This time, you can go directly to the Mohist organ city, so as to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements!
But it is unpredictable after all.
The sudden accident changed the original itinerary, direction and goal.
The goal gradually shifted to…
Shushan Wu Clan of Shu Kingdom!
A group of mysterious, unfathomable and powerful groups.
Although Ying Changge didn’t know much about this group of Shushan witches.
But anyone with a little brain can basically think of it clearly.
How can an ethnic group that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years and has never been destroyed by others be a mob?
This is obviously impossible!
The Shushan Wu Clan is by no means an idle generation!
It was able to protect the Fusang sacred tree for nearly a thousand years, and keep this sacred tree intact, and in the process, contained those power groups that were about to move.
In this way, it is enough to see how powerful and terrifying their own strength is.
Without strong strength, it is impossible for Shushan Wuzu to protect Fusang Shenmu for so many years!
“Yu Yuan’s guard in Shushan…”
“The guardian of the hibiscus tree for generations!”
“Concubine Yu Shilan!”
The expression on Ying Changge’s face seemed intriguing for a while.
He began to wonder.
What if this time ruins the overall plan of the Yin Yang family!
Can I also get a considerable improvement in template integration from it?
If nothing unexpected happens.
According to the original development of the incident, this time, the Shushan Wu Clan will be brutally defeated by the 4.9th General Meng Tian of the Empire, leading hundreds of thousands of elite cavalry of the Empire.
All the witches in Shushan were eradicated at one time.
Only a few fish slipped through the net.
These few fish that slipped through the net were naturally Yu Ji Shi Lan and her bodyguards of several Shushan witches.
at last……
The fish that slipped through the net of the Shushan Wu clan, Shi Lan and the others will take advantage of the opportunity to lurk in Sanghai City!
Everything is being prepared for the anti-Qin incident.
at the same time.
In order to regain it at all costs, they Shushan Wu Clan have guarded the rare treasure Fusang Shenmu for nearly a thousand years.
They silently chose to wait for an opportunity to lurk in Songhai City, looking for a suitable opportunity.
On the other side, the Yinyang family, after the Shushan Wu clan is destroyed, will also get their wish to get the Fusang Shenmu they have dreamed of.
They will plant the hibiscus tree on the mirage, and recruit three thousand boys and girls, trying to control the mirage with the hibiscus tree.
Therefore, it is used to travel overseas to the east to find overseas fairy islands.
This is the biggest plan of the Yin Yang family this time!
Get ready for the mirage!
The Fusang sacred tree guarded by the witches in Shushan for generations was seized by the Yinyang family in order to build a mirage!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge has very good reasons to doubt.
All of these are the yin and yang family’s conspiracyprivate!
For the selfish interests of their Yin Yang family!
As for the Empire?
But it’s just a target for them to use.
“If I destroy it…”
“Should be able to get a lot of template fusion?”
Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
He said in his heart that he was looking forward to that moment very much.
Chapter 178 Xu Fu? Your kid is named Xu Fu, right? 【Please customize】
“Young Master, what is Fusang Shenmu?”
“What kind of power is the Wu Clan in Shushan? Why have they never heard of it before? Is there really such a hidden power in this river and lake?”
Meng Ying asked with a blank face.
“Shushan Wu Clan…”
“A group of very mysterious ethnic groups, which have been passed down for nearly a thousand years and have never disappeared in the long river of time.”
“The witchcraft they practice is even more weird and unpredictable.”
“Compared to the Yin-Yang Art of the Yin-Yang School, it is even more mysterious. At least in these years, there have been almost no Shushan Wu Clan who practiced witchcraft in the rivers and lakes.”
“All in all, the Wu Clan in Shushan is very mysterious and powerful.”
Ying Changge briefly popularized it.
“Young master, why has such a powerful ethnic group never appeared in the world before?”
Meng Ying asked again.
Hearing this, the expression on Ying Changge’s face was meaningful: “Now I have to mention the hibiscus tree that they have guarded for generations.”
“In fact.”
“The existence of the Wu Clan in Shushan is to protect the sacred tree of Fusang.”
“They are a group of guardians!”
“Therefore, many grievances and hatreds in the rivers and lakes have nothing to do with the Shushan Wuzu. The meaning of their existence is only for the Fusang Shenmu.”
The words fell.
Meng Ying asked: “In this way, isn’t the goal of our trip to seize the treasures they have guarded for generations? How can they let it go?”
Ying Changge nodded: “Of course they won’t let it go. And isn’t this exactly what the Yin Yang family wants to see?”
Shao Siming’s beautiful face hidden under the veil was slightly moved, as if there were waves of relatively weak ripples.
The words Ying Changge said naturally touched her heart.
As one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, Shao Siming certainly has a certain understanding and cognition of the Shushan Wuzu and the Fusang Shenmu.
“Let’s get ready to go and go to have a round with General Meng Tian.”
“Since the matter has come to this point in 2005, we should think about how to better win the Fusang Shenmu and reduce disputes and fights with the Wu Clan in Shushan.”
“If possible, I don’t want to see Shushan Wu clan wiped out.”
Ying Changge said thoughtfully.
The Yin Yang family wanted to target the Wu Clan in Shushan, so he just refused to let the other party get what they wanted.
The Yinyang family not only wants to win the Fusang Shenmu, but also wants to eradicate the Shushan Wuzu.
In this regard, since Ying Changge has already participated in it, it is absolutely impossible for the Yin Yang family to succeed.
Although I don’t know the relationship between the Yin Yang family and the Shushan Wu family, what is the relationship between the two.
But Ying Changge will try his best to stop and destroy what the Yin Yang family wants to do.
He doesn’t have any good feelings for the Yin Yang family.
“My lord is right.”
“A power group that guards Fusang Shenmu for generations is by no means so simple.”
“They have been able to inherit for nearly a thousand years, and they are still standing tall, which is enough to show the horror of their own power. If we rashly go to war, I’m afraid we will suffer heavy losses because of it.”
“This matter has to be discussed in the long run, as you said, son.”
Meng Ying nodded solemnly.
An ethnic group that can pass on for nearly a thousand years is obviously by no means a weak one.
Why did the Onmyo family invite them out of the empire?
Not because of…
The Yin-Yang family is not sure about dealing with the Shushan Wu Clan either!
Only then did the empire dispatch, and their Yin Yang family sat back and enjoyed the benefits, and they could get the Fusang Shenmu they wanted without any effort.
“Come on, don’t think about it.”

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