“I just don’t know, what do you think, Great Elder?”
sound just fellDown.
The Great Elder’s eyelids moved slightly, and his wrinkled old face looked a bit dignified.
He was lost in thought.
This proposal is not unacceptable.
Still have to see Shushan disciples, whether they can accept this matter.
By contrast.
Compared with the complete annihilation of the Shushan Wu clan by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry, it seems the most appropriate way to temporarily lend the Fusang sacred tree to resolve this huge crisis and disaster.
If the Fusang sacred tree is not temporarily borrowed, the Shushan Wu clan will definitely be completely destroyed today.
This point, the Great Elder can be 100% sure.
No matter how strong he is, he still doesn’t have the confidence to shake an army of 100,000 cavalry!
Not to mention.
There are only a few thousand Wu people in Shushan, and there are not many women, old people, children, etc. among them.
Once a battle broke out, the Shushan Wu Clan could dispatch no more than 500 people, and the rest were some women, old people, and children who did not have combat capabilities.
Compared with the 100,000 imperial cavalry army, the power of the Wu Clan in Shushan is still too fragile after all.
And Ying Changge’s proposal was the only one that the Great Elder could think of.
The only way for them to get through this difficult time in Shushan.
“Borrow the Fusang Shenmu temporarily?”
The head of the great elder was running wildly.
This rhetoric is much better than forcibly taking their Fusang Shenmu.
in this case.
Fusang Shenmu can also allow them to continue to guard the Shushan Wuzu.
The only difference is that…
The place where the hibiscus tree grows may have to move a lot because of this, moving from Shushan to an unknown place to continue growing.
“Great Elder, I came here with sincerity.”
“If it weren’t for me and the Yinyang family not being on the right track, I wouldn’t be involved in this matter.”
“The life and death of your Shu Mountain has nothing to do with me.”
“The reason why I want to help you and prevent your Shu Mountain from being destroyed is purely because I can’t understand the behavior of the Yinyang family and want to destroy their plan.”
“If you can’t accept my offer, then there’s nothing I can do.”
“You can only ask for luck.”
Ying Changge continued to speak with a calm expression.
He chose to help Shushan survive this catastrophe, just to destroy the plan of the Yinyang family, not to have any thoughts about the Wuzu of Shushan.
If Shushan disagrees with his proposal, then he has nothing to do.
He could only let Meng Tian lead an army of 100,000 cavalry to level the entire Shu Mountain directly, so as to forcibly plunder the sacred Fusang Shenmu belonging to Shu Mountain on the spot.
The final result will not change in any way!
Naturally, it is impossible for Fusang Shenmu to continue to grow in Shushan.
This point started from the moment Meng Tian dispatched troops to Shu Kingdom.
It’s already doomed!
“Don’t worry, I’m just temporarily borrowing the Fusang sacred tree, not snatching the Fusang sacred tree from your Shu Mountain.”
“On this point, I will explain the situation to my father.”
“People from the Yinyang family want to use the empire’s hand to turn the hibiscus tree into the private property of their Yinyang family. This is nothing but daydream!”
“I don’t want them to succeed, so I can only do this.”
“Elder, what do you think?”
After finishing speaking, Ying Changge quietly waited for the reply from the Great Elder.
The Great Elder’s next reply will affect the future of the entire Shu Mountain!
The life and death of Shushan…
Only in the mind of the Great Elder!
Whether Shushan is dead or alive depends on how the Great Elder chooses.
“Elder, Great Elder.”
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked worriedly and nervously at the elder.
“I understand.”
After a while, the Great Elder let out a heavy breath.
His cloudy eyes became brighter, and he asked again: “Seventh Young Master, how long is the temporary loan of the Fusang Shenmu you mentioned just now?”
Hearing this, Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing.
Hearing the words of the Great Elder.
He has successfully obtained the answer he wanted!
It is not difficult to see from this.
In the heart of the Great Elder, he has actually begun to compromise.
Under the huge pressure of the empire’s 100,000 cavalry, even the invincible powerhouse who has reached the perfect level of a martial arts master had to succumb.
Ying Changge replied with a smile.
“Five years!”
“It only takes five years!”
“Five years later, the empire will remain intact and return the Fusang Shenmu to you in Shushan!”.
Chapter 211 Invite the Great Elder to come out of the mountain! The best of both worlds! 【Please customize】
Ying Changge spoke again.
Five years is the limit!
Once the time is over, it will return to its original owner!
Fusang Shenmu Empire temporarily borrowed for five years~ time.
It is not to snatch the ownership of Fusang Shenmu.
In this way, the anger and conflict of the Wu clan in Shushan can be eliminated.
And as he wished, he transported the hibiscus tree back to the territory of the empire, and completed the task personally assigned by the First Emperor Yingzheng.
The best of both worlds!
Not only can the task be completed, but Shushan will not be destroyed by the trampling of the empire’s 100,000 cavalry.
This is the only perfect solution Ying Changge can think of.
This plan depends on whether the great elder of Shushan in front of him will agree to it.
If the other party does not even accept the offer to temporarily borrow the Fusang Shenmu for five years, then Ying Changge will have nothing to do.
This battle will naturally and inevitably break out!
As for the outcome of this battle?
no doubt……
Shushan will definitely be destroyed!
And the Wu Clan in Shushan will also be reduced to the dust of history and completely disappear in the long river of time.
From now on, there will be no Shushan witches in the world!
how to choose?
The right to choose, Ying Changge, has been handed over to the First Elder.
In the end, choose to fight to the death with the empire’s 100,000 cavalry?
Or give in to the hibiscus tree that has been temporarily borrowed for five years?
All of this was only in the mind of the Great Elder.The life and death of Shushan in the future will come to the fore in the decisions of the elders.
After saying these words, Ying Changge waited quietly for a reply from the Great Elder.
Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying couldn’t help but fix their eyes on the Great Elder.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan became very nervous, apprehensive, reserved, and uneasy. They also looked at the elder and clenched their fists involuntarily.

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