Ying Changge waved his hand.
As soon as the subject changed, he suddenly asked Shao Si Ming beside him: “I believe that you should not choose to reveal the content of our conversation, right?”
Shao Siming was silent for a moment.
She parted her pink lips: “Don’t worry, my lord, I will not pass on the content of your conversation to the Yin Yang family.”
With Shao Siming’s guarantee, Ying Changge can rest assured.
Shao Siming is different from Da Si Ming in that he does not have absolute loyalty to the Yin Yang family.
Since the other party has made a promise, they will never violate it without authorization.
In this regard, Ying Changge still believed in the other party.
Ying Changge stepped into the carriage with Shao Siming, while Meng Ying rode the horse, and the three of them rushed slowly to the round location designated by Meng Tian.
Inside the carriage.
Shao Siming pondered for a while, and she finally chose to speak: “My lord, according to rumors, the Fusang Shenmu is the habitat of the god of the sun in ancient mythology.”
“It contains extremely pure vitality and the true fire of the sun. The Yin Yang family has recorded that the hibiscus tree is related to overseas fairy islands.”
“It has grown for nearly a thousand years, and has been guarded by the Shushan witches from generation to generation to prevent outsiders from coveting.”
“It is a sacred object of Mount Shu!”
“It is also a belief that is more important than life in the eyes of the Wu people in Shu Han!”
“Handed down.”
“The hibiscus tree can communicate with the heavens at the top, and connect with the netherworld at the bottom. It grows in the human world and is regarded as the only gate connecting the three worlds.”
“Only by mastering it can we successfully find Xiandao overseas…”
Without reservation, Shao Siming revealed all his understanding of Fusang Shenmu in his heart.Not even her.
Why did she take the initiative to state and introduce all this.
If it was the past, of course she would not speak too much.
But following Ying Changge these days, Shao Siming’s disposition has undergone subtle changes.
This is why at this moment, she took the initiative to threaten to tell Yu Yingchangge that there were many introductions about the Fusang Shenmu recorded in Yinyang’s family for hundreds of years.
“Can you communicate with the heavens when you go up? Can you connect with the underworld when you go down?”
“This so-called hibiscus tree…”
“It looks extremely full of mythological embellishments.”
“As long as you master it, can you go to sea to find overseas fairy islands?”
“Perhaps this is the main reason that your Yin Yang family used to persuade father to send troops to Shushan, Shu Kingdom first?”
Ying Changge suddenly understood.
Only then did he understand.
How did the Yin Yang family convince their father.
It is related to immortals again!
Overseas Fairy Island?
Link the Fusang Shenmu with overseas fairy islands.
In this way, the first emperor Yingzheng can be persuaded to send troops to Shushan in the Shu Kingdom, and try to encircle and suppress the Wu clan who have guarded the Fusang sacred tree in Shushan for generations.
In the whole world, only the incident involving the immortals of Xiandao could attract his father, Emperor Yingzheng, to express such an urgent and cautious mood.
The Yin-Yang family took advantage of this point.
“Yin Yang Family…”
“It’s really hard to control the character of the father.”
Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing and shook his head.
Now he is more certain.
That is……
The Onmyo family must have a huge conspiracy against Fusang Shenmu!
Thinking of this, he couldn’t wait to go and destroy the schemes and plans of the Yin Yang family.
Ying Changge also has a certain degree of curiosity about the Wu Clan in Shushan.
He has never seen it.
This kind of mysterious ethnic group who can’t hide from the world!
A group of loyal guardians from generation to generation is indeed worthy of admiration.
Guarding the Fusang Shenmu for nearly a thousand years is not something everyone can do.
And the Shushan Wu Clan did it!
This alone made Ying Changge unable to feel any disgust towards this group of witches, but was deeply curious about this group of loyal people.
Yu Yuan’s guards are their collective name.
My thoughts turned.
Ying Changge suddenly smiled at Shao Siming and asked: “You told me so much just now, Mixin who belongs to your Yinyang family, isn’t he afraid of being questioned and punished by the Yinyang family?”
Hearing this, Shao Si Ming was silent for a while.
She remained expressionless as always, and her tone was flat: “They won’t find out.”
Ying Changge’s expression became even more playful: “Oh? What if I expose you to them? Do you believe in my character so much?”
Shao Siming looked at Ying Changge with a pair of beautiful eyes, and shook his head gently after a while, shaking his soft purple hair.
“My lord, you wouldn’t do that.”

The carriage drifted away.
Just as they were about to leave the gate of Xianyang City, Ying Changge and others finally got their wish and arrived at the round location designated by Meng Tian.
The perfect level of domineering arrogance covered all directions, and Ying Changge had already noticed that Meng Tian and the other hundreds of thousands of elite cavalry led by Meng Tian were lined up here.
“A hundred thousand cavalry…”
“It’s really exciting!”
Ying Changge sighed inwardly.
Everything around him naturally couldn’t escape his perfect level of knowledgeable and domineering insight!
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, surrounding his body as the center point, sweeps across an area with a diameter of 500 meters.
Even so, it still can’t completely cover the hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry troops!
One can imagine.
This time, in order to crusade against the Shu Mountain of the Shu Kingdom and wipe out the group of anti-Qin elements, what a huge terrorist force the empire has dispatched.
Not to mention the Kingdom of Shu, even if it is a Kingdom of Shu…
I’m afraid they won’t be able to withstand the 100,000 cavalry army led by Meng Tian!
“Meng Tian, ​​I have met the Seventh Young Master.”
Just as Ying Changge was feeling emotional, a majestic voice sounded from outside the window of the carriage, the voice was rich and full of air.
“General Meng Tian, ​​I haven’t seen him for a long time, but he still has the same demeanor and dignified appearance.”
Ying Changge slowly opened the curtains with a smile on his face.
as predicted.
Beside the window outside the carriage was a burly middle-aged man wearing a black gold-rimmed armor, with sharp facial features, a fierce look in his brows, and fierce iron and blood all over his body.
This person is naturally Meng Tian.
Meng Tian rode the horse and sat next to the carriage, facing Ying Changge’s posture with respect.
“Young Master’s astonishing speed of strength improvement in recent days also deeply shocked the humble staff.”
“It is worthy of being called the number one evildoer in the ages!”
Meng Tian sighed deeply.
After complimenting each other for a few words, Meng Tian went straight to the topic: “My lord probably already knows that we need to go to the Kingdom of Shu first on this trip, instead of rushing directly to the Mohist organ city.”
Ying Changge nodded: “Everything can be carried out according to General Meng Tian’s plan. I will not interfere too much, nor will it affect your plan, General Meng Tian.”
Hearing this, Meng Tian breathed a sigh of relief.
He was also afraid that Ying Changge would express dissatisfaction with his original plan.
But look now.
Apparently he was worrying too much.
Seeing Ying Changge’s easy-going and elegant posture, Meng Tian immediately understood.
This trip can be carried out according to his original plan.

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