Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang sighed sadly in his heart.
turn out to be……
There are really all-round geniuses in this world!
The Seventh Young Master in front of him is that.
Martial arts talent is unparalleled in the world, mechanism skills are unmatched in the past…
This is the real peerless evildoer!
“Master Wei Zhuang, is it possible that we will become enemies with the Seventh Young Master in the future?”
Chi Lian asked again with some apprehension.
She dare not imagine.
If they really want to be enemies of this monster, what kind of miserable end will their Quicksand organization face.
“I have no idea.”
“Just try to avoid it.”
Wei Zhuang pondered for a moment, feeling unprecedented pressure in his heart.
If you can choose.
He absolutely does not want to be an enemy of the Seventh Young Master!
only because……
This monster is really terrible.
If it is an enemy of this kind of monster, the Quicksand organization may not be enough to defeat the other party even if they come out with all their strength!
Just by imagining the scene where the quicksand organization was against the Seventh Young Master, Wei Zhuang felt the hairs on his back and shuddered.  …
Although I don’t want to admit it.
But he had to admit a fact.
That is……
Even if the Quicksand Organization came out in full force, they probably wouldn’t have the qualifications to be an enemy of the Seventh Young Master!
“One step at a time counts as one step at a time.”
“Hopefully there won’t be that day.”
Even Wei Zhuang, who was extremely arrogant, felt a deep sense of powerlessness.
Only when facing Ying Changge, Wei Zhuang would feel this powerlessness.
It is completely helpless powerlessness!
Even in the face of Sword Saint Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang would not feel this way.
Only from Ying Changge’s body, he was born with such a strong and profound sense of powerlessness from the heart more than once or twice.
A group of people followed Ying Changge’s footsteps and stepped into the dark passage ahead step by step.
At the end of the team were more than 20,000 soldiers of the Qin Army.
They have put the iron cavalry outside the organ city for the time being, and have not driven the iron cavalry and horses into the organ city.
The 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire are more than sufficient to deal with the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements.
There is no need to drive the iron-shoeed war horse into it.
not to mention.
The passageways of the Mohist Trick City only have this area, and the iron-shoe horses simply cannot accommodate so many, so the iron cavalry can only be placed outside the Trick City for the time being.
Even without horses, this group of Golden Fire 4.9 cavalry led by Meng Tian himself belonged to the empire’s absolute elite troops!
There is no pressure to deal with the mob of anti-Qin elements!
The elite troops of the empire are equivalent to overwhelming crushing against the anti-Qin elements!
And quicksand organization.
And Ying Changge, the invincible powerhouse in this world!
A group of people used to deal with anti-Qin elements, naturally there will be no accidents.
A full 20,000 cavalry army stepped on the ground with a loud sound, and broke into the dark passage inside the Mohist mechanism city at the same time.
With Ying Changge leading the way, it was like walking in the back garden of his own home, and it was like walking on flat ground in this crisis-ridden Mohist institution city.
When they officially set foot in the organ city, Gong Shuchou, Meng Tian and others were even more amazed.
Chapter 263: The Army of Iron Cavalry Breaks into the Trap City! As expected of a monster! 【Please customize】
“Seventh Young Master is not exaggerating.”
“The institutions here have indeed been completely destroyed!”
“Otherwise, given the danger of the Mohism’s organ city, it’s impossible to not even trigger a single organ after walking for so long.”
“I want to come…”
“The organs here must have been destroyed, and all of them were paralyzed.”
Gongshuchou took a deep breath, thinking so in his heart.
If it wasn’t for the destruction of the mechanism here, it would be impossible to explain it. After walking hundreds of meters all the way, it still didn’t trigger any mechanism mechanism.
This obviously doesn’t make sense.
Naturally, it is impossible for the well-known Mohist organ city to be so safe.
The only explanation is that…
All the organs here were indeed destroyed by the Seventh Young Master.
This leads to.
After walking a full distance of hundreds of meters, it still failed to trigger any mechanism.
Only through personal experience can Gong Shuqiu have to accept this shocking horror phenomenon.
The organs in the Mohist institution…
It was really forcibly destroyed by the seventh son alone!
Thinking of this, Gong Shuchou couldn’t help being amazed by 05.
He looked at Ying Changge’s back in front of him, his eyes full of admiration and worship.
This is genius!
The first genius in the ages!
at the same time.
Meng Tian finally let go of his tense mood.
He had just stepped into the passage in the organ city, and he would inevitably feel stiff, nervous, and apprehensive.
After walking along the way, without triggering any mechanism, he could finally relax and walk around the inner passage of the mechanism city with an ordinary mentality.
“The mechanism here is indeed destroyed.”
“Young master’s methods are simply unfathomable!”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
A group of tens of thousands of people walked hundreds of meters away.
On the way, I passed an area where the wall collapsed.
This is naturally the place where Ying Changge used to destroy the core device of the mechanism.
“My lord, this is the core mechanism of the entire channel, right?”
After seeing this, Gong Shuchou couldn’t help but immediately asked.
He still can’t figure it out.
What kind of means did the seventh son use to find such a key central organ device from among more than 500 organs?
thereby destroying it?
And disintegrate the operation of more than 500 organs?
For others, how difficult is this matter?
It’s like finding a needle in a haystack!
But still let Seventh Young Master do it!
While this made Gong Shuqiu puzzled, he became even more in awe of Ying Changge.Anyway.
It is absolutely impossible for him to do it.
Among the more than 500 kinds of organs, find the core key, and destroy it decisively.
This is too difficult!
He couldn’t even dream of it.
after all.
These organs are all hidden inside the wall, and you can’t see them even if you want to see them on weekdays. How can you find the most core key points from so many organs?

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