Meng Tian , WeiZhuang and others were also shocked.
Wei Zhuang, the head of the organization as calm as quicksand, was dumbfounded by one after another.
“Seventh son…”
“So good?!”
“It’s unimaginable.”
Wei Zhuang was amazed.
It’s not about cracking the organ city…
Instead, destroy the organ city!
These are naturally two different concepts!
Or destroy the mechanism of the mechanism city from the front!
If this spreads out in Jianghu, who would dare to believe such a terrifying phenomenon that subverts cognition?
The whole world is bound to be completely detonated by this news!
… … … … …
“The scariest thing is…”
“Young master only took half a quarter of an hour!”
“Within half a quarter of an hour, more than 500 organs in the organ city will be destroyed.”
“Do you dare to believe it?”
Meng Tian was in a state of shock.
After the conversation just now, a group of people were scared to death by Ying Changge.
“All right.”
“Listen to me for now.”
“Next, General Meng Tian led a group of elites to follow me into the Mohist institution city.”
“I will destroy all these hidden organs along the way leading to the core hinterland of the organ city.”
“Directly clear out an absolutely safe passage, so that the imperial cavalry army can quickly cross the Mohist mechanism city safely and reach the inner core area of ​​the mechanism city.”
“In this way, all these anti-Qin elements who have been lurking in the Mohist organ city can be wiped out at the fastest speed!”
“Do you have any objections to this?”
Ying Changge directly initiated the proposal.
“Everything is sent according to the order of the young master.”
“There is no objection to the humble position.”
Hearing this, Meng Tian bowed his head respectfully with an expression of awe.
Until now, the shock in his heart still cannot be completely subsided.
at the same time.
Gongshuchou, Wei Zhuang and others all agreed with each other one after another.
“I also have no objection.”
“Everything, implement the action plan according to the son’s order!”
What a joke!
Now, who dares to object?
Tightly hugging the seventh son’s thigh is the kingly way! Where.
Chapter 262 Wei Zhuang feels embarrassed, his face is swollen from the beating! 【Please customize】
“Next, General Meng Tian will give an order.”
“Arrange a part of the cavalry army to garrison this area to prevent very few fish that slip through the net from escaping.”
“Since we have made preparations to wipe out the anti-Qin elements, we will naturally not allow any caught fish to escape from it. We must ensure that everything is safe.”
Ying Changge, who was always cautious, continued to give Meng Tian instructions.
“Follow the son’s order.”
Meng Tian nodded immediately.
not for a while.
According to Ying Changge’s instructions, Meng Tian immediately conveyed Ying Changge’s orders to several competent subordinates around him.
In less than a moment.
The 100,000 imperial cavalry army formed countless small teams, and quickly surrounded the entire Mohist institution city, forming a large encirclement circle.
blink of an eye.
Of the 100,000 imperial cavalry troops, only about 20,000 “397” remained in place.
All the rest of the elite cavalry were ordered to follow orders, and all surrounded this area, launching a siege net.
Of course, Meng Tian deeply agrees with Ying Changge’s cautiousness.
As the saying goes.
Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates!
Now that he has made up his mind to eradicate this group of anti-Qin elements, he will naturally do his best to uproot this group of anti-Qin elements and completely wipe them out, so as to prevent any one from being caught.
About 80,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire completely covered this area in almost all directions.
The siege is tight!
Only in this way, Ying Changge was satisfied.
In this way, the escape of the fish that slipped through the net can be largely avoided.
For this group of anti-Qin elements, Ying Changge is naturally going to wipe them all out!
Not one left!
There is nothing to discuss about dealing with anti-Qin elements.
Only by completely destroying the opponent can it be regarded as the real completion of the task of destroying the anti-Qin elements.
“The remaining people will follow the young master and break into the organ city!”
Meng Tian gave orders to the 20,000 cavalry army.
“Yes, General!”
The 20,000 cavalry army came together at the same time, and there was a thunderous voice.
Ying Changge stepped forward, taking the lead, and re-entered the dim passage ahead step by step.
“All keep up!”
Meng Tian followed closely, and Meng Ying also walked at the same time.
Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and others will naturally not be left behind.
Gongshuqiu also kept up.
The last ones are the people of Quicksand Organization.
Watching Ying Changge’s back gradually drifting away, Chi Lian hesitated for a moment, his pink lips moved slightly, and said in a low voice: “Master Wei Zhuang, this is what you said before, the world’s number one mechanism master?”
Hearing this, Wei Zhuang was speechless.
He really didn’t expect it.
What he said before was impossible, but Seventh Young Master actually did it.
now think of it.
Wei Zhuang felt embarrassed.
His face was almost swollen from being beaten by the Seventh Young Master!
“This is the first in the world!”
Wei Zhuang’s inexplicable tone became emotional, and he quietly watched Ying Changge’s back.
The first monster!
The pride of the first day!
even more……
The world’s number one monster!
Wei Zhuang has lived most of his life, but he has never seen it before.
An example of an evil monster like the Seventh Young Master in front of you!
For thousands of years, this is the only case!
It’s okay if the opponent’s strength is so terrifying.
Even in the field of mechanism art, he still has such a unique talent for terror.
Still let people live?

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