“Is he really that strong?”
“You are congenitally perfect! You are about to hit the martial arts master!”
“But even with your strength, you are not sure of victory?”
A group of congenital strong people were deeply palpitated and moved.
Uncle Yu’s strength is so strong, of course they are well aware of it.
Except for the Great Elder in Shushan, the most powerful person is this Uncle Yu!
The cultivation base has reached the realm of congenital perfection!
did not expect.
As the second strongest person in Shushan, when facing the young man in front of him, he was not sure of victory.
Thinking of this, a group of Shushan disciples who had reached the innate realm, involuntarily raised their spirits, and stared at Ying Changge with serious eyes.
After the confrontation just now, none of them dared to underestimate Ying Changge.
in particular……
Ying Changge is really too young!
None of them dared to imagine.
How could a young man at such a young age possess such terrifying strength!
This is totally unreasonable!
But now, there is no time for them to think about this issue.
“Finished formation!”
Uncle Yu shouted loudly.
Words just fell.
Surrounding him, several innate powerhouses began to circulate their innate qi one after another, and they walked to the four directions of east, west, north, south, and locked on the embryonic form of a formation.
Uncle Yu walked forward step by step, and the distance between Ying Changge and Ying Changge kept getting closer.
The palm prints of his hands kept changing, so fast that he could see afterimages, and the innate qi entangled in his body became more and more vigorous.
Visible to the naked eye.
Taking the place where Uncle Yu was standing as the center point, a light blue line spread out from under his feet, and quickly spread in all directions.
at the same time.
The four disciples of Shu Mountain who were in the innate realm were located in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and a light blue line spread rapidly under their feet.
In less than a moment, the lines were connected with each other and formed a whole formation.
The unparalleled surging energy suddenly soared into the sky!
The light blue lines condense to form an exquisite and mysterious formation. The internal structure is very complicated and cumbersome, and it exudes an extremely powerful aura and coercion.
Uncle Yu, who has reached the realm of congenital perfection, is located in the center of this formation.
This is a formation formed with him as the core!
It is the most exquisite witchcraft formation that has been passed down from Shushan these years!
The formation is ever-changing and unpredictable.
A little careless…
Enough to bring a devastating blow to the enemy!
Not to mention.
This large Shushan witchcraft formation is still operated by a strong man with a congenital perfection level as the core.
in this way.
It is enough to make the danger level of the witchcraft formation climb several levels!
The formation took shape.
A series of light blue lines, like spider webs, spread all over the area within a radius of tens of meters.
The four directions of east, west, north and south are controlled by four innate late stage powerhouses.
The core axis of the central area is controlled by Uncle Yu, who is congenitally perfect.
In this situation.
The sorcery formation can completely kill a real martial arts master!
“The rest of the personnel are all evacuated from the battlefield!”
“The next battle is no longer something you can participate in and interfere with.”
“Under Heaven, leave immediately!”
Uncle Yu’s voice resounded.
Do as he bids.
not for a while.
The disciples of Shu Mountain, who were born in nature, withdrew from the battlefield one after another, retreated back to the crowd, and looked at the movement of the battlefield ahead with anticipation in their eyes.
“This kid is finished!”
“The witchcraft formation run by Uncle Yu himself is activated…”
“Next, he will inevitably end up being crushed.”
“It’s time for this arrogant kid to see the strength of our Shushan Wu Clan!”
“He will definitely pay a heavy price for his actions today!”
A group of Shushan disciples clenched their fists and chatted in low voices full of excitement.
Thousands of Shushan disciples looked forward to it.
They couldn’t wait to see the scene where Ying Changge was beaten up by them in Shushan.
Because just now.
Almost all of them were Shushan disciples, who were unilaterally crushed and instantly killed by the opponent!
This made them naturally simmer with anger in their hearts and had nowhere to vent.
And now.
They had a strong premonition in their hearts when they saw the formation formed by the innate consummate powerhouse.
That arrogant kid…
I’m going to plant this time!
“Seventh Young Master will really lose?”
Yu Ziqi moved slightly and whispered to himself.
I thought about it carefully.
Although he felt a little worried in his heart, he was still more inclined in his heart.
Seventh Young Master, it may not be true that he will lose!
Do not know why.
Yu Ziqi always had a premonition in his heart.
The strength shown by the Seventh Young Master just now is just the tip of the iceberg!
Although this was indeed absurd, Yu Ziqi had this premonition.
“If it’s really what I imagined in my heart.”
“After this battle, the seventh son will do…”
“By relying on my own strength, I will completely overthrow the entire Shu Mountain!”
Yu Ziqi couldn’t help but gasped, his shocked mood was unable to calm down for a long time.
Chapter 199 Shocking the Great Elder! You are still too naive! 【Please customize】
holy place.
“The movement just now was…”
The Great Elder frowned tightly, the snow-white eyebrows on both sides were full of sorrow, and his cloudy eyes were fixed on a certain direction in front of him.
Could it be…
Has the Qin army’s iron cavalry attacked?
It can’t be so fast, can it?
But what was the reason for the huge turmoil just now?
Fight broke out?

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