Seeing Ying Changge so blatantly raising his hand to touch the hibiscus tree, the first elder raised his eyelids slightly, but he didn’t say much.
Brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked at the Great Elder blankly.
They also seemed very surprised by Ying Changge’s actions.
What surprised them the most was…
In this regard, the Great Elder has no intention of stopping it at all?
To know.
The sacred tree of Fusang is a sacred object that has been guarded by the Shushan witches for thousands of years. On weekdays, even the members of the Shushan witches should not easily touch the sacred tree of Fusang.
This is disrespectful!
Today, they saw it.
The scene where Fuso Shenmu is touched by an outsider.
And the Great Elder didn’t stop or reprimand him at all!
All this made Yu Ziqi’s two brothers and sisters feel unbelievable.
The Great Elder gave in?
The breeze came gently.
Golden leaves falling from the sky, falling slowly like light goose feathers.
Ying Changge raised his right hand and gently clamped the leaves with his fingers. He could feel a faint fragrance from the leaves, which was very unique.
The smell was new, he had never felt it before.
Standing next to the Fusang Shenmu, the extremely vigorous breath of life spread to the audience, making Ying Changge feel like he was in a lush forest.
Incomparable vitality enveloped the audience.
The warm sunlight is falling from the sky, but it is blocked by the branches and leaves of the hibiscus tree, which swallows and absorbs all the sunlight, transforming it into an endless bloom of vitality.
“This is the hibiscus tree that the Yin Yang family has been looking forward to!”
Shao Siming was also carefully looking at the various Fusang Shenmu.
The atmosphere then became quiet.
The Great Elder took the lead in breaking the tranquility of this moment.
He took a deep look at Ying Changge, his throat was dry, and he asked in a solemn tone first: “If you guessed correctly, the reason for your visit, Seventh Young Master, is for the Fusang sacred tree that my family has guarded for generations.”
Hearing this, Ying Changge didn’t mean to hide anything: “Yes.”
This is the core goal of this trip!
Without accomplishing this goal, Emperor Shihuang Yingzheng would never let it go.
Even if Ying Changge could stop this time, it would be impossible for the 100,000 army led by Meng Tian to attack Shu Mountain again.
all in all.
Without winning the Fusang Shenmu, the empire will never stop.
As for Ying Changge, it is impossible to save Shushan every time.
he hoped.
This truth, as the Great Elder of Shushan, can understand.
If Ying Changge wants to save Shushan, he also needs to pay a big price.
He can only save Shushan once!
If the empire sent troops again for the second time, it would not be something Ying Changge could interfere with.
simply put.
Only when the two parties reach a cooperative relationship can the current huge crisis and disaster in Shushan be resolved.
Fuso Shenmu, this is the inevitable goal of the empire!
If it’s just the Onmyo family who wants to seize the Fusang Shenmu, then things will be much easier to handle.
But the problem is…
The one who wanted to seize the Fusang Shenmu this time was the First Emperor Yingzheng!
If so, it would all be very different.
Even if Ying Changge received more attention from Ying Zheng, the latter would never allow him to behave in such a matter one after another.
Ying Changge can save Shushan once, but not twice!
Shushan, which guards Fusang Shenmu, is bound to suffer this catastrophe.
If it wasn’t for this trip, and Ying Changge was with the imperial cavalry, I’m afraid Meng Tian would have already led his army to flatten Shu Mountain.
It is impossible to leave any opportunity for Shushan to react.
It is precisely because of the existence of Ying Changge that Shushan can survive to this day without being completely destroyed and flattened by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry.
“Does the empire have to win the Fusang Shenmu this time?”
The elder was silent for a moment, and then asked again.
He attaches great importance to Fusang Shenmu.
Shushan also attaches great importance to it.
All the disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan will also attach great importance to the Fusang Shenmu.
This is a sacred object that they have guarded for nearly a thousand years!
The entire Shu Mountain has survived for the Fusang Shenmu from generation to generation.
One can imagine.
How important is Fuso Shenmu to them.
If they were taken away like this, the Shushan Wu Clan would naturally not stop there.
“Our goal is Fuso Shenmu!”
Ying Changge nodded again.
For Fusang Shenmu, the empire is obviously bound to win!
But think about it carefully.
Before the great elder opened his mouth, Ying Changge suggested: “However, there is no way to solve this matter. It just depends on whether you, Shushan, are willing to implement my method.”
“If I follow my method, I can ensure that Shushan will not be destroyed.”
“Otherwise, I can’t give Shushan any guarantee.”
The words fell.
The elder remained silent.
behind him.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan also lowered their heads.
The two of them clenched their fists tightly, their faces full of unwillingness and helplessness.
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, looked at Ying Changge with her beautiful eyes, and asked in a crisp voice: “What plan?”
If she could, she certainly didn’t want to see Shushan be destroyed.
But if you want to hand over the Fusang Shenmu…
She still finds it hard to accept.
(afej) Not only her, but the entire Shushan disciples will find it hard to accept.
after all.
For thousands of years from ancient times to the present, Fusang Shenmu has always been the spiritual belief of Shushan disciples!
Let them surrender their spiritual beliefs?
How could they be willing?
This is faith!
The faith of the entire Shu Mountain!
Want to forcibly seize their belief in Shushan?
Of course they will rise up and resist!
At this time.
Hearing Shi Lan’s voice, Ying Changge smiled meaningfully.
He spoke again: “My plan is very simple, that is, temporarily lend the Fusang Shenmu, a sacred object that you Shushan has guarded for nearly a thousand years, to our empire. It is a loan, not a gift!”
“In this way, you can be sure.”
“Your Shu Mountain will not encounter catastrophe today, let alone be destroyed because of it!”
“Fusang Shenmu is still guarded by your Shu Mountain. Of course, it is just a different place, that’s all, it will still survive in time.”
“If the period of stay is over, then the Fusang Shenmu will be returned to you in Shushan intact.”
“So, it’s the best of both worlds.”

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