If she hadn’t experienced it personally, Yan Dan would never have dared to imagine all this in her dreams.
It’s so shocking!
It simply subverts cognition!
“It’s such a terrible suppressing force, my body’s speed may be weakened by nearly half!”
“Even the reaction force has been severely weakened.”
“What kind of martial art is this?”
“Why have I never heard of it before?”
“This trick is too weird!”
Thoughts were flying in Yan Dan’s head, with a shocked expression on his face.
Being suppressed by this terrifying force, he only felt that there were two towering mountains on his shoulders, which made his movements extremely slow.
Even his bodily functions became extremely stiff.
Aware of this astonishing phenomenon, Yan Dan felt more and more pressure.
unknown trick…
The most terrifying.
Even Yan Dan, who is a master of martial arts, was terrified by this unknown and terrifying move.
at the same time.
The tens of thousands of invisible sword qi erupting from Yandan are already close at hand, only a few meters away from Ying Changge.
Ying Changge once again turned slightly to the side, avoiding all the sword energy.
There is no muddy water in the whole process!
After Ying Changge dodged Yandan’s erupting sword energy, the ground was bombarded again and collapsed, with countless cracks and traces all over the venue.
The entire ground was trembling violently, and countless cracks were densely packed like spider webs, causing waves of dust to fly up.
Smoke and dust billowed and flew all over the sky.
Something weird happened.
The dust, which was originally as light as a feather, seemed to have been eroded by water, so it splashed down from the sky quickly and hit the ground heavily.
In less than a moment.
Before the smoke and dust flying all over the sky were set off, they had all dispersed.
Ying Changge was dressed in white and remained motionless in place, with his whole body still unscathed.
“Mohist giant?”
“That’s the result?”
Looking up, Ying Changge showed a playful face.
The terrifying gravitational aura swept across an area of ​​30 meters in all directions centered on his body.
And Yandan is under the suppression of this area.
Even if his cultivation had reached the level of a martial arts master, Yan Dan’s strength, suppressed by this terrifying gravity, plummeted in a straight line.
“Where the hell are you?”
Yan Dan’s tone was low, and he couldn’t help but ask questions.
There was a deep sadness in his brows, the right hand holding Mo Mei was tightened, and he was holding on to Mo Mei’s sword hilt, revealing that he was particularly cautious and anxious at the moment.
have to admit.
Ying Changge’s sudden burst of terrifying gravitational aura.
It has brought an unprecedented threat to Yandan.
He has never experienced it.
The feeling of being suppressed by such a terrifying force…
Let his overall strength drop almost in a straight line and weaken it by more than half!
“Is it true that you are now in a serious state?”
Yan Dan stared at Ying Changge with lingering fear.
Originally, he didn’t take Ying Changge’s words seriously.
At this moment, I felt the terrifying oppressive force enveloping my body.
Suddenly he believed it.
What Ying Changge said just now is probably true!
Now, the other party is really serious.
“What a horrible monster!”
“I’ve never heard of it before. There are such monsters in this world.”
Yan Dan shook Mo’s eyebrows tightly.
Only in this way can he slightly relieve the sense of horror in his heart.
at the same time.
Some subtle changes in the battlefield naturally could not escape the detection of Xiaoyaozi, a martial arts master.
“It’s not right!”
“There seems to be a very terrifying force in the air of the battlefield.”
“If I’m not mistaken…”
“This force has caused great damage to the giant.huge negative impact. ”
Xiaoyaozi’s face changed slightly.
The changes and development of the battle situation have become impossible to see through.
final result?
That has become an unknown!
No one knows.
What will be the final result.
Who can win?
Before the battle broke out, almost everyone thought so.
Yan Dan, a giant of the Mohists whose cultivation has reached the level of a martial arts master, can easily do it. Within three moves, he can instantly kill Ying Changge, who is only cultivated at the late Xiantian stage.
The trend of the battle has completely overturned everyone’s cognition.
Yan Dan, who is a strong master of martial arts, was unable to get any benefits at all, let alone gain the upper hand, in front of a strong man who was born in the late stage.
All of this is naturally shocking.
Who would have thought.
There is really someone who can do it, relying on the innate late stage of cultivation, unexpectedly shakes a martial arts master abruptly, and he is not inferior in the slightest.
“This young man…”
“Who the hell?”
Xiaoyaozi’s face was heavy.
Thousands of anti-Qin elements were stunned.
In full view.
Fighting broke out again.
This time, it was Ying Changge’s turn to take the initiative to attack.
With the explosion of the gravity field, even with the cultivation level of a martial arts master, Yan Dan was still unavoidable and suffered a huge weakening of his strength.
“It’s my turn to attack!”
“are you ready?”
Ying Changge had a playful smile on his face.
He slowly raised his right hand, palm facing the direction of Yan Dan.
The distance between the two is about ten meters.
Seeing Ying Changge’s actions, Yan Dan’s eyebrows were full of doubts.
“What does it mean?”
Yan Dan frowned.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・

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