In the whole world, only Ying Changge can master this terrifying power!
“That’s really a terrifying talent!”
The elder gave a wry smile.
In his life, he didn’t believe that there would be geniuses in this world.
Today, he met Ying Changge.
The firm belief in his heart was subsequently shaken by force.
It turns out that there are really geniuses in this world!
Do not!
More precisely.
This is an out-and-out peerless evildoer!
“It’s really old!”
“Talented people emerge from generation to generation.”
“Old man, I have to obey the old man.”
“In this world, after all, it still depends on you, the Seventh Young Master, a arrogant and evil person~‖.”
“At such a young age, Seventh Young Master, you have already mastered such a powerful strength. I really can’t imagine how powerful you will be, Seventh Young Master, in time?”
The Great Elder’s eyes lost their focus for a while, and his mind was in a trance.
Even in the year of the weak crown, it is enough to compete with him head-on without losing the wind in the slightest.
What kind of amazing talent is this?
How powerful will the Seventh Young Master, who possesses such terrifying talent and aptitude, become in the future?
All of this, the Great Elder is unable to fathom and judge.
He just knows.
The Seventh Young Master is a terrifying existence that is completely beyond the scope of cognition!
Can’t fathom!
Do not peep!
Can only look up!
Rao is an invincible powerhouse in the world, but from Ying Changge, the Great Elder still felt a huge gap!
“With the amazing talent and aptitude possessed by the Seventh Young Master, he can really reach the realm that surpasses the legends!”
“Looking at Jianghu, at least a realm that hasn’t appeared in hundreds of years!”
“A realm that only exists in legends!”
The Great Elder thought to himself.
He has good reason to think so.
There is really someone in this world who can hit that legendary realm.
This person must be the Seventh Young Master in front of him!
Other than that, there is no second possibility.
A group of people gradually walked towards the Holy Land of Shushan.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan who followed all the way, have been listening to the Great Elder who they admire the most in their hearts, and constantly praise the seventh son Ying Changge.
To this.
The mood of the two brothers and sisters naturally caused huge ripples and waves.
in their minds.
The Great Elder is the most powerfulWei’s invincible powerhouse!
At this moment, they listened to the strong man they regarded as invincible in their hearts, and kept admiring and admiring the other person.
This made the two siblings feel very complicated.
“Seventh Young Master is too strong!”
“Even the Great Elder has been deeply impressed by the strength displayed by the Seventh Young Master.”
The two siblings couldn’t help but recall.
Some time ago, the scene where they met Ying Changge.
How dare they try to hold this terrifying existence hostage?
Thinking of this, the two brothers and sisters could not help but bow their heads in shame.
How ignorant are fearless!
After a while.
Ying Changge led Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying to follow in the footsteps of the Great Elder, and arrived at the holy land of Mount Shu in a smooth and unimpeded way.
far away.
Before approaching the holy land of Mount Shu, Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable domineering, had an insight into a breath of extremely strong vitality.
This exuberant vitality is even more majestic than the vitality condensed by tens of thousands of people!
This is the first time he felt it.
Such a strong breath of life!
It’s like bathing in an ocean full of life.
Even though they were far apart, Ying Changge felt the baptism and flushing of the body conservatively with the breath of that exuberant vitality.
“Such a surging vitality.”
“Could it be…”
Ying Changge’s eyelids twitched, and he had a premonition in his heart.
as predicted!
Just like Ying Changge’s premonition.
The Great Elder directly gave the answer: “The Seventh Young Master must have noticed it. That’s right, in front of us grows the sacred hibiscus tree that has been guarded by us for nearly a thousand years in Shushan for generations.”
Hearing this, Ying Changge suddenly realized.
My guess was not wrong.
Except for the Fusang Shenmu in the entire Shu Mountain, he really couldn’t think of it.
What kind of object can exude such a surging and exuberant breath of life.
With a thought…
The perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable scouts, and has information about the shape of the hibiscus tree.
not for a while.
Ying Changge had a general understanding of Fusang Shenmu.
“As expected of a sacred object that has grown for nearly a thousand years…”
“The exuberant vitality contained within it feels like facing the real fire of the sun.”
“Is this the Fusang Shenmu?”
“Live by absorbing the true fire of the sun, and then feed back all living creatures around you.”
“Such a majestic breath of life, just leaked out, is enough to completely change the surrounding environment.”
Ying Changge sighed.
The closer you get to the Fusang Shenmu, the more vigorous and intense the breath of life will be.
Shao Siming, Meng Ying and others also got their wish and saw the face of Fusang Shenmu.
They were separated by thousands of meters, but they could still see them clearly.
It was a majestic towering tree, almost towering above the clouds. The height of the tree was so high that it could hardly see the end at a glance, almost piercing through the sky.
Its size is simply too large.
The closer it is, the more shocking it will be.
Its existence seems to be the most exquisite and mysterious life species in the world.
The crimson trunk makes the hibiscus tree extraordinarily dazzling and prominent, as if it can seduce people’s minds. At first glance, people can no longer look away.
The bright red and strange trunk color reveals the strangeness and mystery of the hibiscus tree.
There is a strong vitality inside, almost sweeping and filling the area with a radius of several kilometers.
Whenever you get close to the hibiscus tree, you can feel the faint fragrance in the air and the exuberant breath of life everywhere.
The longer you stay here, the body functions seem to be restored to youth.
“What a huge tree!”

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