
Apart from these rare examples, looking at the world, who can do nothing to win themselves?
There is basically no such possibility.
Under the leadership of Wei Zhuang, the people of the Quicksand Organization approached the front step by step.
Vaguely, it seemed as if he could already see a bright spot in front of him.
It should be the export!
Everyone was very emotional when they saw the exit.
In less than half an hour…
They traversed the entire city of organs!
Almost pierced the organ city from beginning to end!
What is this concept?
The prestigious organ city was forcibly breached from the front and disintegrated!
This point, people really have to surprise again and again.
Think about it.
Their eyes could not help but freeze on Ying Changge’s back.
Of course they do.
The main reason why they can be so unimpeded and treat the notorious Mohist organ city as their own back garden.
It is because of the Seventh Young Master in front of him!
It was the terrifying ability of the Seventh Young Master that allowed all of them to pass through the organ city unscathed.
“Seventh Young Master is really a terrifying existence~‖.”
“It only took less than half an hour to penetrate the entire mechanism city from the beginning to the end, completely breaking down the mechanism city.”
“This move can be said to be the best in the world!”
“In the whole world, there is absolutely no second person who can follow suit.”
Everyone thinks so.
Including Gong Shuchou, as a mechanism engineer, the sense of awe and admiration in his heart has long been irresistible, and his old face turned into fanaticism.
“The Mo family…”
“It’s about to be at stake!”
Gong Shuchou’s eyes were full of joy.
Of course, he didn’t have any good feelings for the Mo family.
As the current head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuchou of course wants to watch the Mohist family perish.
He finally got what he wanted to see.
He believes.
The Mohists and all their anti-Qin elements will surely escape this catastrophe!
All anti-Qin elements will be wiped out!
the other side.
Meng Ying, who followed Ying Changge’s footsteps all the way, also took out the bronze sword from his waist, his eyes full of excitement and anticipation.
It has been a long, long time since he has personally experienced war.
And this time.
Suppressing the anti-Qin elements is the best time for him to show his skills!
Shao Siming quietly followed behind Ying Changge, keeping calm all the time, without saying a word.
Her beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, looking at Ying Changge’s back, a strange look appeared in her eyes.
Brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were also ready to fight.
Although they are disciples of Mount Shu, they have nothing to do with anti-Qin elements such as the Mohists, nor do they have any grievances.
but now.
As the personal bodyguards of the seventh son Ying Changge, they certainly have the obligation and responsibility to follow the seventh son to fight against these anti-Qin elements.
last party.
A total of 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire have already made preparations for battle.
Just waiting for the moment to meet the anti-Qin elements.
This is the critical moment for the real opening!
This moment is not far away.
Everyone can feel it.
The murderous air permeated the air.
The air of iron and blood soared into the sky!
The one walking in the front was naturally Ying Changge in white.
After breaking through the last defense line of the organ, he stepped forward without stopping at all, and was about to reach the inner core hinterland of the organ city.
“‘ 〃The war is about to break out in full force.”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.

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