The distance of more than ten meters kept him from being too nervous.
next second.
Terrifying gravity erupted from Ying Changge’s body, gathered between his palms, and then aimed at Yan Dan in front of him.
Gravity becomes gravity.
The overwhelming gravitational force still enveloped Yan Dan’s body even though they were more than ten meters away.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
Ying Changge was expressionless.
With a pull of his right hand, the terrifying gravitational force directly attracted Yan Dan’s body.
Yan Dan’s expression changed drastically.
His face was full of shock and disbelief, his eyes widened and rounded.
what’s the situation? !
what happened?
The body unexpectedly soared into the air uncontrollably?
What kind of power is this?
In just a moment, thousands of complicated thoughts flooded Yandan’s head.
He stared wide-eyed at the body with its feet off the ground.
Even with a distance of more than ten meters…
But under the attraction of Ying Changge’s terrifying gravitational force, Yan Dan came directly to the area less than two meters in front of Ying Changge.
“not good!”
Yan Dan was shocked.
Without the slightest hesitation, he decisively lifted the ink eyebrow in his hand, and gathered the surging innate qi from the dantian in his abdomen, wrapping it around the blade of the sword.
Mo Mei, who didn’t have any sharp attributes, faced Ying Changge’s body and chopped off.
But just when Mo Mei was about to fall.
The force that absorbed his body suddenly changed again.
… ….. 0
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Ying Changge stood quietly at the same spot, and the perfect domineering level of knowledge could clearly see that Yan Dan was about to hit his forehead with the ink eyebrow at this moment.
At the moment when Mo Mei was more than ten centimeters away from Ying Changge’s forehead.
Surrounding Ying Changge’s body, an endless terrifying repelling force erupted instantly.
The ground under Ying Changge’s feet collapsed and shattered.
His entire body sank into a nearly half-meter deep pit.
Cracks cracked and spread in all directions.
The surface of the ground seemed to have ushered in an earthquake, and there was a slight shaking and vibration in the area hundreds of meters away.
Soil sinks.
The earth collapsed!
All objects around Ying Changge’s body will be impacted and torn by a terrifying gravity, crushing all objects into powder.
Some broken stones that were originally placed not far away, when covered by the repulsive force of Ying Changge’s body, instantly turned into a ball of powder and disappeared with the wind.
at the same time.
The extremely terrifying repulsive force immediately enveloped Yan Dan’s body.
Even the ink eyebrow held by Yandan was completely swept away by this repulsive force.
“This, this is…”
Yan Dan was horrified.
He lost his composure completely.
Don’t wait for his reaction.
The overwhelming repulsive force hit his body from the front.
The terrible repulsive force impacted Yan Dan’s body instantly, and even the internal organs of his body were shaken and damaged under the crush of this terrible shock wave.
Mo Mei in his hand was violently shaken by this shock wave, causing Yan Dan’s palm that was tightly holding Mo Mei to burst, and the spilled blood stained the hilt in his hand.
Opening his mouth, Yan Dan spat out blood, his eyes were bloodshot, filled with a deep sense of shock.
Immediately afterwards.
Under the impact of this terrible repulsive force.
Yan Dan’s figure flew upside down tens of meters away, rolling continuously in mid-air.
Bloody all the way!
Blood stained the sky!
The internal organs of the body were severely damaged by this shock wave, so that Yan Dan’s face became extremely pale, and the right hand holding Mo Mei trembled slightly.
Flying upside down for tens of meters all the way, Yandan finallyHis body hit the ground heavily.
After the figure hit the ground, the shock wave rolled Yandan’s body to move continuously, and finally stopped after rubbing against the ground several meters away.
Take a closer look.
The clothes on Yan Dan’s body were in bad condition, and the black hat on his head was smashed into pieces on the spot, scattered all over the sky in all directions.
Blood spilled out, infecting Yan Dan’s body.
This moment.
In addition to the torn clothes on Yan Dan’s body, there were also countless skin wounds.
covered in wounds!
Blood flowed slowly, soaking in his body.
It made his figure look extraordinarily embarrassing.
It’s even a little unsightly! Where.
Chapter 227: Mohist Giant Was Hanged and Beaten? Shock the audience! 【Please customize】
The atmosphere became extraordinarily weird!
The whole audience was silent!
Pairs of eyes full of shock, horror, and disbelief gathered on the front battlefield one after another.
Everyone saw it.
The figure of the middle-aged man in the black robe was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment at the moment, his whole body was even more dilapidated, and his body was almost completely soaked in blood.
Numerous scars spread all over this person’s body.
The faint smell of blood wafts into the distance with the wind.
this moment.
The audience fell into dead silence!
The black hat on his head had already been crushed into powder by the shock wave just now.
The current Yandan reveals a face with scars like martial arts, with sharp-edged features and deep-set eyes, but another scar runs through the entire face.
It made his face look extraordinarily hideous and terrifying.
But at this time.
Everyone subconsciously ignored all this.
No one cared about Yan Dan’s face and facial features, they were all just observing Yan Dan’s injuries and distressed appearance.
This is the most important thing that attracts everyone’s attention.

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