Otherwise, in a one-on-one situation.
It was easy for Ying Changge to kill them.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge felt a little emotional.
“I’ve grown so strong!”
“Even Gai Nie Weizhuang and his ilk, I don’t need to worry about them at all.”
“In the whole world, the only ones who can become my opponents and threaten my life are those old monsters who can’t hide from the world.”
Such as.
Beimingzi, Guiguzi, Xunzi and the like.
Except for these old monsters, basically, Ying Changge can look down on all the powerful people in the world.
“Mr. Wei Zhuang, I haven’t seen you for a long time, so you’re better off here.”
Slightly depressed, Ying Changge spoke first.
“Seventh Young Master is the same.”
“Do not!”
Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes, took a deep look at Ying Changge, and said in a dignified tone, “To be more precise, the Seventh Young Master seems to have become much stronger during this period of time!”
“Now, it has given me an unfathomable sense of déjà vu!”
“Compared to that day, it is obviously more than several times more terrifying!”
Wei Zhuang felt a little heavy.
Although it is not the opposite of Ying Changge.
But seeing Ying Changge, whom he hadn’t seen for many days, his strength suddenly became more terrifying and unfathomable, which made Wei Zhuang feel a sense of urgency more or less.
His sixth sense allowed him to feel a looming sense of crisis from Ying Changge.
what does that mean?
it goes without saying! Where.
Chapter 247 How to break through the mechanism city? I am enough! 【Please customize】
“It’s just that I haven’t seen you for a while…”
“The threat that the Seventh Young Master posed to me has become countless times stronger!”
“The me now, can really shake the Seventh Young Master in front of me?”
Wei Zhuang couldn’t help but have such an idea.
Want to shake the Seventh Young Master in front of you?
too difficult!
Just thinking about it a little bit, Wei Zhuang felt unprecedented pressure.
This pressure naturally came from Ying Changge in front of him.
“What a horrible monster!”
“No wonder it is called the number one evildoer in the ages!”
“I haven’t seen it for less than half a month, and the strength of this monster has been raised to this level.”
“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…”
“I really can’t imagine that the growth rate of a person’s strength can be so terrifying!”
“It’s incredible!”
For a while, countless thoughts and thoughts were flying in Wei Zhuang’s head.
The more he thinks about “380”, the pressure in his heartbigger.
at the same time.
His fear of Ying Changge became stronger and stronger.
no doubt……
Seventh Young Master, is really an indescribable terrifying monster!
Rao has always been as arrogant as Wei Zhuang, but at this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of frustration from Ying Changge.
He couldn’t believe it.
How could there be such a monster in this world?
Do you want to let other martial arts practitioners live?
Other martial arts practitioners who want to improve their strength are calculated on the basis of a year and a half.
And what about the seventh son?
In less than half a month, his strength has improved a lot? !
What kind of monster is this?
It simply does not allow people to live!
Is this a monster?
I have learned a lot!
This moment.
Wei Zhuang, who once again felt that Ying Changge’s strength had improved, suffered a 10,000-fold spiritual blow, which made the sense of frustration in his heart even stronger.
What is a genius?
That’s it!
The Seventh Young Master in front of him is a true peerless genius!
Do not!
Or rather.
This is evildoer!
The first in all ages!
Unparalleled evildoer!
“With my current strength…”
“Even if you try your best and hold the mentality of fighting to the death, it is very likely that you will not be able to shake the Seventh Young Master in front of you!”
“Seventh Young Master, she is really a monster that can’t be figured out by common sense at all!”
He exhaled heavily, and Wei Zhuang finally managed to force himself to suppress the throbbing in his heart and the countless thoughts in his head.
next to him.
There are also Chilian, Canglang King, Wushuanggui and others of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization.
And its hermit bats also follow here.
Of course they noticed.
Their own old David Zhuang, when he faced the Seventh Young Master in front of him just now, he showed that expression of fear, fear, and palpitation.
“Seventh Young Master is really a terrifying existence!”
“Even Master Wei Zhuang is so afraid and fearful…”
A member of the quicksand organization thought to himself.
Chi Lian was shocked even more.
She saw it for the first time.
Arrogant and powerful as Wei Zhuang, he can reveal such a variety of emotional changes.
“Master Wei Zhuang, it’s rare for him to lose his composure like this.”
“It was just the meeting with the Seventh Young Master again, but Master Wei Zhuang lost his composure rarely.”
“Master Wei Zhuang noticed the astonishing change in the seventh son’s strength, which caused him to show such a gaffe.”
Chi Lian knew Wei Zhuang well.
That’s why.
She quickly deduced that the main reason for the change in Wei Zhuang’s face.
She dare not imagine.
The Wei Zhuang that day couldn’t shake the Seventh Young Master in front of him.
After the seventh son’s strength ushered in an improvement…
Can Master Wei Zhuang still fight against the Seventh Young Master?
Thinking of this, Chi Lian’s lips trembled slightly.
Although she doesn’t want to admit it.

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