Ying Changge, who returned to the carriage, quietly began to wait for the moment when he was about to arrive at the organ city.
Under the leadership of Meng Tian.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry army set off again.
Destination of this trip…
The Mohist mechanism city group!
Iron hooves trampled on the ground, and there was a deafening sound.
The sound was like thunder, resounding through the sky.
The entire land seemed to be pierced and shattered, and there were waves of shaking and tremors like earthquakes.
Chapter 245: Take Yan Dan’s head! Arrive at the Mohist Trick City! 【Please customize】
In the core area of ​​the 100,000 cavalry army, a luxuriously decorated carriage followed the team step by step, rushing all the way, constantly approaching the organ city of the Mo family.
“The Mohist mechanism city…”
“It’s your turn!”
“Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang, Sword Master Gai Nie, Mohist leader…”
“You all will become the nourishment for me to improve the integration of the template!”
Ying Changge leaned against the carriage window with a meaningful smile on his face.

Time flies.
In the blink of an eye, day and night alternate.
Time is like water, passing by in a hurry, gone forever.
Without paying attention, another night passed.
the next day.
The sun rose slowly from the eastern sky, exuding a golden halo, and scattered down from the sky, with warm light, it dispelled all the cold moisture remaining in the air.
The meaning of warmth, slowly flowing in the air.
early morning.
Accompanied by a tremor on the ground, there was a series of trembling and shaking like an earthquake.
The ground was trampled on crazily, and the sound came like thunder.
I see.
A total of 100,000 imperial cavalry rushed from the distant horizon.
The iron hoof trampled on the soil, setting off a wave of dust that flew up wantonly, curling up and dancing in mid-air.
It can be seen.
Chapter 380 This is a well-trained elite army of the Great Qin Dynasty!
Every soldier of the empire wears fine armor, holds a sharp weapon, and has piercing eyes.
Hundreds of thousands of cavalry collectively exude a monstrous aura of iron and blood.
A day has passed.
The 100,000 army led by Meng Tian has completely moved away from the place where the Mohist giant and others were ambushed yesterday.
The entire iron cavalry team is only the last distance away from the Mohist organ city.
It only takes half an hour to reach the final destination of this trip, the organ city!
After running around day and night, the 100,000 imperial cavalry army has already infinitely approached the Mohist’s mechanism city.
“My lord, we will arrive at the organ city in half an hour.”
From the window of the carriage, came Meng Ying’s respectful reminder.
Inside the carriage.
Ying Changge nodded lightly: “I see.”
According to his inference, the distance from the Mohist Trick City is indeed infinitely approaching.
Running around day and night is enough to reach the organ city!
“Is there any news from the quicksand organization?”
After thinking for a while, Ying Changge asked (afej).
“The humble job has not received any information from the quicksand organization.”
Meng Ying shook his head.
“Forget it.”
“Anyway, we are about to arrive at the Mohist Trick City. When we meet with them, we will be able to learn about the recent changes in the Mohist Trick City from their side.”
Ying Changge didn’t worry too much about this matter.
At this time, it is very close to the organ city.
The moment when the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army and the quicksand organization, and its leader, Gong Shuqiu, have their round is getting closer.
During this period of time, the Quicksand Organization and Gong Shuchou obviously won’t be idle.
They have already made preparations, and they are ready to break through and disintegrate the Mohist organ city at any time.
It only needs to wait for Ying Changge and Meng Tian to lead an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry to arrive, and that will be enough to launch an operation to break through the Mohist organ city.
Wanting to come to Quicksand to organize them, it is not a character that will be idle.
Now, they must have plans and decisions for the Mohist organ city in their minds.
“How to break through the Mohist organ city?”
“Isn’t this an easy thing to do?”
Ying Changge wiped his chin thoughtfully.
organ city asThe defensive fortress built by the disciples of the Mohists through hundreds of years of painstaking efforts, contains countless organs accumulated over hundreds of years inside, which can be described as extremely dangerous.
For others.
If you want to break through the Mohist mechanism city, the difficulty factor is naturally very high.
If the organ city is really so easy to break through, then it would not have stood in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down, and it has survived as a safe haven for anti-Qin elements for many years.
Trick City is the most extreme product of Mohist Trick Art…
There are countless extremely dangerous Mohist mechanism techniques inside.
If you step into it rashly.
If there is any carelessness, the martial arts master will fall on the spot.
One can imagine.
How dangerous is the inside of the Mohist organ city?
It has condensed the efforts of the Mo family for hundreds of years…
This alone is enough to show the horror of the organ city.
For others, it is as difficult as climbing the sky to break through the Mohist institution.
But for Ying Changge, everything will be completely different.
“The mechanism technique of the Mohist mechanism city…”
“It really makes people can’t wait to see it.”
“I hope that the mechanism technique of the famous Mohists in the Jianghu will not disappoint me too much.”
Ying Changge is looking forward to it.
Having mastered the perfect domineering level of knowledge, he should be able to see through the loopholes of any mechanism and formation at will, and even break them down at will.
He is the absolute nemesis of mechanism art!
Even the countless Mohist mechanism cities contained in the Mohist mechanism city will not be an exception, and will be absolutely restrained by Ying Changge.
The carriage followed the 100,000 imperial cavalry army all the way, and another half an hour passed.
It finally came true, allowing the empire’s 100,000 troops to arrive at the entrance outside the Mohist mechanism city!
at the same time.
Meng Tian, ​​who led an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry, also successfully met the members of the quicksand organization.
“My lord, we have arrived at the organ city.”
Meng Ying reminded immediately.
Ying Changge simply stepped off the carriage in one step.

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