Thousands of disciples in the entire Shu Mountain could only watch Ying Changge leave helplessly.
From the beginning to the end, they did not dare to act rashly, let alone make any rebuttal remarks.
Not only because of the majesty of the Great Elder.
It was also because of Ying Changge’s displayed strength that they had an unprecedented psychological impact and deterrence.
It is precisely because of this that they dare not reprimand and provoke Ying Changge anymore.
after all.
Even the Great Elder can’t take down the other party, so what virtue and ability do they have, how dare they provoke such a terrifying existence?
Letting them deal with this kind of existence is just pure death.
“have they gone?”
“This guy is such a monster!”
“It’s the first time I’ve seen a strong man that even the Great Elder can’t beat with all his strength!”
“hard to imagine.”
“A person with such terrifying strength is still in a weak year.”
“This is real genius!”
The Shushan disciples present were still looking at the messy ruins left by the battlefield ahead with lingering fear.
It’s all on display.
Everything they witnessed just now was definitely not their hallucinations.
Everything happened for real!
Someone really can stop the Great Elder!
Block the terrifying power of the Great Elder from the front!
And this person is still a young man in his weak years!
A blind man who is blind!
Thinking of this, many Shushan disciples present were even more shocked.
The scenes of the battle that broke out just now lingered in their minds with incomparable memories, making them unable to forget this shocking scene.
For the rest of their lives, they will never forget the battle they witnessed today!
“What kind of terrifying existence were we facing before?”
A group of Shushan disciples who were born in the innate realm had lingering fears.
They suddenly felt.
They who intervened in the battlefield just now were able to save a life now, which is already regarded as their great luck.
“No wonder I lost!”
“Losing to this terrifying monster…”
“Not wronged!”
The second strongest man in Shushan thought so in his heart.
beside him.
Feeling shocked, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Ying Changge, the Great Elder and others, and quickly left the scene.only left……
A group of Shushan disciples who were full of shock and horror.
They couldn’t calm down the shocking mood for a long time, and stayed in place, staring blankly at the messy ruins full of holes in all directions.
Chapter 209 Arriving at the Holy Land of Shushan! Finally see Fuso Shenmu! 【Please customize】
On the way to the Holy Land of Shushan.
The Great Elder, who was suffocating countless puzzled questions, finally couldn’t help asking: “Dare to ask the seventh son, what kind of martial art was that just now? It can cover the entire audience and suppress it on a large scale.”
“If it wasn’t for the suppression of the body, the old man with the sword just now shouldn’t be so embarrassed.”
“such a pity……”
Mentioning this move, the Great Elder was full of curiosity.
He lived hundreds of years.
But this is the first time I have seen such a weird and terrifying trick!
It is hard to guard against!
Almost flawless!
“It’s just a small trick.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Would he say…
He has mastered the fruit of gravity?
I’m afraid that the Great Elder may not be able to understand it even if it is said.
after all.
The Great Elder may not even know what ‘gravity’ is.
No matter how much he explained, Ying Changge felt that it was impossible for the other party to understand the power he possessed.
“Small means?!”
The corner of the Great Elder’s mouth couldn’t help twitching.
Even with his calm state of mind, he couldn’t help being stimulated by Ying Changge’s words.
This horse riding is also called a small trick?
Is this the world of monsters?
It’s really hard to see through!
“And just now…”
“Could it be that the seventh son can really see through all the attacking intentions of the old man? So as to dodge in advance?”
The elder continued to ask.
“Actually, doesn’t the Great Elder already have the answer in his heart? Why do you need to ask too many questions?”
Ying Changge shook his head and laughed.
“Just because this matter is really too scary!”
“Although the old man thought of the result, he still couldn’t believe it.”
The elder’s eyes were lost for a while.
He did think of the result, but this result made him unbelievable.
Last resort.
He couldn’t help but ask Ying Changge for the ultimate truth.
as predicted!
The truth is really as amazing as he imagined.
“Pierce into the future? Prophet?”
“This is really a terrifying ability!”
The great elder took a deep breath, and the shocking mood could not be calmed down for a long time.
at last.
While talking, the Great Elder asked Ying Changge about that last move: “What kind of martial art was that? It was far away at that time, but it still brought me a huge threat to my life.”
The words fell.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan who just followed behind also showed curiosity and anticipation involuntarily.
Of course they understand.
The trick that the Great Elder said!
They who were at the scene at that time also felt the coercion of that terrifying aura far apart.
in particular……
That black armor wrapped around the blade!
It was this power that made Yu Ziqi’s two brothers and sisters feel palpitations until now.
“This is not martial arts.”
“can only say.”
“It’s my talent.”
Ying Changge gave a brief explanation one or two very casually.
Armed with a domineering look, it is naturally not considered martial arts.

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