“If it is in my hands, what kind of attitude will Mohist disciples face me?”
Thinking of this, the smile on Ying Changge’s face became even weirder.
He was looking forward to that scene.
This carefully prepared gift will definitely bring a big surprise to the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements! .
Chapter 244 A stunning sword that refreshed Meng Tian’s worldview! 【Please customize】
In less than a moment.
According to Ying Changge’s instructions, several subordinates presented the lost Momei, a token belonging to the Mohist giants, to Ying Changge.
Holding Mo Mei, Ying Changge felt the coldness of Mo Mei’s hilt, and a faint smell of blood emanated from the blade.
These bloodstains naturally came from Yan Dan, the great Mohist!
“Not a bad job.”
“Worthy of being the only keepsake of the great Mohists of all dynasties!”
“At least, it’s no worse than the famous swords in the Fengbeard Sword Manual Rankings.”
Ying Changge had a smile on his face.
It was only when Meng Tian saw that Ying Chang’s singer was carrying Mo Mei, the keepsake of the great Mo family, that he suddenly realized.
It turned out that the big gift prepared by the young master was actually Mo Mei!
When the group of Mohist disciples saw that Mo Mei, the keepsake of their giants in the past, would appear in the hands of the people of the empire to control them, their expressions would definitely become very exciting.
“Sir, you really have a bad taste.”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
There is indeed enough to look forward to.
Even Meng Tian expressed his expectation.
He was eager to see it.
What kind of expressions will the disciples of the Mohist school show when they witness with their own eyes that the tokens of their past magnates appear in the hands of the young master?
“General Meng Tian, ​​order someone to clean up the battlefield first.”
Ying Changge then ordered again.
“Yes, my son.”
Meng Tian nodded.
Next, a large number of iron cavalry soldiers of the empire rushed into the battlefield one after another, and quickly cleaned up the remaining hideous corpses on the battlefield.
During this process, Ying Changge had another thought.
Without the slightest hesitation, he directly ordered several subordinates: “That’s right. Remember to take off the head of Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family. When the time comes, together with the giant’s token, Momei, as a gift to the Mohist family and other anti-Qin remnants.”
The words fell.
Meng Tian’s eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on his face.
Mohist and other anti-Qin elements will suffer a serious morale blow!
after all.
Even the heads of Mohist giants have been removed, how can they resist?
The belief of Mohist disciples is naturally Mohist giants!
Once they witness with their own eyes that their beliefs have been killed, the fighting spirit and belief in their hearts will naturally usher in the fate of falling apart.
“This trick is absolutely amazing~‖!”
“When the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements witness the head of the Mohist giant Yandan with their own eyes, they will inevitably fall into extreme panic.”
“In this way, the iron cavalry of the empire can easily destroy them all.”
Meng Tian felt emotional in his heart.
not for a while.
Following Ying Changge’s instructions, several subordinates lifted a bloody head in front of Ying Changge.
Then use the package to wrap this first-level head belonging to Yandan.
After doing all this, Meng Ying came to carry the package containing Yandan’s head.
A faint pungent smell of blood wafted through the air here.
The battlefield is cleared.
All the corpses were easily swept away by the imperial cavalry.
“Okay, General Meng Tian, ​​let’s go to the Mohist Trick City.”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
A group of anti-Qin alliances were thus forcefully destroyed.
From the beginning to the end, the empire did not have any losses at all.
It’s just that less than a dozen soldiers of the Qin army died, that’s all.
This is already an almost perfect victory!
To wipe out thousands of anti-Qin elements, only a dozen people were lost.
What is this concept? !
Simply unimaginable!
The biggest credit here is naturally Ying Changge.
If Ying Changge hadn’t killed the Anti-Qin Alliance with a sword, it would have completely defeated the fighting spirit and belief of the members of the Anti-Qin Alliance.
I’m afraid…
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry army would never completely wipe out these anti-Qin elements so simply.
It is even more impossible to just lose a dozen people.
Although the empire originally had an overwhelming advantage, those thousands of anti-Qin elements were not vegetarians. If they joined forces, they could also cause considerable damage to the empire’s iron cavalry.
All of this was completely turned around by Ying Changge alone!
Defeating thousands of members of the Anti-Qin Alliance with one’s own strength, shattered the fighting spirit and belief of all of them, and even destroyed and severely damaged two-thirds of the people.
It was this stunning sword that Ying Changge broke out that had an unprecedented impact on the Anti-Qin Alliance.
In order to promote the imperial cavalry, with a dozenPersonal loss, and completely wiped out this group of anti-Qin elements.
all in all.
The reason why this battle was won so easily, Ying Changge took the greatest credit!
Not to mention.
Yandan and Xiaoyaozi, two martial arts masters, were killed and disabled in the hands of Ying Changge.
“‘ 〃Young master, he is the most important core of this battle!”
Meng Tian knew it well.
After the battle that broke out just now, he has already realized it deeply.
turn out to be……
There are really people in this world who can do it, mastering the gods with martial arts!
Standing shoulder to shoulder with a god with a mortal body!
Even relying on his own power, he can overthrow thousands of troops alone!
have to admit.
The terrifying and destructive power caused by Ying Changge’s world-shattering sword has seriously refreshed Meng Tian’s worldview.
until now.
Including Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, Shao Si Ming, Shi Lan and others still couldn’t suppress the extremely shocking mood just now.
They looked at Ying Changge as if they were looking at a living sword fairy!
“Set off!”
Not paying attention to the eyes of these people, Ying Chang (Haoqian’s) Ge waved his hand and gave the order directly.
This trip successfully dealt with the Mohist giant Yan Dan, and also eradicated more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements.
That’s when the show begins!
The isolated and helpless Mohist organ city is the main core goal below!
And all the anti-Qin elements living in the organ city will also become the targets of the empire’s encirclement and suppression.

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