Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes rippled faintly.
She stared straight ahead, sizing up the huge Shushan Mountain carefully.
After spending several days traveling all the way from Xianyang City, I finally arrived at the destination of this trip as I wished!
For Ying Changge, with a late-innate cultivation level, it is naturally impossible for him to feel physically exhausted from traveling all the way.
“let’s go.”
Ying Changge led Mengying and Shao Siming, and the three of them strolled towards the front of the 100,000-strong army.
not for a while.
Ying Changge successfully arrived at the place where Meng Tian and Xu Fu were.
“Young master.”
When seeing Ying Changge’s figure, no matter if it was Meng Tianyi or Xu Fu, they all lowered their heads involuntarily, their tone was respectful, and they didn’t dare to neglect at all.
In the depths of Xu Fu’s eyes, there was still a deep sense of panic and fear hidden.
Xu Fu still cannot forget what happened just now.
Make him memorable!
The fact that he was almost killed by Ying Changge on the spot will naturally make Xu Fu unable to forget this matter in a short time.
He had no doubts.
If he had spoken rudely at that time, he might have been wiped out on the spot!
It is precisely because of this that he is so afraid of Ying Changge.
Different from Meng Tian.
Xu Fu can be sure.
No matter how presumptuous he is, Meng Tian will never dare to act rashly towards him.
However, only from Ying Changge’s hands, Xu Fu felt a fatal threat.
“General Meng Tian, ​​how do we deal with this group of Shushan witches?”
“I really want to know.”
“Do you have a plan in mind?”
Ying Changge asked straight to the point.
“I don’t know what the son’s opinion is”
After thinking for a while, Meng Tian asked hesitantly.
“It’s not a high opinion.”
“My personal suggestion…”
“You can first find out the details and depths of the Shushan Wuzu, and then consider targeted strategies.”
“In this way, it can also prevent the empire from losing troops and generals.”
“I just don’t know what General Meng Tian wants?”
Ying Changge proposed.
After a pause, he continued: “The sorcery of the Shushan Wuzu is so weird and unpredictable that it is impossible to guard against it. If you are not careful, it may cause large-scale casualties.”
“In order to avoid this from happening, I think it is still possible to send people to Shushan to find out the details of Shushan.”
“I can also discuss it with the people of the Shushan Wu Clan.”
“It might be possible to find a reasonable solution.”
The words fell.
Meng Tian fell into deep thought.
Xu Fu looked anxious, but he didn’t dare to interrupt.
The fear of Ying Changge had been etched into his bones and made him feel deeply afraid.
Ying Changge opened his mouth to propose, but Xu Fu absolutely did not dare to veto it at will.
“My lord is right.”
Finally, Meng Tian nodded, agreeing to Ying Changge’s proposal.
If he could complete this task without a single soldier, of course he would be very happy to accept it.
after all.
The 100,000 cavalry army under his command was all cultivated by him, Meng Tian, ​​and losing any of them would make him very heartbroken.
If it can be as Ying Changge said, Meng Tian will naturally raise his hands in agreement.
He thought so too.
The witchcraft of the Wu clan in Shushan is weird and unpredictable, and it is really necessary to send some people to go forward to test the opponent.
Avoid heavy losses at that time!
“Will this group of Shushan witches really let us get what we want?”
Meng Tian was deeply confused and hesitant.
“How will you know the result if you don’t try?”
Ying Changge laughed.
Hearing this, Meng Tian nodded: “Young Master’s words are very true.”
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were escorted to the front of the army.
When they came to Ying Changge’s side, the two were apprehensive and worried, and their brows showed helplessness and despair.
Will Shushan live or die in the end?
The answer is about to be revealed!
The life and death of Shushan…
Only in the thought of this seventh son!
The Shushan Wu Clan with only a thousand people can’t resist the 100,000 army of the empire!
If disputes and fights really broke out between the two.
Then there is no doubt…
Shushan will definitely be destroyed because of this!
It will be destroyed today!
Thinking of this, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked at Ying Changge with yearning eyes.
Ying Changge is their only hope.
Whether they can save Shushan, they can only rely on Ying Changge.
“My lord, may I ask what we need to do?”
Yu Ziqi took a deep breath and lowered his head.
“You don’t need to do anything, just help me lead the way later, and take me up Mount Shu.”
Ying Changge spoke bluntly.
The sound just fell.
It immediately shocked the Quartet.
Meng Tian became anxious: “Young master, what do you mean, you want to set foot on Mount Shu alone? To meet the group of witches from Mount Shu? You must not be impulsive!”
If Ying Changge was held hostage because of this, Meng Tian would have nothing to do.
It was the thought of this that made him so anxious.
“Young master, please think again.”
“Shushan witches are a bunch of tyrannical people.”
“With such a noble and prominent status as you, if you set foot on Mount Shu, you will most likely encounter hostility and murder from this group of Shu Mountain witches.”
Xu Fu also spoke.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Both of them were afraid that Ying Changge would be kidnapped by the Shushan Wu clan.
“Don’t worry, I know what to do.”
“To be honest, it’s not that I’m deliberately exaggerating.”
“Looking at the entire Shu Mountain, no one can threaten my life.”
Ying Changge had a calm expression on his face, unmoved.
It’s not that he’s too blindly confident.

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