“Not good!”
The Great Elder felt a little ominous in his heart.
He quickly stepped forward, preparing to leave the Holy Land and rush to the noisy preparation site ahead.
But at this moment.
A petite body like a civet quickly broke into the holy place.
When seeing the figure of the Great Elder, the beautiful eyes of this petite figure could not help but flicker, and a deep surprise appeared on the immature, pretty and exquisite face.
“Great Elder!”
Shi Lan hurriedly greeted her.
“Xiaoyu? What happened outside? Could it be that the Qin army’s iron cavalry has already attacked? They wouldn’t be so quick to mobilize their forces to attack?”
The Great Elder’s eyebrows flashed a little dignified, and he asked directly.
He had originally planned to adjust his state to the best, so as to cope with the fierce battle that was about to break out next.
For this reason, he chose to stay alone in the holy land, just to adjust his state and adjust his state to the peak period.
Just didn’t expect it.
During this process, the outside world was actually uproarious.
It seems that the battle has been fully started and completely broke out.
in particular……
Seeing Shi Lan returning to Shushan, the Great Elder’s expression was full of surprise.
He almost didn’t remember.
Didn’t Shi Lan and her elder brother Yu Ziqi leave Shushan and completely stay away from Shu, trying to hide their names to avoid the detection of the empire, and upholding the arduous task of continuing the blood of the Shushan witch clan?
But why does it still appear in Shushan now?
For a moment, the Great Elder looked blank, as if he hadn’t expected it.
For Shi Lan’s appearance, he had no psychological preparation at all before.
But soon.
After suppressing the many confused thoughts in his head, the Great Elder’s expression became anxious: “Why are you back? You are confused! Where is your brother? Could it be that he is back too?”
“Didn’t I already tell you that if you don’t find the blind young man, you must never return to Shushan.”
“But why don’t you listen to advice?”
“This is troublesome!”
“Right now, Mount Shu is heavily surrounded by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry troops, making it impossible to fly.”
“But you still choose to return to Shushan at this severe moment. You are simply seeking your own death!”
“What do you think you can do when you come back? The reason why I sent you out is purely because I don’t want to see the blood of our Wu clan in Shushan cut off.”
“You guys still insisted on going back to Mount Shu!”
The elder was a little anxious.
He has already made preparations for Shushan to be completely destroyed today.
But fortunately.
He had also been fully prepared before.
At least.
He sent Shi Lan’s two brothers and sisters to leave Shushan, completely away from Shu, so that the blood of Shushan Wu Clan could continue.
But never thought about it.
Shi Lan and his two siblings unexpectedly returned to Shushan.
This made the Great Elder seem caught off guard, without any psychological defense at all.
The Great Elder looked at Shi Lan’s immature face, and wanted to criticize severely, but he could only sigh helplessly.
The matter has come to this point, no matter how angry he is, it will not help.
Sighing again, the Great Elder’s tone was full of sadness: “You really disappoint me. Surrounded by an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry, we have almost no chance of winning~‖.”
“You choose to return to Shushan at this moment, this is simply the rhythm of coming back to die on your own initiative!”
“Although I know that you want to live and die with Shushan, you also have to consider continuing the blood of our Wuzu in Shushan.”
“Do you really think that I sent you two brothers and sisters to leave Shushan just to let you find the only mysterious existence that can save our Shushan?”
The great elder shook his head bitterly.
Of course, he had other plans for this matter.
Naturally, it is to allow the bloodline of the Shushan Wu clan to continue, so that they will not be wiped out by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry today.
He still miscalculated.
Shi Lan and his two siblings actually chose to return to Shushan at this moment.
This time, all the original plans of the Great Elder were directly disrupted.
The Great Elder has already prepared a desperate fight to accompany Shushan to be completely destroyed here.
But seeing Shi Lan returning to Shushan, his original firm belief was a little shaken.
“Elder, Great Elder, it’s not what you think.”
“According to your request, we have already found the young man who is blind.”
“It is precisely because of this that we will return to Shushan.”
“You misunderstood us.”
Shi Lan immediately opened her mouth to explain.
Her immature and pretty face was full of anxious expressions.
“You, what did you just say?!”
The elder’s eyes widened immediately.
what’s the situation?
Did he hear wrong just now?
Actually found the mysterious being who was blind?
real or fake?
The huge Shu Kingdom has vast land and abundant resources, and Xiaoyu and his two brothers and sisters actually found the prophesied existence in just three days?
No way?
Is there really such a coincidence?
“You, you really found him?”
“The young man who was blind?”
“Could you not just find someone to deceive me?”
The elder asked anxiously.
“it is true!”
“All of this can only be said to be a big coincidence.”
“At that time, my brother and I were already feeling desperate. We planned to fight to the death, but we never thought that fate would allow us to meet the mysterious existence you predicted.”
Shi Lan willThe thrilling deeds of this trip were told to Great Elder Yu intact.
After listening to Shi Lan’s introduction, the Great Elder was even more shocked.
“You mean to say…”
“The savior of Mount Shu in my prophecy turned out to be the seventh son of the current empire?!”
“He belongs to the prince of the empire?!”
The elder was stunned.
He couldn’t predict at all that the only one who could save Shushan in the prophecy would be the prince who had such a significant relationship with the empire!
Everything overturned the Great Elder’s cognitive view.
“Besides, Great Elder, that Seventh Young Master’s strength is terrifying!”
“Even though I’m about the same age as me, my strength has already reached a level comparable to yours.”
“Far beyond ordinary martial arts masters!”
Shi Lan said seriously.
The elder was shocked again.
Just because he is still in the weak crown year, his strength far exceeds that of ordinary martial arts masters? !
Even close to him, an invincible powerhouse at the perfect level of a martial arts master?

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