“It’s even more unfathomable than our Great Elder!”
“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. The Seventh Young Master, who is about the same age as us, has actually reached such an incredible level of strength.”
“Seeing the Seventh Young Master, I really realized it.”
“In this world, there are really geniuses!”
Yu Ziqi was deeply moved.
Shi Lan nodded solemnly.
Her immature, delicate and beautiful little face is full of seriousness and seriousness.
She also deeply agrees with Yu Ziqi’s evaluation.
A group of 100,000 imperial iron cavalry, plus two disciples of the Wu tribe in Shushan.
All the way forward at an even speed.
that’s it.
Time flickered, and two hours passed.
In the distance, Meng Tian and Xu Fu, who were at the forefront of the army, were driving their horses. They got their wish and saw a towering and steep mountain in the distance.
The mountain is so steep that it almost towers above the clouds.
Even though they are far away, Meng Tian and others in the distance can still see clearly.
Within the range of dozens of kilometers, only this steep mountain is the most eye-catching and eye-catching.
“There, is Mount Shu!”
Xu Fu, who was also riding a war horse, had twinkling eyes and reminded him in a low voice.
“Have you finally arrived at Mount Shu?”
“It took more than three days to come all the way, and finally arrived at the destination!”
Meng Tian was very emotional.
This journey can be described as too long.
Although the process went smoothly, no unsightly bandits dared to stop it.
But traveling long distances can still be exhausting.
Now seeing the destination ahead, Meng Tian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Xu Fu’s eyes were somewhat obscure and complicated.
at the same time.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, who were surrounded by 100,000 cavalry, had worried eyes.Worrying, apprehensive, and nervous, he stared at the Shu Mountain in front of him.
When they returned to Shushan again, instead of any joy, the two of them only had deep panic, fear, and worry in their hearts.
they do not know.
What is the fate that greets them in Shushan?
Can they Shushan escape this catastrophe by luck?
Can Shushan, which is currently in dire straits, survive successfully?
All this, they do not know.
For this, the two siblings could only pray silently in their hearts.
I hope that Shushan can get their wish and resolve this huge crisis and disaster!
They also have great hopes in their hearts…
That Seventh Young Master can save their entire Wu Clan in Shushan! .
Chapter 191 Meeting! One hundred thousand iron cavalry of the Qin army and the Wu clan of Shushan! 【Please customize】
After a while.
The empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry have arrived at the foot of Shu Mountain.
Following Meng Tian’s order.
One hundred thousand elite cavalry all stopped and moved in an orderly manner.
The thunderous sound of the horse’s iron hooves trampling the ground came to an abrupt end, and then disappeared into the open environment.
A full 100,000 troops almost completely surrounded the entire Shushan garrison!
Not even a single mosquito can escape from the encirclement net of the 100,000 troops.
See this scene.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan tightened their hearts, and their faces became more anxious and worried. They clenched their fists, revealing their inner tension and anxiety.
A full 100,000 troops are too deterrent.
Can Shushan really handle it?
too difficult!
This is a hundred thousand cavalry!
How can the 100,000 well-trained elite cavalry in the empire be able to compete with a thousand people in Shushan?
The gap between the two is too great.
It’s like a chasm!
How different!
Yu Ziqi couldn’t even imagine it.
How can they, Shushan, survive this huge crisis and disaster.
“I really can only count on that Seventh Young Master to make a move.”
Yu Ziqi shook his head bitterly and sighed, thinking with a ashen face.
Other than that, he couldn’t think of any second possibility at all.
Just relying on them Shushan want to turn the tide?
This is simply a big joke!
The gap in numbers cannot be made up. Even if the Shushan Wu Clan has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, there are only about a thousand people.
For an ordinary Jianghu sect, this number of people is definitely not small.
But if compared with the entire empire, the Wu Clan of Shushan would instantly appear extremely humble and insignificant.
in particular……
This time, the empire dispatched a hundred thousand elite cavalry!
By contrast.
The thousands of people in Shushan are far from qualified enough to put someone’s teeth between them.
“Seventh Young Master, I implore you to help me.”
Yu Ziqi turned his head and looked at the carriage behind him.
Shi Lan also looked at the carriage, her beautiful eyes were full of hope and longing.
at the same time.
The movements of the entire army stopped abruptly.
Meng Ying’s voice then sounded in the carriage.
“Young master, we have successfully arrived at the foot of Mount Shu.”
Meng Ying rode the horse and followed the carriage all the way to fulfill his duties. As a personal bodyguard, he is undoubtedly very qualified.
“Has it arrived yet?”
In the carriage, after hearing Meng Ying’s reminder, Ying Changge couldn’t help showing a look of anticipation.
Shushan, this is a very mythical place.
Ying Changge jumped straight away, and stepped down from the carriage.
Both feet landed steadily, and Ying Changge, dressed in white, floated wantonly in the breeze.
The perfect level of domineering, still maintains a radius of about 500 meters in diameter.
Following Ying Changge was Shao Si Ming who got off the carriage. She was located behind Ying Changge and did not dare to pass in front of Ying Changge.
The breeze blew up her purple and soft hair, dancing with the wind, three thousand blue hairs danced lightly, carrying a unique and faint fragrance.

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