But she had to admit this indisputable fact.
Mr. Wei Zhuang now…
I’m afraid, he is far from the opponent of the Seventh Young Master!
“Oh my God!”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Chi Lian looked at Ying Changge with lingering fear.
Such a young seventh son…
Already surpassing Master Wei Zhuang? !
I’m afraid this is not a dream!
All of a sudden.
Quicksand organizes everyone to have complex emotions, and their emotions change wildly.
Everyone also noticed this weird atmosphere.
This weird atmosphere was broken by Gong Shuchou who was beside him: “My lord, you are finally here.”
He looked at Ying Changge, unable to contain the strong sense of admiration and worship.
“I don’t think you’ve been idle during this time, have you?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile, “Half a month has passed, have you gained anything? Have you already thought of a way to break through the Mohist organ city?”
words drop 0…..
Gong Shuchou looked embarrassed, hesitating and speechless.
“Let the son laugh.”
“During this period of time, we have conceived countless ways to break through the Mohist mechanism city, but we have never thought of a perfect strategy.”
“According to Master Gongshu’s analysis.”
“The Mohist organ city, the most important thing is the water source!”
“As long as the water source inside the organ city is destroyed, the organ city will collapse without attack.”
After a moment of silence, Wei Zhuang spoke.
“Your plan is to tamper with the water source of the Mo family?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
This is exactly the same as the original plan!
Starting from the water source of the Mohist organ city, the internal organs of the Mohist organ city were disintegrated, and the water source emitted poisonous gas, which completely paralyzed all the Mohist disciples.
In this way.
The empire will be able to wipe out these anti-Qin elements with minimal losses.
In the end it failed.
A large part of the anti-Qin elements still fled.
In Ying Changge’s view, this plan is a good one.
“Starting from the internal water source of the Mohist organ city, the internal organs of the Mohist organ city were paralyzed.”
“This is the detailed process of the whole plan.”
Wei Zhuang nodded.
he thinks.
The success rate of this program is very high!
“Could it be…”
“Young master already has a good plan in mind?”
At this moment, Gong Shuqiu couldn’t help but ask a question.
Including Wei Zhuang, the 4.9 Quicksand Organization and others also fixed their eyes on Ying Changge.
They are curious.
Could it be possible.
The Seventh Young Master was already prepared?
And made a plan to break through the Mohist organ city?
In the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge laughed: “I do have a plan, which can be used to break through the Mohist mechanism city, and it can be sure that there is no possibility of any mistakes. ”
Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help asking subconsciously: “What plan?”
Ying Changge answered truthfully according to the thoughts in his heart: “Let me go alone and break the Mohist mechanism city!”
“So, that’s the best way I think!”
“It’s also the only way to ensure that nothing goes wrong.”
“How to break through the Mohist organ city? I alone is enough!”.
Chapter 248 In front of the young master, the head of Quicksand is nothing more than that! 【Please customize】
“One, one person?!”
“To break through the Mohist organ city alone?”
“This this!”
Gongshuqiu’s eyes widened immediately.
He was stunned.
what’s going on?
The young master actually wants to break through and disintegrate the Mohist mechanism city alone?
What is this concept?
real or fake?
Can one person really do it?
Wei Zhuang and other members of the quicksand organization all showed stunned expressions.
Going to break through the organ city alone?
This is too exaggerated!
Young Master, I’m afraid I’m dreaming?
This is simply a fantasy!
“My lord, are you sure you’re not joking?”
Wei Zhuang couldn’t help blurting out.
The Quicksand organization prepared for nearly half a month to break through the Mohist organ city, but they couldn’t think of a perfect plan.
When it came to Ying Changge, the other party actually claimed that he could break through the organ city alone?
How can Wei Zhuang believe this?
“You think I’m talking about 05 laughing?”
“I’m serious, I’m enough to break through the organ city alone!”
“Maybe you forgot.”
“Some time ago, what happened when I rushed to the public loser with you?”
Ying Changge smiled and looked calm.
Everyone suddenly woke up.
Gongshuqiu also suddenly realized.
Almost a month ago, the young master did not happen to break through the mountain gate of the loser by himself?
This point, Wei Zhuang and others also thought of it.
But they are still unimaginable.
The scene where the Mohist organ city, which has stood erect for hundreds of years, will be completely breached and disintegrated by one person.
All this seriously subverted their cognitive view.

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